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Explain these draft picks' mentalities please


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Maybe it's because I haven't been following football this closely that long, but could somebody please explain to me how a 2nd round RB could want to be paid big time and a pair of 3rd round picks feel they deserve to be paid 2nd round money?

Don't they know how it works? They were drafted in the third round for a reason...for one reason or another, they just WERE NOT 2ND ROUND MATERIAL IN THE EYES OF GMs around the league!!! So then where do they get off demanding 2nd round money??

It just boggles my mind, maybe one of you guys can explain it.

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Maybe when you're (fairly or unfairly) regarded as a front office that will pay over value, draftees and free agents will try to take advantage of it. Its hold-out situations like these where they can stand their ground and put this "oh you can stretch these guys" reputation to rest once and for all.

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generally I would agree on a free agent level that is the Redskins MO, but as for draft picks these players are not being counted on to start or even be major contributors in 2002 unless there are crippling injuries, so their leverage is limited.

remember the Redskins have had an inordinate amount of high draft picks over the past few years because of trades with New Orleans and the compensation for Sean Gilbert.

Bailey, Arrington, Samuels, Gardner. Heck Gardner was our lowest first round pick since 1997 when we took Lang at #17 :)

this year we had more overall picks but they were lower down in the order.

if Ramsey and Betts were BOTH to miss a week of camp, how upset would I be?

Upset that both players don't realize they are in the 'show me' stage of their careers and as Shuler and others have shown, it can be over in a flash with a misstep as a rookie.

the hostility of the crowd that was visited on Heath Shuler when he finally started a game after that long 19 day 'holdout' during his first camp is something that Ramsey should be too smart to want to repeat. :)

again, neither player is penciled in as a starter and without any savings fresh out of school, the Redskins can afford to sweat these guys.

their 'strike' fund to sustain them in a holdout is low both in terms of dollars and leverage.

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these guys don't know jack about contracts. It's their agents telling them what they "should be" worth because agents get paid according to how much their clients get paid. The way the rookie pool is structured, these guys should realize that contracts are going to be pretty much slotted to how much other draft picks sign for. I think the hold up in these contract situations comes down to incentives, bonuses, voidable years, and other stuff that doesn't necessarily show up in the reported numbers, but are important for the money making future of the players.

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And that is no way for a rookie to spend his days. They have to know there is a finite amount of money allocated to them so holding out as a 2nd rounder makes no sense. Besides, this is not the best of ways to find oneself on a video game. :cheers:

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Betts (and your agent) meet your competition: Watson and S Double's own Gillespie.

Ramsey there are alot of fans who like the SpiceMan and it wasnt S Double who drafted you as well as fans who wanted a lineman instead of you and there are 3 QBs who can keep you holding the clipboard so the agents better wise up.

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Does anyone know if contract negotiations can take place on the weekends, or does everyone in NFL front offices close up shop until monday? I remember that was the case with the free agent market when it was in full effect, but I figured maybe it was different since these players are already drafted and we need them in at a certain time. So what's the deal, weekend work for cerrato and mendes?

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Right on Navy Dave!

The offense Spurrier runs is a well-oiled machine that relies on using not just your athletic ability(including speed) but your "smarts". Ramsey better get smart and get into camp. There are lots of other players that can run Spurrier's system. He needs to be confident in his ability, but at this point he is starting to border on arrogance. Ramsey has not even played one down in a pre-season game. He needs to stop running the mouth and start running plays. Keep the mouth shut, get to camp and realize you have a long way to go! Be grateful for the opportunity. It is a privilege to even be thinking of being the starting quarterback for the Washington Redskins. Not vice-versa. Besides, Gurode should have been the pick anyway! I agree Navy Dave! You build around the "HOGS"!

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Ramsey is not the one I'm worried about. As a No. 1 pick who's not expected to start, missing even a week of camp may not be that big of a deal. But guys like Betts, Bauman and Russell can't miss much more than the 1st day or they could really be in trouble. Bauman and Russell are risking the most because the positions they play, especially Russell, are stacked.

If Betts wants to contribute this year, it's extremely important for him to make a good impression.

Ramsey probably won't even be in camp until Wedneday or Thursday at the earliest since signing the other guys is a little bit higher priority right now.

Mendes is gonna be a busy man over the next few days.

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Maybe this is the result of having so many offseason practice sessions. Because of the new coaching staff, NFL rules allow an extra session, and the Skins really took advantage. Instead of 3-day minicamps like most teams have, the Skins held two-week-long sessions. Because most teams have a couple of short sessions in the offseason, the rookies' heads are usually still spinning. With such long sessions, things started to make sense and some of them flashed their ability.

While, in the long run, this is probably a good thing, it may have filled these rookies' heads with slightly bloated impressions of their own ability to contribute right away. All of the rookies in danger of holding out (except for the long-snapper--I still can't figure that one out) had fairly strong showings and flashed their ability. The press made note of their performances. The coaches had encouraging words.

Maybe these guys all think they are ready to start because they practiced well.

Since none of these guys are projected starters this season, I'm not all that concerned. They will learn -- the hard way, if neccessary. And the guys who are already signed will get more time to learn the systems and about each other.

I don't think it's such a big deal. A lot of other teams are having trouble signing their players, and some of them are being counted on to start and contribute right away.

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I agree with everything you said except:

neither player is penciled in as a starter and without any savings fresh out of school, the Redskins can afford to sweat these guys.

Make NO mistake. These guys are NOT sweating the cash. Their agents are floating them right now, covering any expense like, car, rent, chow and party money, in anticipation of the bucks to come. Also, they are earning interest for the "loan" too!

So, not only do the agents have a vested interest in ensuring their client gets the highest possible contract - due to the percetage of the contract they earn - they're also earning interest on the above mentioned loan they issued to the player.

:doh: YIKES

It's almost like Congress! It's a wonder we get anything done at all.

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