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TSN: Inside Dish: Cowboys' 3-4 doesn't sit well with Ellis


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I picked up Lindy's pro-football guide in the airport a couple weeks ago and they had a story about the 3-4 defense and how a lot of teams are switching to it now. Pretty good read...even though it was another Redskin-hating publication.

Anyway, they had a couple 3-4 "experts" saying that its:

1) always a gamble converting a college LB to a 3-4 outside LB.

2) even if they are suited for the position, it takes 2-3 years for them to get acustomed to it.

Encouraging news for those of us who hate the cowturds!

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Oh now come on THEHEREAFTER, you did not just post an editorial from a Steeler's fan board in response to what Gfunk703 posted now did you? :doh: ( And don't even think about being obtuse).

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Oh now come on THEHEREAFTER, you did not just post an editorial from a Steeler's fan board in response to what Gfunk703 posted now did you? :doh: ( And don't even think about being obtuse).

"Feel free to post other articles hating on any moves Dallas has made or is planning on making this offseason. "

He asked and I delivered. "Wouldn't you agree."


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Now what did I say about being obtuse? You know what he was asking for, and this clearly wasn't it. For obvious reasons. You try again. Not saying it's not out there, but try again.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Now what did I say about being obtuse? You know what he was asking for, and this clearly wasn't it. For obvious reasons. You try again. Not saying it's not out there, but try again.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

O.K. stay tuned!

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