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Everything posted by SkinssRvA

  1. Watched a couple Amazon Prime shows the past few weeks. The man in the high castle and mad dogs. Both on Amazon. both were pretty good but I think man in the high castle is a bit better. Completely different genres, but worth a look.
  2. Coutinho playing so deep is probably not at his best. Unless they give him free roam. If I were a pool fan I'd rather Henderson or Milliner there and then Firmino/Coutinho behind the strike force. Could Even see Firmino alongside Sturridge with Coutinho playing behind.
  3. Just watched the match highlights. Stats looked close but from the highlights it looked like Liverpool's to win. Benteke appeared to have 15 chances. Tough loss that
  4. Confirmed ACL for Zouma. 6 months out, and then however long for additional physical/mental recovery. Gutted.
  5. Gutted for zouma. Guus said in the presser afterward it was a hyper extension. Him and Willian have been the lone bright spots for Chelsea in an otherwise forgettable season. Hope as much as any man can hope it is not ligament damage
  6. Chelsea are still champions until May....but by God our football is atrocious. So negative playing like the away side today against a dreary manU
  7. Well this game certainly has turned on its head. Did the players join the fans in the walkout??
  8. GHH are you anticipating a large legion of liverpoolites leaving at 77? Sorry I haven't been following this story, but who is organizing the walkout?
  9. Apparently Chels rejected a big from one of the China clubs for Oscar. A reported 75m Euros. That is a ridiculous price and as much as I do appreciate Oscar and think he's one hell of a player...I just can't justify turning it down. With that said Oscar would probably reject the contract. The boy is ambitious and wants European football.
  10. Teixeira sold. 50m. Absolutely ludicrous price for his services. Not to mention he has just sold his soul to the chinese devil...
  11. CFC looked very inept in the first half vs Watford. Need to show more attacking promise on Sunday vs ManU or things could be dreary. Second half things changed. And when Hazard was subbed on in the 70th minute, the game turned upside down. Two ridiculous saves by Gomes kept CFC from getting all 3 points. Oh well. I think that's 10 unbeaten now with a date with ManU at the bridge on Sunday. Come on you blues!!
  12. Chels looking a bit static. Watford appear hungrier and more dangerous.
  13. Hazard starting on the bench again today against Watford. Really thought he would be on considering we need to build up his form prior to ManchesterU. Pretty defensive lineup today with both matic and mikel starting. Matic has been so poor this season it is starting to become laughable that he even dresses. It also appears Pedro has been dropped from the squad altogether....
  14. Takeaways from Chels yesterday: 1. Comical finishing kept MK Dons in the game early. The score could have easily been 6-1 heading in to half...alas it was only 3-1 2. MK Dons has horrific defending. Even sitting at 20th in the premiership I expected more. However, this is the type of game that builds confidence, and Guus played a majority of first team players so hopefully this bodes well moving forward 3. Oscar was king. After missing two point blank opportunities early, he came on strong and had a hat trick in the opening 45. He showed his true class and if he can remain consistent, is an unbelievable player. 4. Hazard got his first goal. He created a chance, got taken down in the penalty area, stepped up eagerly and knocked home his first goal of the season. Good to see, and I hope he stays around next year. He is a remarkable talent who has trouble being direct. But when he's on the ball, it's incredibly hard to displace him. 5. Terry Leaving the club. Perhaps the most disappointing news I have heard in quite some time. An absolute legend leaving the club at the end of the season. Drogba last year, and even more heartbreaking Terry this. Hopefully the boys can send him out on a high note. That's all...looking forward to Wed against Watford.
  15. This Chelsea Mk dons game is comedy. Should be 6-1 chels atrocious misses from point blank
  16. Also, take this for what it's worth, but Metro reporting Chelsea are trying to close a deal with Dani Carvajal. Would be pivotal for us as we could bump the struggling ivanovic back to the middle where he belongs and shore up our right side, leaving azpi on the left.
  17. Teixeira 70 mil? Wow...I thought his value was inflated at 38! Some funky business strategy they got in the Ukraine. I don't think he is at the level of Willian or Costa, and yet he is commanding much more.
  18. The obvious recent history bodes well for liverpool no doubt. But the main worry for City has been their defense. The back four seem to lack leadership/alignment without Kompany. If all reports are to be believed he will be back though in time for the final. On top of that City are extremely potent in the final third, their strength. City, with a healthy and in form aguero, is a very strong side. L'pool is strong through the spine though. Should be an interesting match. Like I said I like City to win it, but only by a hair. The results in the next few weeks could change my mind though...
  19. I don't see teixeira moving. Could be wrong but if it were to get done it would by now. Two big EPL teams have come calling and no return. Granted it is the January Window and clubs tend to overpay nearing the end, but I just can't see it. Not only that but I do not think he is worth the money. Chelsea have Pato to a 6 month loan...not sure how I feel about it. His wages are low and if he finds any of his past form he will be an instant success for the price paid. His run 24 seconds in against Barca still remains one of the best examples of this kid's talent...too bad for his injury and off field issues. Seems eerily similar to Falcao. Anyway, De Bruyne out against Liverpool bodes well for y'alls chances. Still favor City but not by much...
  20. Fredy Guarin and Gervinho also moving to China this window. Those folks are buying up Fifa 14 beasts left and right!
  21. Ramires' sale is considerably larger than he is worth. I think this chinese team is looking to become the PSG of the eastern world...just buying up talent of any level at ridiculous prices. Ramires looks to be a casualty of war here, as although I think he is a useful squad player Guus much prefers mikel. As far as Benteke I don't think it's going to happen. Pato is coming over on loan it appears with Falcao and Remy ****ting the bed. Benteke doesn't fit our mold much anyhow. Of all the players who catch heat on our squad, the most this year has been given to Oscar. People, for one reason or another, simply don't think he is performing well. I differ vehemently...I think he does so much for our squad both attacking and tracking back. But I digress...I can never convince people who have already made up their minds. I think he's off in the summer, hopefully for a large fee. And while we are at it, Hazard is probably gone as well.
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