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Predictons Taylor vs B-HOP....


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What are you guys thinking about the fight. Will Hop keep his belts or will Taylor prove he's the new king?

This will be the 1st fight i've ordered in awhile and hope its a great 1. I think Taylor will win this fight just a hunch I have. His jab,speed and power will be to much for Hop at this stage of his career. I would'nt be shocked if he embarasses Hop he has that kinda talent.

Hop is a great fighter though and a supreme technician with lots of savy and experience and loves people to doubt him. Plus you know he wants to stick it to whats his name De'bella ?

Could be a great fight. I know this will probably be Hops hardest test before retiring..

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I've been looking forward to this fight.

Jermaine Taylor is the future of the middleweight division; win or loose.

Personally I think Bernard is gonna eat em up. I don't think Jermaine's ready for a fighter of Bernard's caliber. His only semi-large fight was against a washed up William Joppy.

Bernard is not washed up and he will do what he always does, wear Jermaine down. For Jermaine to win he'll have to out-box Bernard, which is pretty much impossible. I don't think he has the power and stamina to penetrate Hopkins' defense before he wears out.

If I'm wrong, could be the best fight in the last 5 years.

Hopkins by UD.

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Guest sith lord

This is a changing of the guard fight that all great champions must have. Jermaine Taylor stops him in the 9th.

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People have been predicting this "changing of the guard fight" for some time now. It better happen tonight or it's not going to happen. Hopkins wants Tarver next, which would be at 175.

If anyone at 160 is going to beat Hopkins, it'd be Taylor. He's the only one that has the size, speed, and talent. But he's inexperienced and has some flaws in his defense. He's going to be very susceptible to Hopkin's lead overhand rights. Taylor hasn't been hit yet in his career, so who knows how his chin is really. He's probably going to have to drop Hopkins to win this fight.

He's going to have to take the fight to Hopkins and keep the pressure up. Hopkins defense and counter punching is so strong though. He's great boxing on the inside and he has no problem making the fight dirty. He's got way more tricks up his sleeve than Taylor does. In order to execute the gameplan Taylor needs to, he'll need a great amount of stamina. If he does try to keep the pressure up and tires out. Those lead right hands from Hopkins will happen more and more, and Hopkins will stop him late.

Taylor probably needs a KO or to hope Hopkins gets old overnight.

Hopkins by late round stoppage is my prediction.

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I agree and think Taylor has to have good stamina and will have to fight full throttle in attack mode the whole fight. I actually expect him to try to tee off on Hop from rd1 and being very aggressive.

That tactic though and a nervous and pumped up Taylor prefight could tire him out if that happens Hop will go to school on him.

The biggest question really is how does Taylor respond be to being hit hard.

I say Taylor 9 rd KO but i've been wrong before...

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TKO in 11 by Bernard. He's too crafty of a fighter for Taylor. Taylor's good, but he's not ready yet for Hopkins... Joppy is a bum and his beating at the hands of Trinidad and then Hopkins left him a shell of the boxer he used to be. Taylor's best bet is for Bernard to overlook him thinking about Tarver or hope Hopkins starts to look his age in the ring. Should be a great one...I can't wait...


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Well, Bernard didn't get the TKO I predicted. He didn't fight a smart fight at all...He waited entirely too late to start fighting...Congrats to Taylor...He earned this victory...Bernard should be ashamed...

Glad I didn't have any $$$ on this one.

the Judge who gave the fight to Hopkins must be blind...


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I scored it for Hopkins, only conceivable way Taylor could have won it was if the judges gave every single close round to him. Which is bull****, when have judges ever given close rounds to the challenger. Those rounds always go to the champ.

Hopkins landed the better punches, controlled the 2nd half of the fight and won ALL of the championship rounds.

Hell of a way to lose your belt. You win all the championship rounds in a close fight and lose. I guess the paranoia Hopkins has had his whole career was justified.

Congrats to Taylor. He stayed on his feet for 12 rounds, had decent defense, and was given a decision. I'm surprised that someone with Taylor's size, speed and power couldn't land one decent punch in 36 minutes. Hopkins' defense is good, but I expected Taylor to at one point land something substantial. I would say a rematch is in store, because Hopkins is clearly the better fighter and closed the fight out well. But I don't think anyone wants to see these two fight again. Wasn't a very good fight at all.

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The reason I'm PO'ed at Hopkins, was because he talked so much trash about what he was gonna do and he didn't do it....Said he saw flaws in Taylor's skills and he would expose them...he did expose some flaws, but you gotta fight. you can't wait until the second half of the fight to get going unless you get the KO...You never know how the judges will decide. that's why you take the fight to the man...didn't like the advice Hopkins was given in his corner...now he has to wait for his rematch...but this time he better back his words up, cause he's not getting any younger...


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Hopkins could have done more earlier in the fight and definitely would have won had he. But as it was, he did enough to win the fight. Taylor did not. Simple as that. And Taylor was the CHALLENGER.

Regardless, Hopkins retains his belts in my mind. That was a BULL**** card judge Duane Ford turned in. How in the world could someone score the 12th for Taylor?

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That judge was smokin' something to score that round to Taylor...Why did Bernard wait so late is what is disturbing...All he had to do was throw some punches in the early rounds and it would have been a totally different story...but he'll have to live with the decision. He played around too much, when he could have been scoring...Taylor was being aggressive, but Bernard did puzzle Taylor for a while...Bernard's good Defense and chin kept him upright...I hate yelling at the TV screen telling like to do this and that, when I KNOW he can't hear me !


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Guest sith lord

Very good fight. Taylor most curtainly should of got the descision. As I'm writing this I just heard that the rematch should take place in October.

Also, Roy Jones was terrible tonight. Could he have shown anymore bias towards B-Hop than he did?

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Hopkins didn't need his good chin tonight, the defense was enough. Taylor never hit him.

I just watched the fight again. And it was an easy win for Hopkins. I was a little swayed by the HBO commentators the first time I watched it. But after rewatching it. It wasn't just the 2nd half of the fight that Hopkins won, it was 5-12. The last 2/3rds Hopkins controlled. The last 3rd, he dominated.. Definitely did enough to win the fight.

Truly an amazing defensively performance from Taylor. He fought a more active, younger, stronger, quicker fighter and he NEVER got hit. Hopkins HURT him pretty bad twice.

He won the fight, simple as that.. There's no probablys, maybes, I thinks, or none of that ****. He won the fight.

It really was a typical Hopkins performance. And Taylor fought like a typical Hopkins' opponent. He really didn't do anything special. The only difference was the judges decided to GIVE Taylor the fight.

For those of you that didn't see the fight, HBO will be reshowing saturday night I would assume. And I'm sure they'll have it on HBO OnDemand. Watch it for youselves. Hopkins won.

I still can't get over a judge scoring the 12th for Jermain Taylor. That's the difference between Hopkins keeping his belts or not.

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Originally posted by sith lord

Very good fight. Taylor most curtainly should of got the descision. As I'm writing this I just heard that the rematch should take place in October.

Also, Roy Jones was terrible tonight. Could he have shown anymore bias towards B-Hop than he did?

I don't see how you can say that.

I didn't notice Roy much, but I usually agree what he has to say. Didn't like him as a boxer, but there's no doubt that he knows his boxing. I did notice Larry Merchant's dislike for Hopkins, but that's to be expected.

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Go back a rewatch it. Also if someone wins the first 6, and some wins the last 6. That's a draw. So in your scenario, which I disagree with, it's still a draw.

But watch the fight again. Watch rounds 1, 5, and 6 again. Also in the first 6 rounds, Taylor didn't do nearly as much as Hopkins did in the final 6 rounds. Obviously that means nothing as fights are scored by rounds and not overall. But overall, Hopkins won the fight.

He controlled the final 2/3rds of the fight in my opinion, dominating the final 3rd.

I guess people can see fight different ways as was clearly evident tonight. I still don't see how anyone can see the 12th as Taylor's round.

At the worst it was a draw for Hopkins, I felt he won though. Maybe I'll watch it a 3rd time, but that'll have to wait til tommorow.

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i thought it was a very good fight.

Hopkins always starts slow and waits for the opponent to wear down and open up.

I thought it should've been a draw or a Hopkins' victory personally but it was a very close call considering Taylor's aggression in the first 6 rounds. Taylor is a phenomenal athelete and was able to go the distance. Great jab too.

Think Hopkins landed like 27percent of his punches to Taylors' 19 percent, though. Taylor couldn't really faze Hopkins while Bernard had him in trouble at least 2 times. What 12th round was that judge watching btw?

Should be a great re-match and a nice pay-day for both fighters.

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Guest sith lord
Originally posted by The Sir

Go back a rewatch it. Also if someone wins the first 6, and some wins the last 6. That's a draw. So in your scenario, which I disagree with, it's still a draw.

But watch the fight again. Watch rounds 1, 5, and 6 again. Also in the first 6 rounds, Taylor didn't do nearly as much as Hopkins did in the final 6 rounds. Obviously that means nothing as fights are scored by rounds and not overall. But overall, Hopkins won the fight.

He controlled the final 2/3rds of the fight in my opinion, dominating the final 3rd.

I guess people can see fight different ways as was clearly evident tonight. I still don't see how anyone can see the 12th as Taylor's round.

At the worst it was a draw for Hopkins, I felt he won though. Maybe I'll watch it a 3rd time, but that'll have to wait til tommorow.

Hopkins didn't win the last 6 rounds.

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I had the fight a draw honestly but Taylor impressed me the kid is the real deal. Hopkins defense makes every fight kinda dull but he wins that way and its all that matters.

I think Taylor wins the rematch he learned alot this fight and won't be leery next time of Hopkins and will be 10 times more confident next fight. The kid looks like he loves to fight to ya'll see how excited he looked talking about getting back in the gym.

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Hopkins face when Taylor got the split decision was priceless.......may have been the best part of the fight!

Taylor started well but it was a very cagey fight, no one ever really got on top of the other guy until the last 3 rounds when Hopkins dominanted but didn't finish him off and credit to taylor for standing up to that.

I don't think Taylor did enough to win though, he didn't beat Hopkins, he just got the decision on some cagey rounds because he was a bit more positive/was going forward. The only time the fight didn't look like it was going to go the distance was when Hopkins had Taylor rocked in the last couple of rounds.

To be the champ, you have to beat the champ, I don't think Taylor did that.

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Originally posted by Mooka

i thought it was a very good fight.

Hopkins always starts slow and waits for the opponent to wear down and open up.

I thought it should've been a draw or a Hopkins' victory personally but it was a very close call considering Taylor's aggression in the first 6 rounds. Taylor is a phenomenal athelete and was able to go the distance. Great jab too.

Think Hopkins landed like 27percent of his punches to Taylors' 19 percent, though. Taylor couldn't really faze Hopkins while Bernard had him in trouble at least 2 times. What 12th round was that judge watching btw?

Should be a great re-match and a nice pay-day for both fighters.

Exactly man. At best for Jermain Taylor, it was a draw. I had it even through 8, though it could have been scored 5-3 Taylor through 8. But Hopkins won the final 4 rounds DECISIVELY.

I had it 116-112 after rewatching.

Taylor never even landed ONE decent punch for 12 rounds. And Duane Ford gave Hopkins belts away by ludicrously scoring the 12th for Taylor.

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