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Soros Group: Blackwell Is No. 1 Target for Democrats

Island Boy

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Liberal forces – including a key group backed by George Soros - are saying their No. 1 political target is Ohio's secretary of state, Ken Blackwell.

An array of liberal groups is gearing up to derail Blackwell's candidacy for governor of Ohio in next year's election.

The Democrats fear that Blackwell, a staunch conservative, will play a key role in winning Ohio for the Republican presidential ticket in 2008 – just as he did in 2004.

They also worry that the conservative one-time football player could be a powerful addition to the GOP presidential ticket in 2008.

The left-wing Air America Radio, which carries hosts like Al Franken, blasted Blackwell in early June and urged listeners to support an organized effort to defeat him.

And Steve Rosenthal, CEO of the 527 group America Coming Together – a group backed by anti-Bush billionaire George Soros – has called the 2006 Ohio governor's race the most important in the nation.

Here's why:

"The hot 2008 GOP presidential ticket links either Virginia Sen. George Allen or Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour with Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a 2006 gubernatorial candidate," reports the Web site of U.S. News & World Report.

"He's the guy Republicans love for certifying Ohio's 2004 vote for President Bush. And he's African-American and conservative. 'With him as No. 2, it creates a dream ticket,' said a GOP strategist."

Blackwell's candidacy also appears to be a nightmare for the Ohio Democratic Party, which has a banner across the top of its Web site reading: "Help Ohio Democrats Stop Ken Blackwell."

Blackwell supporters have fired back with a posting saying Democrats "are raising money nationwide to defeat this conservative African-American statesman" and asking for donations to help Blackwell fend off his opponents' efforts.

This month's NewsMax magazine takes an in-depth look at Ken Blackwell in its front-page story, "The New Republicans," which examines how blacks, Hispanics and other groups are joining the GOP as never before – and how they're changing American politics.

I really like this guy.:cheers:

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I really havent ever heard of him, I went to his website and read his bio of course it was glowing its his website after all but he really seems like an accomplished man. If he does get the nod for the vp, I would think he would be a great fit.

"Mr. Blackwell has held the nation's highest security clearance, and has twice received the U.S. Department of State’s Superior Honor Award for his work in the field of human rights from the Administrations of Presidents George H.W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton."

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