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Patrick Ramsey vs. Jason Campbell...


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This is my first new thread on this site, so not to be sacriledge, HAIL TO THE REDSKINS :logo:

Now, it is very clear that the starting quarterback this year is Patrick Ramsey, provided he does not get injured. Understanding this, there is no point in arguing over who the starting quarterback is this season.

What I am wondering, is IF Ramsey plays well, and I believe he will, will he still have a future in Washington. I am a huge Ramsey fan, I think provided the rough introduction into the NFL he recieved from the Ol' College Coach, he reacted gutsy. And he did his homework when Gibbs told him that he had a tendancy to throw the ball like an idiot, and has since adjusted nicely considering it was in the middle of a football season, in which he had pratcically no offseason, and got less than 10% percent of the reps in the practices he did participate in.

Translation...Though Campbell is a solid pick, a great person, and a hard worker, Patrick Ramsey has to me, indicated that he has all the tools to be a very good NFL quarterback. I even met Joe Theismann at th end of last summer, and he said the same thing, that he believed Patrick Ramsey could be a 'Superstar in this league'.

But, if he does play well, and I believe he will, does Gibbs still make the switch in a couple of years, so as to have his own pick (in the draft) be the starter, or does Ramse solidify and justify why we should have faith, in which case Campbell may want to find a team in need of a talent like himself.....

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I hate to say it,but I think even if Ramsey plays well or not he is gone.

we have so much money invested in Brunell

and then Campbell is going to get a nice little contact

ramsey will be the starting QB but be the #3 QB on payroll

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Originally posted by chow184

I hate to say it,but I think even if Ramsey plays well or not he is gone.

we have so much money invested in Brunell

and then Campbell is going to get a nice little contact

ramsey will be the starting QB but be the #3 QB on payroll

Sorry chow, but one thing about Gibbs is if you bring him to the party, he goes home with you.

If Ramsey were to get us to the playoffs, the conferece championship or the SB, he'd have a free pass for at least 7-9 bad games the following season.

Now, if Ramsey blows-up, early next year, we'll see the rookie.

It's all up to Ramsey...

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Brunell is gone next year. Ramsey may play great. I hope he does. But everyone gets injured and players leave. Gibbs was smart. if Ramsey develops great, if not there is someone in the wings. If Ramsey wants more than we can afford to give him. O.k. again someone is in the wings. IF Cambell becomes great in practice or after an injury to Ramsey then great, trade one or keep them both as long as we can afford to.. The position is strengthened, and the future of the position is more secure.

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

All I know about Gibbs is he is loyal and the best player will play. Patrick was just not ready to step in for Brunell until late last season

Last year Gibbs was a little too loyal !! Granted Brunell beat Ramsey out in preseason but he should have been pulled at least 2 weeks before he was, and we probably would have won the bengals game.

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Originally posted by OldTownFan

Agree, Gibbs was too slow to pull Brunell

Let's hope not as slow to pull Ramsey "If" he aint cuttin it.

I could care less about a cannon arm if it isn't putting points on the board and winning games. I' ve yet, to see that cannon of an arm do this on any kind of a consistent basis.

No More Excuses! Win games, or get to the back of the bus...

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dude, consistent basis? NOBODY HAS SCORED OR PLAYED CONSISTENTLY ON OFFENSE, FROMT THE RESERVE TO THE STARTERS, FROM THE LINE TO THE RECIEVERS, TO EVEN CLINTON PORTIS. ramsey has a far better chance of achieving this than jason campbell, and given the fire the kid was thrown into, he performed admirably, and im quoting joe theisman, and if it's good enough for joe theisman, than it's good enough for me

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Originally posted by CHUBAKAH

Let's hope not as slow to pull Ramsey "If" he aint cuttin it.

I could care less about a cannon arm if it isn't putting points on the board and winning games. I' ve yet, to see that cannon of an arm do this on any kind of a consistent basis.

No More Excuses! Win games, or get to the back of the bus...

If he has a pathetic amout of missed opportunities Brunell did then yes don't wait as long, unless he's going to put Brunell back in :doh: But I don't see that happening Ramsey came on strong at the end of the year, he'll have a good offseason and a good year.

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Originally posted by OldTownFan

dude, consistent basis? NOBODY HAS SCORED OR PLAYED CONSISTENTLY ON OFFENSE, FROMT THE RESERVE TO THE STARTERS, FROM THE LINE TO THE RECIEVERS, TO EVEN CLINTON PORTIS. ramsey has a far better chance of achieving this than jason campbell, and given the fire the kid was thrown into, he performed admirably, and im quoting joe theisman, and if it's good enough for joe theisman, than it's good enough for me

your right ...

But i will be ready for Ramsey to lose his starting job IF he plays like crap this year ...There should be no more excuses this year unless he gets injured (hope not)..

But right now ..Ramsey is the man ...He proved it last year ...He should get his chance , but if he sucks .....We need to move on ..


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If Ramsey can show he's the vet and can play smart ball, Brunell gets cut next year. That's my take anyway. The more Ramsey can resemble the Brunell that Gibbs intended on getting, the better his chance of not only getting the job as #1, but becoming the eventual #2 and mentor to Campbell.

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I'm a Ramsey guy as much as the next guy, but seriously man ... you can't put too much stock into anything that Joe Theismann says. Especially when Theismann makes such awesomely intelligent quotes like: "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein" ....

Not kidding. He actually said this once. :doh:


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All I know is this. Unless Jason Campbell stinks really really really bad, he isnt going NO WHERE. He will be the future bottom line. He has the exact character trait that Gibbs looks for and is talented. I am a Ramsey fan and always has been but we need a playmaker. I havent seen much of Campbell but I think he is more of a playmaker than Ramsey becuase he can scramble and make plays. Also he throws good fades and can throw the deep ball. I dont remember the last time Ramsey threw a good deep ball for a touchdown.

Has he ever done it? Anyway I will be rooting for who ever is the starter except Brunell LOL.

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The thing that's puzzling about Ramsey is, why couldn't he beat out Brunell in training camp and preseason games last year? Why did it take him so long to get comfortable in Gibbs' system?

It was pretty clear from the start last year that Brunell had lost a lot, but Ramsey looked even worse to the coaches and a lot of the fans. If he could have played as well as he did during the last part of the season, he surely would have beaten Brunell out for the starting job early on, and we would have had a much better season.

So what was his problem in the early part of last season? Can we chalk up his lack of performance then to getting beat up under Spurrier the year before? Did the signing of Brunell damage his confidence to the extent that it kept him from performing? Was he too dull to pick up Gibbs' system until halfway through the season? Was he too stubborn to play the way the coaches wanted him to?

Ramsey's accuracy and decision making certainly looked suspect in the preseason games and the first Giants game. What caused him to be such a slow starter under Gibbs?

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My personal opinion is that if you're talking about anyone other than Gibbs and Ramsey, the odds would be 95% that he's gone when his contract is up, even if he has a great year or two in the interim. This regime has been eager to "upgrade" at that spot since they rode into town, and that history can't be totally erased.

But Ramsey is a loyal soldier and Gibbs is a persuasive and sincere guy, so if Ramsey does do well you've got to figure that it's at least possible that he stays.

Personally, I think the deal for Campbell has a lot to do with Gibbs/Cerrato's perception of Jimmy Sexton's role in all this. He's already tried to engineer a trade after the Brunell deal, he's got to be embarrassed that his guy who's starting will be the lowest paid QB on the roster this year, and the Redskins braintrust may see the writing on the wall on this one. We KNOW what Sexton's advice will be. The Redskins will either have to franchise him or pay a king's ransom if he explodes on the field, and Campbell gives them the option of letting him walk.

My guess is that if Campbell develops well, they'll look to deal Ramsey this offseason if he has a good year, before they're looking at the cap ramifications after '06.

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Originally posted by MidPennSkin

The thing that's puzzling about Ramsey is, why couldn't he beat out Brunell in training camp and preseason games last year? Why did it take him so long to get comfortable in Gibbs' system?

It was pretty clear from the start last year that Brunell had lost a lot, but Ramsey looked even worse to the coaches and a lot of the fans. If he could have played as well as he did during the last part of the season, he surely would have beaten Brunell out for the starting job early on, and we would have had a much better season.

So what was his problem in the early part of last season? Can we chalk up his lack of performance then to getting beat up under Spurrier the year before? Did the signing of Brunell damage his confidence to the extent that it kept him from performing? Was he too dull to pick up Gibbs' system until halfway through the season? Was he too stubborn to play the way the coaches wanted him to?

Ramsey's accuracy and decision making certainly looked suspect in the preseason games and the first Giants game. What caused him to be such a slow starter under Gibbs?

Well he did have the foot problem he was dealing with last year and missed most the mini camps and OTA's (he was there just couldn't get on field) and the addition of Brunell might of bothered him even more then he realized, So when Brunell got pulled he thought this is his chance and he took advantage of it Got his swagger back and away he went. getting beat down under Spurrier's system sure didn't help.:2cents: :cheers:

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Originally posted by Monkart

Well he did have the foot problem he was dealing with last year and missed most the mini camps and OTA's (he was there just couldn't get on field) and the addition of Brunell might of bothered him even more then he realized, So when Brunell got pulled he thought this is his chance and he took advantage of it Got his swagger back and away he went. getting beat down under Spurrier's system sure didn't help.:2cents: :cheers:

That is an excellent way of putting it. Let us not forget that Ramsey has had no consistency at all when it comes to OC's. As we all know Spurrier's O was a bust anyway. Ramsey took a real beating even my wife (who is a Packers Fan) felt sorry for him.:helmet:

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Ramsey is very talented, he's got one of the strongest arms in the game, and he's a traditional pocket passer, which contrary to Brunell, fits the description of the quarterbacks who won superbowls for joe gibbs. He's also got the same character traits as Campbell, in fact, all three of the first three stringers at qb are christians, brunell and ramsey are good buds, in fact i here they duck hunt together too. none of our quarterbacks are flamboyant, arrogant, or have big mouths, and all of them can be described a by strong work ethic, and even more, all of them come from small towns in rural areas!!...

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Alsol, as for last year in training camp, the brunell v. ramsey comp. wasn't much of a comp. at all your right, Brunell was cleary better, however, all loyal redskins fans should remember that in Ramsey's second season, and second under spurrier, he took an ass beating, broke his foot, played with it, until he couldn't any longer. Season ends, Spurrier quits, Gibbs is hired, go's after Brunell, all the time Ramsey has his foot in a cast, he just got the cast off in time for training camp. This offseason, acording to reports, Ramsey has been at Redskin park as much as anybody, he's lifted considerably more weights, and has run through Gibbs playbook in drills the way he never had the opportunity to last offseason until he was competing with Mark, hence his poor start. However, as he was on the bench, and mark was Losing us games, Ramsey kept studying, and felt much more comfortable by the time it was his call to play, and as for the consistent remark by Jason Campbell's dad earlier, dude, when Ramsey replaced Mark Brunell, he completed over 70% of his passes, thats not consistent enough?...And anybody who doesnt remember Ramsey gunning the ball down the field with Spurrier as the coach, certainly doesn't remember that Ramsey has thrown the deep ball acurately before, and for scores...don't you guys remember why we were screaming for Ramsey when Brunell was missing eight yarders?

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Originally posted by OldTownFan

This is my first new thread on this site, so not to be sacriledge, HAIL TO THE REDSKINS :logo:

Now, it is very clear that the starting quarterback this year is Patrick Ramsey, provided he does not get injured. Understanding this, there is no point in arguing over who the starting quarterback is this season.

What I am wondering, is IF Ramsey plays well, and I believe he will, will he still have a future in Washington. I am a huge Ramsey fan, I think provided the rough introduction into the NFL he recieved from the Ol' College Coach, he reacted gutsy. And he did his homework when Gibbs told him that he had a tendancy to throw the ball like an idiot, and has since adjusted nicely considering it was in the middle of a football season, in which he had pratcically no offseason, and got less than 10% percent of the reps in the practices he did participate in.

Translation...Though Campbell is a solid pick, a great person, and a hard worker, Patrick Ramsey has to me, indicated that he has all the tools to be a very good NFL quarterback. I even met Joe Theismann at th end of last summer, and he said the same thing, that he believed Patrick Ramsey could be a 'Superstar in this league'.

But, if he does play well, and I believe he will, does Gibbs still make the switch in a couple of years, so as to have his own pick (in the draft) be the starter, or does Ramse solidify and justify why we should have faith, in which case Campbell may want to find a team in need of a talent like himself.....

Originally posted by chow184

I hate to say it,but I think even if Ramsey plays well or not he is gone.

we have so much money invested in Brunell

and then Campbell is going to get a nice little contact

ramsey will be the starting QB but be the #3 QB on payroll

Where have you guys been? This is Joe Gibbs we're talking about here. If Ramsey breaks out and consistently plays well, he won't lose his job. If he gets us to the playoffs or even a SB, he'll be around for a very long time.

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