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BYE BYE Ramsey HELLO Brunell!!

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Originally posted by capitolpunishment

I have had enough of Ramsey. I can no longer listen to the excuses and watch Ramsey sux it up evertime he plays. I am officially on the Brunell wagon!!

At least until Brunell starts to suck in your eyes, then you'll be on the Campbell wagon.

At least until Campbell starts to look like a rookie, then... well, what the hell, lets just clmb back on the Ramsey wagon, huh? :doh:

Such bandwagon fans.

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IF and I mean IF Coach Gibbs goes with anyone other than Ramsey, he will go to Brunell, look how much time Brunell played in the second half. He was also left in the game to try to win it. If Coach Gibbs had any intentions of starting Cambell behind Ramsey than he would be playing more, espically in a tight preseason game to see how he would handle the pressure of trying to win a game.

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Patrick improved over last year's 1st pre-season game against Denver and he's doing a lot better than last year's 2nd pre-season game against Carolina...here are the stats...

2004 Patrick vs Panthers

4/11 comp

62 YDS

0 TD


2005 Patrick vs Bengals

9/18 comp

190 YDS

1 TD


He may look spotty but he's doing a lot better than last pre-season so far.

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Ramsey has a cannon arm but doesn't know how to fire it all the time. He'll make 3 good throws and 1 real bad one. I can't explain it. Brunell even though he's going against lesser players in the pre-season seems to have a better grasp right now of the offense. I am one that believes Ramsey has the talent but he's not getting it done for whatever reason.

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I don't think it's time to pull the plug on Ramsey. How quickly some forget how bad Brunell looked for the bulk of the season last year. Danny Wuerfuell put on a show in Japan a few years back also, remember that one? ...and then what transpired when the games actually MATTERED? Pat had some really good things happen tonight, and some really horrid things also. I think he deserves more time.

With that said. I will say this. Throwing against the 2nd and 3rd stringers or not...Brunell looks like a different QB right now. His throws have a zip on them, he didn't have AT ALL last season, and his mobility seems to have improved as well. It seems like somebody flicked the switch in his head since last season. I think he deserves a shot to play with the starters next week for a bit, but not to start. If he does as well with the starters against 1st stringers...well, we should cross that bridge when we get to it. We don't need the disruption of another Redskins QB controversy this early.

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Originally posted by capitolpunishment

Useless? Ramsey is a useless Joke. Guarantee he wont be in the league next year!

Where you screaming Brunell sucks last year? How many fairweather QB supporters does this message board have. Ramsey will absolutely be in the league next year, though perhaps not playing for the Skins.

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I couldn't help but think that most of the long passes Ramsey completed were lucky as opposed to a testament to his skill. That one pass to Patten in double coverage went just by the DB's arm and the safety was really friggin slow on the play. The touchdown to Thrash was fantastic. It was, however, a late read and Thrash had to extend backward to grab the catch. On this play, the safeties were slow to react again. But I'll be damned if it didn't look good. Does anyone else think that Ramsey is really forcing touch on his passes? It just plain doesn't look natural and I'm guessing it isn't considering the two bad picks. Once again, the blocking up front was amazing and we had a nice running game to show for it.

On to Brunnel... Everytime he hit someone downfield, the receiver was coming right off a break or in stride. This was good. There were some passes where no one was near the receiver, which is either a testament to Brunnel's adjustments or the skill level of the opposition. I want to say that it was a combination of both.

Any person that watched the game can say that, if nothing else, Brunnel can buy time for his receivers. With our smallish super speedy receivers, this will mean beating the bump n' run for major gains. Some of Brunnel's passes would have been better served with a little more velocity, as I could clearly see a NFL starting corner batting down a lot of "sure" completions Brunnel made today. Then again, on most of these passes, he didn't have his feet set due to some poor protection. On the other hand, when his feet were set, he really has an impressive arm.

Remember that just one season ago, Brunnel won the distance throwing competition (or came in top 3, can't quite recall) in the QB Challenge. Personally, I thought it was odd that he went from a solid former-three-time-probowler to a scrub in one season. If what they say about his hamstring injury last season is true, then he didn't get his fair shake. For those of you talking about how he outperformed Ramsey in preseason and then looked horrible in the regular season last year, please note that the injury occured in week 2 against the Giants. This coupled with a 92' offense, crippled inefficient receivers, and a missing Jansen means that he showed a lot of heart playing on. One of the commentators tonight mentioned that Gibbs said Brunnel's hamstring was an assortment of colors last season.

I hate to get Brunnel's back on this considering Ramsey is homegrown, but I trust the decision making of the QB who has been a game within the superbowl twice.

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