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I couldn't be more less interested in the AFC playoff games

Die Hard

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I see some great matches in the NFC that would excite any football fan.

1. Tampa vs Philly

- rematch of last year

- potentially Tony Dungy's last game

- will the Bucs overhaul their roster

- can Tampa overcomes their history of faltering in cold weather?

- will Brad Johnson be the missing piece of the puzzle?

2. San Fran vs Green Bay

- great rivalry

- playoff game at Lambeau. always exciting and the Packers never lose playoff games at home

- both teams coming off great seasons

- Favre vs Garcia

3. Philly vs Bears

- opportunitistic Bears for real?

- McNabb ready to take the Eagles to the next leve?

- both teams feature similar types of styles

- playoff game at Soldier Field

- both teams healthy

4. Green Bay vs Rams

- Favre vs Warner

- if anybody will beat the Rams, the Packers stand the best chance


1. Raiders vs. Jets

- Raiders look strong but definitely beatable

- Raiders should have no problem with the Jets

- Gannon vs Testaverde? who cares?

- does anyone truly feel the Jets are serious contenders for the Super Bowl?

2. Ravens vs Dolphins

- Would Fielder even start on another NFL team?

- once again, Dolphins rely on defense

- the Dolphins are STILL looking for a running game

- Ravens another team who wins on defense

- Ravens look very beatable and squeeked into playoffs

3. _______ vs Patriots

- the Pats are the biggest phonies in the NFL

4. _________ vs Pittsburgh

- the only team in the AFC worth their salt.

I just don't have any motivation to watch any AFC playoff games. None of them intrigue me. At all.

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Guest fuji869

The thing about the AFC is that it is wide open.

-In the past 10 Seasons only 3 #1 Cedes have gone to the Super Bowl for the AFC. (Bills 91 & 93, Broncos 98)

-3 out of the past 4 AFC Champions have been Wild Card Teams (Bronco 97, Titans 99, Ravens 00)

- The NFC has sent 7 of the past 10 #1Cedes to the Super Bowl and the teams that were not #1Cedes were #2Cedes (Cowboys 92, Packers 97, Falcons 98) and no Wild Card Teams.

I am an NFC Guy when comes Super Bowl time (except if Dallas Goes) but the thing I like about the AFC is it is wide open. Even this season we don't know who is going to represent the AFC, in the NFC I am almost certain it is the Rams.

[edited.gif by fuji869 on January 13, 2002.]

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Here's my bracket and so far I am on track.

NFC Philly vs. Chicago = Chicago

GB vs. St. Louis = GB

Winner NFC = GB (this will mark an anniversary date, I believe for the oldest rivalry in pro football = Packers and the Bears

AFC Baltimore vs. NE = Ravens

Oakland vs. Pitt = Steelers

Winner AFC = Pitt

SB Winner = GB (other than the Steelers and possibly the Rams, playing balanced team football and peaking at precise moments. All have some lucky bounces, but still they maintain the intensity throughout the game. This is exactly what you need to beat St. Louis, as we demonstrated last year against them. We didn't face Warner, but we faced Faulk. Just the fact that I have to explain why GB will beat the Rams, tells you how strong a game the Rams will play. All day long the Rams will throw, about 50-55 times!!! However, the Packers strategies on defense and constant reliance on each and every player to play a disciplined game is what the Packers will need and should do to win it.

The Steelers will have the Bus eventually, but like all RB's coming back late in the season in the playoffs, it can be productive, like Terry Allen is right now with Baltimore or it can be ineffective, for the most part, like Garrison Hearst, though he came back earlier in the year.

Kordell Stewart against the Ravens is the type of QB you need, and since this by far his finest season as a pro, he will give the Ravens defense fits and headaches all game long. The kicking game won't determine this one.

When the Packers and Steelers meet in the SB, every dream in Pro Football's past and SB's will be relived all week, but when the smoke is cleared, the Packers will have destroyed the Bus, decimated Stewart's passing game and Favre will have riddled the Steeler's secondary with holes from his passing.

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I think we're going to see the Ravens upset the Steelers next week with the Bus still gimpy. I think the Raiders will freeze their arses off next weekend.

Here is what I am hoping though. I want Favre to go into St. Louis and show why he is and will always better a better QB than Warner. Then I expect to see the Bears beat up Philly. Then Green Bay goes into Chicago for a 2nd time this year and win. I wouldn't mind seeing a Green Bay/ New England superbowl.


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