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Need Some Help From Parents, (or high school kids)

Ignatius J.

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I'm working on expanding my tutoring business, and I wanted to get some parents' perspectives.

Imagine you have a child that is doing pretty well in school, but recently enrolled in AP physics or calculus and is struggling a little bit. Perhaps the teacher is doing a very bad job of explaining things.

a) would you consider hiring a tutor for your child?

B) If you did, how would you go about looking for a tutor? where would you begin your search?

c) What would you look for in a tutor? What would the most important atttributes you would use in deciding on a tutor?

Thanks in advance for any responses!

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I guess first I would make the child stay after with the teacher, most teachers do stay after almost every day for help. If I were to get a tutor, Id try and find someone that is knowledgable in the subject, sometimes you canf ind former students of the same class who are tutoring.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

I'm working on expanding my tutoring business, and I wanted to get some parents' perspectives.

Imagine you have a child that is doing pretty well in school, but recently enrolled in AP physics or calculus and is struggling a little bit. Perhaps the teacher is doing a very bad job of explaining things.

a) would you consider hiring a tutor for your child?

B) If you did, how would you go about looking for a tutor? where would you begin your search?

c) What would you look for in a tutor? What would the most important atttributes you would use in deciding on a tutor?

Thanks in advance for any responses!

a) I would definitely hire a tutor for my child if needed.

B) I imagine I would start asking around at the school - talking to administrators/guidance counselors to see if they had recommendations. My sister-in-law is a teacher in the local elementary school and she does tutoring - most of her "clients" are referred to he by the staff at the school.

c) I would want someone who was patient and able to adapt to different types of kids/learning abilities (in other words I would not hire my sis-in-law:)). Oh yea, and like R4L234 said....it would help if she is hot. :)

Good luck to you Inatius!

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Back in High School (a whole 3 months ago), I needed a tutor in math (mainly to bring my math SAT score up). For me, a tutor kind of fell into my lap, because it turned out that the guy who owns our lawn care service also did math tutoring. I ended up going from a 560 math to a 700. Tutoring provides the personal attention that simply attending class can't give. The best place to find a tutor is usually at school, where you can find anyone from NHS members to faculty members to tutor in almost any subject.

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I tutor my neighbor's son in Alegbra at times. He needs the help or he would not make it through. He is great in history, englis etc but hates math. If I had a kid I would definately look for help if they needed it. Tutors these days are very exspensive that is why I help out my neighbor.

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I wish i had a tutor in school. I wasnt mature enough to know how to handle school. In retrospect, all the classes i did bad in was because, 1) I fell behind, 2) didnt seek help 3) felt that i deserved what I earned.

Tutors have to be knowledgable and patient. Their attention shouldnt be on more than a handful of kids.

As for where to look for tutors. There was a student tutoring program, but the idea of the smart kids tutoring me made me feel like an idiot, so i didnt go.

The presentation of the tutor and the program is important. Would I be going to idiot-camp, or getting help with subject X.

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