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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Whatever happened to that 'book' RG3 was going to 'write'? I think one reason RG3 never improved was because he was so used to guys like RG2 whispering in his ear that he was the greatest QB since sliced bread and that coaches conspired against him to destroy his career. Like a coach would willingly design a blocking scheme that would expose his QB to more sacks...did RG3 ever think that through? I'm sure Jay didn't have RG3's back, however. But it's baffling how people can be so blind to their own faults. I remember hearing when he was with the Browns he would be passive-aggressive in practice and throw the ball over the fence into the parking lot where reporters were huddled just to 'prove' to them he still had an arm.
  2. Surprised this hasn't been posted yet...didn't know Jay got into it with B Mitch as well... regardless of who you think is right, If Jay acts like this with former players then it's not surprising he's not coaching in the NFL. Jay's judgement has been bad since he was caught smoking outside a bar at One Loudoun with a hottie NOT named Mrs. Gruden sitting on his lap. 😂 Jay Gruden rips Robert Griffin III as social media feud rages on: 'You weren't good enough' https://www.foxnews.com/sports/jay-gruden-rips-robert-griffin-iii-social-media-feud-rages-on
  3. After this year's performance I think Ron is done, just like Shanahan, Zorn, and Gruden before him. The reverse car wash is up and running!
  4. My favorite is the "Guys guys guys guys guys guys" set to a rap beat on the Grant & Danny show.
  5. We probably would have wound up with one of these clowns...or likely both:
  6. Brian Mitchell gets pretty animated on the radio when this topic comes up. He says the fact is that there are some NFL players who only show up to get a paycheck because they just so happened to be good at playing football all their lives. They lack an internal drive to WIN, however. If someone is only putting in 50% then the other guys on the team have to exert even more effort to make up for it...and will become resentful for having to do so, which of course undermines team morale. But it all depends on what the coach will tolerate, and if he lets the lazy guys half-ass it in practice and during games then the players who want to win will see that and not put forth 100% effort for the coach, even if they're unaware they're doing so. We all know Rivera was a good man, but something didn't click with the players here under his tenure.
  7. Plus, the Steelers aren't going to trade their coach when they just made the playoffs.
  8. I'm not so sure about that...if he did he would have known that losing to the Browns last year would keep them out of the playoffs.
  9. Did Jason really do that? If so, I may have to amend some of my previous posts about him...nothing personal with him, as I understand being under Snyder wasn't going to be good for him anyway...it's just his history of screwing up PR issues was grating...and it's possible that's a duty that Snyder shoved off on him without Wright being prepared.
  10. Why hasn't Jason Wright been fired yet?? It's almost NOON! ⏱️ VP of Stadium Safety Railings VP of Stale Hot Dogs VP of Expired Airline Peanuts VP of Vanilla Ice Cream VP of Overpriced Stale Beer
  11. Ron's the kind of guy who will get fired on Monday and then show up Tuesday as if nothing ever happened...and someone has to point out that he isn't employed there anymore. "Whaddya mean I got fired?" I'm sure his family puts up with a lot since he likely does the same with anniversaries and birthdays. 🙄
  12. That alone was reason enough for Ron to lose his job...he was hired to coach, not manage.
  13. Circumstances? Like taking on GM duties when he wasn't qualified for it??
  14. Incidentally 1993 is when this franchise started falling apart...Gibbs knew he'd never be able to keep an o-line like the Hogs together with free agency arriving, and left Petitbon holding a flaming bag of dog poop.
  15. They were playing Ron's initial press conference from 2020 when he was hired, and it was funny to hear him say Snyder "had done some research" and "informed me" that the "coach-centric approach is what leads to success." WTF? What kind of 'research' would Snyder have done...five minutes of scrolling through the Wikipedia page on NFL coaches while sitting on the toilet and holding a glass of Crown Royal in his other hand? And it's highly debatable that a "coach-centric" approach is the only way NFL teams have succeeded...too many examples to list here, but it's pretty clear that having a good coach AND a good front office is what leads to consistent success...not the 'success' Snyder experienced with one-off late-season runs when the rest of the NFC East teams fell apart (see 2005, 2012, 2016, 2020).🙄 What bothered me the most was that Tugboat said Snyder "informed me". Would a coach like Rivera really need to be schooled on how the NFL works by a pipsqueak cheapskate bully who never had any success in the NFL in the first place?? 😁 His response SHOULD have been "Thank you for the interview, Mr. Snyder. But I have other interviews coming up with the Browns, Cardinals, and Jaguars, who have longer track records of success than this team has had since you took over."
  16. If Hardpaw wins the NCAA championship, he would be a fool to come here. Better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven, eh?
  17. That's what's been so frustrating about this season. It was a top 10 defense last year and fell apart despite not suffering serious injuries that would explain it. I have a feeling a lot of players got sick of Dustup Del Rio s approach or he tried to change a schemes or isn't putting players in the right positions...which he seemed to be doing ok last year, so what happened? I have a feeling anonymous players will come out of the woodwork after Ron is fired to say the locker room had poor morale and bad teamwork for a variety of reasons, because the drop off certainly wasn't due to injuries.
  18. The darker burgundy and actual gold on the 2002 fake throwbacks would get my vote regardless of what identity (*cough*REDWOLVES*cough*) they adopt.
  19. That should be the name of the multi-volume history of this team under S N Y D E R: The Culture Was Damn Good: The Evil Depredations of Dan Snyder, Volumes I - XXVII
  20. Before lunch or after? Harris may be a nice enough guy to let them digest their food before handing them their walking papers. At least Harris isn't the kind of guy to not tell them they're fired, like what happened in Arizona years ago when the coach only found out he was gone when his badge didn't work the next morning.
  21. I'd love to see Tepper fire a coach after every single loss and go through 14 or so head coaches in one season. Why not? Dumber things have happened, and Tepper wants a 'winner' so bad that he's fired two coaches during their first year...why not just go all out and fire coaches with their first loss and keep doing it until he finds that 'winner' just like he did with business deals. I'd love to see that, while empathizing with Panthers fans too.
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