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Rate the Skins Offseason


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On a scale of 1-10 1 being worst and 10 best how would you rate the Skins Offseason?

Now compare the Skins Offseaason to the other teams in the NFCE and how do you think they did at improving the overall team?

My answers


and I think the Skins had the worst offseason in the East and one of the worst in all FB if not the worst. Why?

Well lost Coles for Moss traded Size and Speed for a shorter but quicker WR at a cost of close to 9mil in prorated SB plus a new contract for Moss.

Lost Smoot which forced skins hand in drafting Rogers could have had Merriman or Williams if Smoot had stayed now who would rather lose smoot and Williams or Merriman for Rogers? Only and Idiot like maybe I don't know a few fans and one midget owner.

Signing of Brunell last year, and trading Coles straped a already slim cap to the point lost a very good LB.

Then Traded a number one and fourth round pick next year and a third this year for another QB when the Qb the skins has is Good and could be better if he wasn't on his back side every game. The Number one pick from next year will prob wind up being a top 5 pick so Joe Gibbs thought Jason Campbell was a top 10 draft pick QB if he did he and anyone else who thought that trade was a good trade is just a plain ole IDIOT That was about the dumbest trade of all time IMO.

Then they get busted for violations and lose valuable OTA's, Let the players do what ever they want and then don't support their best player and try and rush him back and cause him to have to have another surgery on his Knee.

I like Joe Gibbs he is a great coach but as long as Snyder is runing the Skins they will never be better than an 8-8 team at best and I think they only win 4-6 games this year.

So what do you think?

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But I can give you a solid response.....Quiet.

I am rather happy about the offseason in that there haven't been big, splashy moves. I thank that to Gibbs who just got a really solid center, another WR, a LB or 2 and then was overall quiet in draft picks (except Jason Campbell, but I'll get to that). By not drafting Mike Williams there weren't that many headlines compared to if we had drafted him.

No Big FA signing or moves (suprisingly getting Moss was less covered than getting rid of Coles and neither were compared to the Portis/Bailey move of 2004).

Look at the last few years BIG offseason events:

2001: Marty S. comes out of retirement.....can Marty rebulid the Skins?

2002: Here comes the ol' Ball Coach to the NFL. Will the Fun n' Gun Work?

2003: Hail to the JetSkins (Coles, Morton, Hall and Thomas)

2004: Gibbs Returns, Portis/Bailey trade and various FA pickups

Lot's of headlines and supposed big moves that took away from a team trying to rebuild and become a winning franchise again.

This year we went after a few players, tweaked the O and worked hard....keys to a successful team maybe.

The only big news was the draft of Campbell (which could be a very smart future move....depending on Ramsey's future with the Skins, hopefully both will still be here by 2010.)

Taylor's stupid move (trial or not, guilty or not.....he still made the Skins and Gibbs look bad).

Coles/Moss- not really a big story....who got the better player?

Possibly us, maybe the Jets if Coles (and Pennington) is healthy on the Big toe.

Either way I liked what we have done so far:

1. Stay under the radar of the media and other fan bases for a change.

2. Pick up solid (but less expensive) FA's to help improve depth, ST, or improve a weaker position.

3. Draft to address future concerns and to again improve ST and add depth.

4. OTA/Mini Camp attendance has been high (even Barrow and Arrington were there) and all seem to be practicing with high spirts.

5. Dyson and Holdman may prove to be suprising assets to the team as they both look to gain roster spots. May be very big sleeper pick ups.

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Originally posted by goskins

Is the magic word Troll TK?


Just remember the phrase "Enough rope to hang one's self." :)

The cowboy fan might want to tread carefully around these parts.

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I will give our offseason a 10. Why a 10 you may ask? Simply becuase we did not pick up no bigtime free agents and we are finally going into the season with a regular team. Alot people think that our draft sucked when the truth of the matter is that the cowboys draft was way overrated. We upgraded the offensive line with casey rabach, we have enough wide recivers, and our secondary will most likely not lose a beat. I think Jason Campbell pick wasn't all that great but if ramsey fails then i would feel much better to have campbell as backup other than that bum Brunell.Most of our team looks the same so we are familiar with the system and we will beat dallas this year. Those rokkies the have aren't going to know what the hell to do and most of their free agent acuisitions never even played in a 3-4 defense. Well thats all i have to say about that.

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Originally posted by goskins

Enough Said.....;)

I liked his favorite Redskin is Sean Taylor...good one.

I know he's K. Johnson's favorite Skin;)


I think Taylor can be one of the best FS's in the NFL and I wouldn't call it trolling I hate trolls I was just wanting your opinions on how you thought your offseason went nothing more nothing less. I gave my opinion and of course its just my opinion last year I thought Dallas had a sucky offseason This year they have had one of the best IMO.

But honestly which of you prefer having Rogers instead of having Smoot and Williams or Merriman? I wouldn't and I like Rogers

I also think you sold your future on Campbell he's a good QB but I don't think he will be great and Ramsey is a good QB he just needs some protection do you not agree?

As for my sig size I don't know how to resize it so I will choose another one. it will be in my next post..... Peace \/


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Originally posted by jksmtih269

I think Taylor can be one of the best FS's in the NFL and I wouldn't call it trolling I hate trolls I was just wanting your opinions on how you thought your offseason went nothing more nothing less. I gave my opinion and of course its just my opinion last year I thought Dallas had a sucky offseason This year they have had one of the best IMO.

But honestly which of you prefer having Rogers instead of having Smoot and Williams or Merriman? I wouldn't and I like Rogers

I also think you sold your future on Campbell he's a good QB but I don't think he will be great and Ramsey is a good QB he just needs some protection do you not agree?

As for my sig size I don't know how to resize it so I will choose another one. it will be in my next post..... Peace \/


If you're just going after opinions and not starting anything, then welcome...we actually do have a few Dallas fans here who I don't mind chatting with (HeHateMe at the top of the list).

Would I rather have Williams, Merriman or Rogers?

Well I wouldn't want Merriman with what's going on in SD right now (Plus, the Postons are his agents, enough said). Clearly Dallas didn't want him either. Williams could be a nice addition, but I am sold on Rogers becoming a soild player on this team and possibly a starter sometime this year.

So, I will say of the three--- I want Rogers.

Do I miss Smoot?

Sure, he'll be a fine addition to the Vikings, but I have to stand with the Skins on this one. Springs is our #1 CB, Smoot #2....Smoot wanted more money than Springs in his new contract.

Despite losing Smoot, the Redskins stood firm and thus Springs is still #1 and we have Harris now at #2 with Rogers, Wilds etc... to fill in the rest.

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Originally posted by jksmtih269

............and I wouldn't call it trolling I hate trolls I was just ...............

Uh huh.

In your first post, you insult our teams owner, Coach Gibbs' offseason moves w/o understanding why things were done they way they were, & you insult our teams fans, who, by the way, post here because this board was created for them.

Originally posted by jksmtih269


Dallas had a much better Draft and overall offseason.

Spending what was spent for Campbell was a stupid move by Gibbs and the troll of an owner.

Trading Coles for Moss was just plain Dumb

Signing Mark B last offseason caused to much cap hell this year. Thanks Joe

Letting Smoot go caused the Rogers Pick if not for that then could have taken Mike Williams.

Let a VG LB go which was stupid.

Dallas has a much better team, Coach, owner and the best looking Cheerleaders and MUCH better Fans......

But no, you're not a troll, are you? :)

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TK reveals the truth....so you are a TROLL (funny that you called Snyder that, yet you are one).

As for fans, sure Dallas has the best fans....when it comes to bandwagon jumping. You guys win and outta nowhere all these "How about them Cowboys" idiots show up....The Snickers Commercial with M. Strahan had it right.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Originally posted by jksmtih269

On a scale of 1-10 1 being worst and 10 best how would you rate the Skins Offseason?

Now compare the Skins Offseaason to the other teams in the NFCE and how do you think they did at improving the overall team?

My answers


and I think the Skins had the worst offseason in the East and one of the worst in all FB if not the worst. Why?

Well lost Coles for Moss traded Size and Speed for a shorter but quicker WR at a cost of close to 9mil in prorated SB plus a new contract for Moss.

Lost Smoot which forced skins hand in drafting Rogers could have had Merriman or Williams if Smoot had stayed now who would rather lose smoot and Williams or Merriman for Rogers? Only and Idiot like maybe I don't know a few fans and one midget owner.

Signing of Brunell last year, and trading Coles straped a already slim cap to the point lost a very good LB.

Then Traded a number one and fourth round pick next year and a third this year for another QB when the Qb the skins has is Good and could be better if he wasn't on his back side every game. The Number one pick from next year will prob wind up being a top 5 pick so Joe Gibbs thought Jason Campbell was a top 10 draft pick QB if he did he and anyone else who thought that trade was a good trade is just a plain ole IDIOT That was about the dumbest trade of all time IMO.

Then they get busted for violations and lose valuable OTA's, Let the players do what ever they want and then don't support their best player and try and rush him back and cause him to have to have another surgery on his Knee.

I like Joe Gibbs he is a great coach but as long as Snyder is runing the Skins they will never be better than an 8-8 team at best and I think they only win 4-6 games this year.

So what do you think?

that is a very close-minded opinion. ur stating all of the negatives of the offseason. but i guess to each his own....

i'd give ur offseason a 7-8. dont like teh fact that we lose $ for having coles on another team.... but i like the conservative approach.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Uh huh.

In your first post, you insult our teams owner, Coach Gibbs' offseason moves w/o understanding why things were done they way they were, & you insult our teams fans, who, by the way, post here because this board was created for them.

But no, you're not a troll, are you? :)

Snyder is an IDIOT period thats not trolling thats a fact. He has caused the skins more problems then the cowboys have.

Joe Gibbs making that trade to get campbell was a bad move and in my opinion Dumb. Would you have made the same move?

And to say I don't understand why things were done is just wrong I live in the heart of skins country and hear it every day. I know coles wanted out, Arrington isn't happy neither is Taylor he wants out of washington (Speculation just reading between the lines)

How can you consider this a good offseason or even semi decent for the skins. I will say Snyder going out trying to buy players has been cut back and he has stayed out of JG's way or so it seems which is a good thing. JG is a great coach But I don't see this being one of his better offseasons.

If you call me a troll for telling it like it is then you need to wake up and smell the coffee, Take the blinders off the skins have taken a step or two backwards instead of forwards.

I have been a Dallas fan since 1975 and proud of it even when we went 1-15

:puke: skins

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The offseason was a 9-10. Why? Because the team did exactly what it wanted to do and concentrated on the areas it wanted to concentrate on with the precise results they desired.

But, I must concede, you know better because clearly you have inside knowledge. Or, barring your current commitment to cure cancer, would be coaching an NFL team.

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Originally posted by andyman

The offseason was a 9-10. Why? Because the team did exactly what it wanted to do and concentrated on the areas it wanted to concentrate on with the precise results they desired.

But, I must concede, you know better because clearly you have inside knowledge. Or, barring your current commitment to cure cancer, would be coaching an NFL team.

At least you know when to concede to your betters.....


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Originally posted by goskins

You want to talk about QB problems....look to your own team.

Replacing Vinny T. for Bledsoe? Genius!

That's like replacing Chad Hutchinson for Drew Henson.....

Oh wait, you guys did that too.....

Now that's a good one I will admit Vinny was a waste and I thought so last season and I have no clue what JJ sees in QB's who turn their backs on FB to play BB then has to have them on our team. I don't think DH is the answer but I do think Drew Bledsoe is a vast improvement over Vinny and will have a good season barring injuries.

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Originally posted by jksmtih269

Now that's a good one I will admit Vinny was a waste and I thought so last season and I have no clue what JJ sees in QB's who turn their backs on FB to play BB then has to have them on our team. I don't think DH is the answer but I do think Drew Bledsoe is a vast improvement over Vinny and will have a good season barring injuries.

Maybe..Maybe not,

Bledsoe and Vinny seem to have the same good and bad traits:


Very experienced

Still very strong arms at their age

Knows Parcells and his system

Can throw alot of TD's and 200-400+ yard games on average



Limited Mobility

Throws alot of INTs

Makes mistakes at real important points in games.

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Originally posted by goskins

Maybe..Maybe not,

Bledsoe and Vinny seem to have the same good and bad traits:


Very experienced

Still very strong arms at their age

Knows Parcells and his system

Can throw alot of TD's and 200-400+ yard games on average



Limited Mobility

Throws alot of INTs

Makes mistakes at real important points in games.

This is the great part of the offseason all teams are unbeaten and the skys the limit.

I agree with a lot of what you said here I think DB has a lot of questions to answer and I think he will..... at least I hope he does...

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