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Pasquarelli: Skins "appear to be out of the running" for Sam Adams

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Pastaboy says we're out of the running for Adams -- and the Bengals are now in the running.

If we *are* out of the running, I wish the Skins would hurry up and sign Willie Jackson and Ray Brown. We seem to have the cash for both -- what's the holdup?


Wednesday, July 10

With cap room to spare, Bengals hope to land Adams

By Len Pasquarelli


Flush with salary cap room in the wake of the Tuesday release of wide receiver Darnay Scott, the Cincinnati Bengals have ratcheted up their pursuit of defensive tackle Sam Adams. They will meet next week with the man whom many regard as the premier player still available in the free agent market.

Adams will fly to Cincinnati on Monday evening and visit with Bengals team officials and coaches the following day.

"That's the plan, provided he isn't signed somewhere else before then, and the Bengals understand that still remains a possibility," agent Eugene Parker said. "It's hard to say, though, that anything is imminent. But after a little bit of a slow period, we're back in discussions with some teams, and things are beginning to heat up again."

Sources close to Adams told ESPN.com two weeks ago that he figured to sign a one-year deal with either the Oakland Raiders or the Denver Broncos or return to the Baltimore Ravens on a multi-year contract before training camps opened later this month.

It now appears that the chance of going back to Baltimore, where Adams played the last two seasons and was voted to the Pro Bowl squad each of those years, has been reduced to a longshot. The Washington Redskins, who have former Ravens defensive coordinator Marvin Lewis to help recruit Adams, appear out of the running for his services.

The lack of cap room available in Denver and Oakland could bode well for the Bengals in their pursuit of Adams, who was victimized by the Ravens' roster purge this spring, and who was scheduled to earn a base salary of $5 million in '02 before he was released. The Bengals have stayed in contact with Parker, even during the lull months, surmising that they might ultimately be able to offer the best financial deal.

Cincinnati would like to partner Adams with current starters Tony Williams and Oliver Gibson to provide the team one of the better tackle rotations in the league. Getting him would allow defensive coordinator Mark Duffner to maximize the performance of the trio by limiting each man's snaps.

The Bengals have a deep defensive front, but only one true standout player, second-year end Justin Smith. Adams, 29, is one of the NFL's top interior defenders and has always been staunch against the run. At about 330 pounds, he doesn't make many plays himself, but clogs the middle and protects the linebackers behind him.

"He's a big man, a strong man, and he's a better pass rusher than you think," Cincinnati personnel chief Jim Lippincott said, assessing Adams' talent level. "You put him on our line and it makes us very difficult to run against. Very difficult."

Parker said his client regarded the Bengals as an "interesting" team, one that might be on the cusp of respectability. He said there is no timetable for a deal but acknowledged that, with camp openings pending, talks with all interested teams will accelerate. Adams has said that, if he doesn't receive a satisfactory offer, he will continue coaching the semi-pro team that he sponsors.

No one believes, however, the eight-year veteran will miss any paychecks.

"My own preference is to not do a one-year contract because I'd like get him settled in somewhere for the next few seasons," Parker said. "But there's also something to be said for doing one year, and then going back into the market next spring at the outset of free agency, when most teams have money."

Len Pasquarelli is a senior writer for ESPN.com.

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I wouldn't have minded seeing Adams line up for us, but not for anywhere NEAR the money he was trying to get. I will be a little bit relieved when he finally signs. And if he signs in Cincy, I might just chuckle a little at that. :)

This is an example of Snyder being a smarter woner then he was 2 years ago. I won't wait for the articles in the media proclaiming this, but tis true none the less. 2 years ago the Danny would've pulled the trigger immediately and for much more than necessary. Today we have a better defense for it and are in better shape cap-wise (thank you Marty).

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

(ESPN) Adams will fly to Cincinnati on Monday evening and visit with Bengals team officials and coaches the following day.

"That's the plan, provided he isn't signed somewhere else before then, and the Bengals understand that still remains a possibility," agent Eugene Parker said. "It's hard to say, though, that anything is imminent. But after a little bit of a slow period, we're back in discussions with some teams, and things are beginning to heat up again."

I just re-read this, and I've decided any "interest" by Adams/Parker in the Bengals is baloney. Give me a break: training camp starts in 12 days, and they're going to wait 6 days until Adams works out for the Bengals?

I know Adams is heavy, but even he can move faster than that.

This is pure spin by Parker. My money says Adams intends to sign somewhere else (maybe even with the Redskins), and they've leaked this crap to hungry Pastaboy to make the real GMs in the running start sweating over the Bengals and their new cap space.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

My money says Adams intends to sign somewhere else (maybe even with the Redskins), and they've leaked this crap to hungry Pastaboy to make the real GMs in the running start sweating over the Bengals and their new cap space.

This is yet another indication how Pastaboy has become the NFL's favorite whore. He's the only writer who has to crank out original stories on NFL news every day, and in the offseason there simply isn't enough real news.

So Pastaboy puts on his negligee and waits by the phone, waiting to be banged and played with by the next john on the line.

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The only way Adams signs with Cincy is if he gets a 5-8 mil SB. I don't blame him, because that place is a $hithole. Looks like the Bungles are buying into his posturing, because Adams has suddenly showed renewed interest in signing there.

And I don't blame Len for writing an article on the material he's given. That's his job. What would he say to the editor? "I was going to write an article on Sam Adams and where he might sign, but I thought his agent was posturing to get a higher contract out of Cincy." His arse would be gone so fast.

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The Bengals have accumulated some talent on that team. The main problem I see with them making the playoffs is they play in a tough division and, as a team, they don't know how to win. If they could start the season with a couple of wins and generate some excitement and belief they might not have a typical "Cincinnati" season.

They remind me of the Cardinals of the last couple of years, but with a better balance of talent on offense and defense. Once the losing starts they have a hard time regrouping.

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They also remind me of the Cardinals in the sense that as soon as they get a few good players, their cheap owner lets them go.

Teams like the Bengals, Cardinals, etc. always accumulate good talent- because they stink and get forced to draft high (yes- forced- they would rather not because it is too expensive). Then they start a nice run, the players asked to get paid what everyone else is getting paid, cheap owner says no, the players leave, the team stinks again, and the process starts again.

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There's some truth to that stuff about losing teams being forced into giving huge rookie contracts to high picks. But there's ALWAYS the option of trading down.

The Bengals' Mike Brown was whining about having to sign top ten picks all the time when this past year he could have traded down 5-8 slots and still gotten Levi Jones along with some other draft picks.

I'll take those top ten picks off his hands if he doesn't know what to do with them.

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I hope we don't sign any more "big time" free agents. Play to rookies, play the inexperienced guys, play to win the next ten years. solidify the lines with guys that will be on our roster for years to come not the next six weeks.

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Snyder and crew are fairly fast actors as the signings of Armstead and Trotter showed.

If the team was really going to clear $5 million in cap space for Adams it would have been done and the player signed already.

Yeah, the Skins kept their noses in the hunt but only if Adams decided to sell himself more cheaply, which I don't think he is going to do.

Sign with the Bengals?

Geez, with all that talent going to Cincy we may have to change our opinion of that franchise..............:)

Although they do seem to be the ship of last resort.

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