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Disturbed has new album "10 Thousand Fists" due on September 20th.

Commander PK

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Metal Act Disturbed has a new site, and their first new album in three years, "10 Thousand Fists" due on September 20th.

I like them. They are probably the best "mainstream" metal act to come out in the last several years. You can hear two new tracks on their website. "Guarded" and "Stricken" I like them both, but I like Stricken better. Stricken has a monster riff.

What I'm hearing so far sounds really promising.


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Originally posted by KDawg

I can't remember the last metal CD I actually bought...

Most of the time I mix and match songs for lifting...

I'm hoping this Disturbed CD breaks that trend.

If you like the hardcore stuff, I suggest Lamb of God's "Ashes of the Wake", or Shadow's Fall "The War Within." Great lifting albums, you will be completely wired your entire workout! :laugh:

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has Disturbed improved any? I heard one album, not sure which one back in 2002, and was not really impressed. Typical 'nu-metal' sound I felt. Wonder if they've changed like Slipknot sorta has.

Lamb of God and Shadows Fall are great. I would also check out some of the Scandanvian Black Metal, more focused on the "Viking Metal" that stuff is pretty pumping as well. (Amon Amarth, Finntroll, Thyrfing, Einherjer, Helheim, Ensiferum, sooo many more).

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Why is it when I hear the title for the new Disturbed album I think of some kind of possibly painful porn or something... ?

Thanks, damn near spit my coffee on my computer screen. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...
Well, I bought the album last week, and I must say I'm impressed. Lots of solid tracks, and the guitar solo's (nice to finally hear some from them) are decent.

Good stuff. :cheers:

I agree the new record kicks. In the past I have liked some of their stuff but not all of it. The singer is very good as long as he keeps those "haaa" things he does to a minimum. This is easily their best album IMO.

They need to keep the solos coming. He ain’t Vai but he’s not bad.

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