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Everything posted by TurningTheCorner

  1. Let’s go ahead and table this one. I can’t continue to engage when you’re talking out both sides. I mean you literally are writing out how hard it can be to transition to the pros and then throwing all of the positives in the trash can as meaning nothing when it comes to Jayden’s seemingly smooth transition to the pros. It quite honestly makes zero sense you can’t acknowledge it IS in fact meaningful for him to perform well early to gain the confidence of himself, his teammates, and this QB starved city. It’s not the be all end all. It doesn’t guarantee anything. If he looked terrible, it wouldn’t guarantee he would suck forever. No one is saying those things. But hitting the ground running shouldn’t just be tossed aside, and it’s pretty wild you’re going through the depths to argue otherwise. Feel free to reply but I’m tapping out on this one. Good day.
  2. Wrong about what? Nothing has played out yet… what could I possibly be wrong about at this current juncture? I feel no need to “reach” for anything when the buzz is all positive. It’s nice to read though and it does matter in his journey to becoming our franchise QB. Maye was a great prospect in his own right, I would have been fine with him being the pick. There’s one person reaching here to make themselves feel better about the fact they thought daniels over maye was buffoonery even though quite literally the entire league felt otherwise. Read into the Mahomes stuff a bit more btw. No one is saying that throwing picks in practice means he’s going to suck and looking good equals greatness forever. Stop insinuating that’s what I’m saying. Even with all the picks Mahomes threw, he was flashing tremendous potential. And those picks were a direct result of Reid instructing him to get a feel for what he could get away with vs not. That’s not some example of having a crappy camp and why all of this means nothing.
  3. I just walked you into why looking good off the bat actually means something. How can the above be true, and then also believe that none of it matters? The seamless transition to practicing in the pros does not guarantee professional success. But in a league that’s hard to adapt to (your words not mine), it does carry some weight. Which contradicts the notion that off season performance doesn’t matter at all. I can’t believe you and GC are digging in that hard. It almost seems like a way to protect pre draft convictions. @Going Commando acted pre draft like taking JD over Maye was the equivalent of passing on Carmelo for Darko and would set this franchise back for years. Maybe it stings just a bit that he came out and captured the level of buzz he already has? Some due to his performance in OTAs?!
  4. I just don’t agree at all. They may say they are behind him, and you’re correct that all of the traits above are very important to get buy off from veterans. But if he came out looking like poo poo mcgoo and seemed lost executing the offense you’d better bet deep down the team, coaches, and executives are holding their breath hoping like hell the light bulb goes off. There would be a feeling of “here we go again” as opposed to “we got a dude at QB”. It’s not the be all end all. There’s a lot left to go and it could go any direction from here. But to act like playing well off the bat isn’t important and ONLY showing up early is, is not something I believe to be true. It’s a mixture of both.
  5. That’s a fair argument but not how much of what you said reads. If true, totally fair. It’s come off way more as “who cares, it’s OTA’s and doesn’t matter either way.”
  6. I could have sworn it meant literally nothing and he could be tripping over himself spraying balls everywhere without it meaning anything. Cause mistertim said so! And because those weren’t his concerns so if he’s doing it who cares cause it’s OTAs!!!
  7. This is the crux of the argument though. It’s really really hard to establish presence command and leadership when you come out looking not great in practice. That’s quite literally why it matters, and a lot. Doesn’t mean he’s destined for greatness at all. It means he’s getting buy in early, which matters significantly. Throwing it in the trash as nothing is dismissing this aspect completely, and that’s what everyone here is trying to point out. To no avail to @mistertim.
  8. 🫡 I didn’t. I overall agree with the wait and sentiment to know exactly what we have and you’re right, we won’t know overall until game time. What I didn’t agree with is extrapolating that and saying looking strong to start = nothing. Your take is basically, idc how the hell he looks cause it means literally zilch. And I think that’s bogus. Plenty have looked good and sucked sure. It happens all the time outside of QB even. Some guys buckle when the lights come on and defenses are actively game planning so yes this is true. It’s why I agree with the overall wait and see approach. But I cannot and will not agree that if he looked bad right now, it just doesn’t matter. For the reasons I’ve already mentioned. I’d challenge you to find guys who have looked horrific in camp and then came out guns blazing lighting the league on fire. Spare me Mahomes who allegedly was asked to open up the offense and see what he could get away with. Sure that’s great. But speed of the game is different, even in practice. And the ball is hardly touching the ground. He’s got command of the offense early. There’s a buzz around him in the media and with his coaches teammates and executives. We will all have to wait and see if this translates, but it’s a hell of a lot better and promising than if he weren’t showing these capabilities. To chalk that up as a big nothing burger and that it isn’t a positive step in the direction we all want to see him go in is rather perplexing to me.
  9. I think this is as bad of a take as believing him looking good thus far means he’s a shoe in for a CJ Stroud like year. We just don’t know, which is what I think you are arguing by saying none of it matters. That’s a very black and white take my friend. There’s a lot of nuance here with this one. Of course we need to wait and see. Of course it’s early. But to diminish how clean and in control he looks vs NFL competition, practice or not, is a pretty wild take to me. It absolutely does matter. You want the number 2 pick, to look like, well the number 2 pick. You want him to get buy in early from the entire locker room. You want the team to believe early they have a chance because of who’s under center. As others have pointed out, clean reps isn’t just a benefit for the QB, but the entire team. Offense and defense. I would be really really concerned if a 23 year old 5 year starter who won the heisman and was the hardest player to defend in the SEC came in and was spraying balls everywhere with bad footwork. Sure it would be early, but it would also be an early indicator we missed the evaluation and should have gone with the higher upside (not sure I even believe that anymore) in Maye. Sorry, I just don’t agree with it. And if there were articles saying how bad he looked, you sure as heck would read about it all over this board as a concern. And rightfully so. I don’t buy for one second you would shrug it off based on your pre draft takes, and I wouldn’t even blame you. It would be very very concerning. Thankfully it’s not the case!
  10. A lot of truth in here but also quite a lot of projection that this will be the case going forward even though everyone from owner to GM to head coach to QB And half our starters are completely different. Hopefully better times ahead.
  11. I just think we have a bad habit of throwing good players out due to bad scheme/circumstances is all. Less about the pansie comment and more about let’s not write this kid off yet. I remember the Ravens and Decosta being really interested in him last year. Anyone think he goes to Baltimore and doesn’t become a ball hawking force back there? We need to be patient and build around him not judge him off a regime that were dead men walking.
  12. Not sure if this is an attempt at being funny? Ron had a ton of flaws. But Forbes is a legitimate talent that was put in a terrible position last year (due to said flaws). Trading him now would be getting 50 cents on the dollar which no good GM would ever do. Let’s see how he plays this year before calling him a pansie, not a great look.
  13. Nope just watched Russel get discarded from two pretty credible QB coaches. He’s a shell. Fields finished relatively strong last year. An elite passer he is not, but he’s not some terrible player either.
  14. This is a very strong take, I’d take Fields pretty easily over Russel at this point.
  15. I haven’t written off Forbes yet. I actually think he’s got major potential still, but he does need to be worried from the standpoint that he’s not this regimes pick and needs to step it up quick to impress.
  16. Any chance we slide Cosmi back out to RT? Our line would be Lucas, Allegretti, Biadasz, Stromberg, Cosmi. Wylie and Coleman as your 6 and 7 with positional flex. Just a thought but that OL is likely far better than what we trotted out last year. Not great, but better. Coleman can hopefully grow into the LT position in time as well.
  17. My favorite part of the draft is the reactions to picks that no one know enough about cause we literally don’t do this for living. It’s easy to get caught up looking at Kiper’s big board.
  18. It’s so obviously planted by the raiders/Vikings as a last ditch effort to have us move off their guy.
  19. Yep it either means Maye is the true number 2 in most teams eyes or that the Giants/Vikings prefer Daniels. My guess is that they want Daniels and someone planted a seed to make it seem like passing on Maye would be idiotic (maybe it is). I have a hard time believing the collusion it would take for so many sources around the league believe Daniels is number 2 and report it out that way but who knows.
  20. This post resonated with me because the closer we get to the draft, the more antsy I start to feel about Jayden being our guy due to the aforementioned concerns. It’s not that I didn’t have them before, it’s just a feeling that has started to creep in as Thursday approaches. This is absolutely the one part that concerns me and it’s real. It’s real with Lamar. It’s real with any of these guys that leave the pocket and are subjected to more hits. BUT there’s just way too much smoke that Daniels is the superior QB right now. This isn’t the case of drafting a Sam Darnold over a Josh Allen. Jayden made more game breaking plays in a game in the SEC than Darnold would make in several against PAC 12 defenses. It’s true that Maye may be this years Josh Allen but my point is that we aren’t passing on him for an okay talent in any ho hum draft. We’re taking a very legitimate talent that saw the light bulb go off (like Burrow) and I don’t think that’s framed the same way in the offices of the guys that make these decisions as it is here (not a negative but an indication of how much this guy cared to improve and then DID THAT in spades). Peters experience with Lance ironically probably tips the scales in the other direction. Lance was the toolsy raw guy coming out and didn’t turn out. Now maybe Maye turns out to be Allen (I think Herbert is a really bad comparison as a prospect outside of the fact his game was picked apart due to prospect fatigue). But he could also be Lance or Trubisky, guys who just never developed as Rythm passers that could be trusted with the keys to the entire offense. Again, I really like Maye. I see him more as an Allen, but with time and A LOT of patience. Just like Josh needed. If they take him, I’ll be all aboard and trust they made the right choice. A bit of a ramble but that hits on some of my all encompassing thoughts.
  21. There is so much more to being a thrower than a big arm. I loved Lamar in college. Loved him coming out and couldn’t believe Baltimore stole him where they did. But he was inaccurate and never came close to the season Jayden Daniels had as a passer in 2023. You could make the argument he could have gotten there with better talent around him and more time in school. But he didn’t so it’s all guesswork. That’s what makes the draft so intriguing though!
  22. I’m not insinuating they got it right. But speaking purely as prospects, 31 teams passed on Lamar Jackson. That’s not going to happen to Daniels on Thursday so it’s a bit hyperbolic to say Daniels can’t touch Lamar as a prospect. Daniels is a far more sophisticated pocket passer than Lamar coming out and it’s not even close.
  23. Lamar went 32 and was asked by teams to switch to WR. Even if Daniels doesn’t go to us, he is universally regarded as a top 3 pick in a abnormally strong QB draft. Lamar was not that as a prospect and there’s a reason for that.
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