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Gatti vs Mayweather

Guest sith lord

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Guest sith lord

Since there was a thread on the "washed up" Tyson fight, it's only fair that we have a thread on a "real" boxing match. If nothing out of the ordinary happens (accidental headbutt/cuts), this fight has fight of the year written all over it. You have the classic boxer vs puncher match that is sure to entertain. My money's on Mayweather.

I've already ordered it. Who else will be watching tonight?

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I had a thread about this... didnt realize you made one as well. Whoops :paranoid:

Anyways i am definetly ordering it. Gatti really got my respect after fighting 3 good tough fights against ward winning 2 of them. He doesnt have any quit in him. However, i think mayweather may just be too tough. He's awful ****y though so hopefully gatti can give him a run for his money.

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My money is on Mayweather...He's a better boxer...But Gatti has a puncher's chance if he can connect with a few good shots...Mayweather is very good defensively and could easily make Gatti look bad...But with so much animosity between the two, Mayweather may get suckered into a brawl, which would favor Gatti...Should be a classic!!! I hope so, especially since I'm dropping $50 for the PPV.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

I will be watching and think Mayweather will put on a clinic. (he better not mess up though Gatti is tough)

I think gatti has a great chance. Its all about imposing your will in boxing. Gatti is underrated defensively. Ill be very surprised if he were to get knocked out. With that being said, if floyd lets arturo land one of his knockout blows in the later rounds then it could be lights out.

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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

I will be watching and think Mayweather will put on a clinic.

Yep. Gatti's only hope is to land a knockout blow. Watch Floyd's handspeed tonight guys. You won't see a faster set of hands. I'm interested in seeing Vivian Harris on the undercard too. He faces Maussa. Cotto easily disposed of him so Harris shouldn't struggle too much. Harris was calling out Mayweather at the press conference for the fight earlier this week. If both guys win we could see a unification fight later this year. Of course the money would have to be right for Floyd.

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Guest sith lord
Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

hey bofluid... any other intriging undercard matches?

Good question. I was wondering the same thing.

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Heavyweight prospect Calvin Brock is fighting. Although I'm not so sure if his match will be televised. He's fighting a journeyman for the sole sake of staying busy. He probably deserves a gimme though, because he's coming off a very hard fought victory against Jameel McCline

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. fights as well. He's got a bright future, but he's still very much in his developmental stage. He's certainly worth watching.

You've also got Straweight champion Ivan Calderon on the card. This is one of the rare times that you get a strong undercard for a PPV. Plenty of variety and some decent prospects.

EDIT: Definitely watch Vivian Harris though. He's somewhat of an unknown, but he is a titleholder in the 140 lb. class. If he wins tonight a fight against one of the big name Jr. welterweights (Cotto, Hatten, Floyd, Gatti) could be in his future

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thanks bo for the information.

Should be a good night for boxing :cheers:

one of these days some of the boxing fans here on extreme should get together and order a fight

Hey tarhog... i see you browsing this thread. Is it possible to get a boxing forum on here or is the interest not high enough overall for boxing?

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my 1st time watching Chavez Jr...NOT impressed yet...but did this fight look fixed??? I'm pretty sure Galvan was supposed to be a cake walk for Jr, but he didn't throw any meaningful punches...Most of his punches were slapping punches that did no damage. Now all of sudden, Jr goes for the kill and throws punches with bad intentions especially to the head and gets the TKO...Decent win for Jr...fight should have been stopped earlier...Galvan took some serious head shots...Chavez Sr was looking P.O'ed after the 2nd round...Must be hard to live up to dad's expectations...Go Mayweather...TKO in 10!!!


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Interesting idea - we plan on a site upgrade soon - let that shake out and we'll see. We're going to take a hard look at all of the forums then. I'll keep it in mind, you know I'm a fan.

Not enough to pay up tonight though :)

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It's OVER!!!! Wasn't even close...Mayweather did exactly as he said he would and embarassed him...He beat Gatti like he stole something...NO contest at all. TKO in round 6...Gatti's corner threw in the towel at the end of 6. Referee probably should have stopped the fight.


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Calderon won a 12 round decision convincingly....Verde wasn't ready for the big time yet...he was looking to KO Caulderon with big shots. But he didn't get going until he definitely needed a KO...his record prior to fight was 14-1 w/10 KO's...probably fighting scrubs to build his record...But Caulderon clearly outboxed him...When Verde landed some good body shots, Caulderon ran around the ring like De la Hoya did against Trinidad a few years ago...Vivian Harris got KO'ed in 7 by Carlos Maussa...they traded a bunch of big shots, but Harris got tired...he wouldn't even listen to Emmanuel Steward in his corner and ended up getting KO'ed in the next round...Steward told him to box, but he kept trying for the KO and ran out of gas...It was a difficult fight, but entertaining for a few...

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Originally posted by ksun247

Calderon won a 12 round decision convincingly....Verde wasn't ready for the big time yet...he was looking to KO Caulderon with big shots. But he didn't get going until he definitely needed a KO...his record prior to fight was 14-1 w/10 KO's...probably fighting scrubs to build his record...But Caulderon clearly outboxed him...When Verde landed some good body shots, Caulderon ran around the ring like De la Hoya did against Trinidad a few years ago...Vivian Harris got KO'ed in 7 by Carlos Maussa...they traded a bunch of big shots, but Harris got tired...he wouldn't even listen to Emmanuel Steward in his corner and ended up getting KO'ed in the next round...Steward told him to box, but he kept trying for the KO and ran out of gas...It was a difficult fight, but entertaining for a few...

Thanks, man:cheers:

Calderon is one rising stars along with Miguel Cotto

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