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Everything posted by Mrshadow008

  1. Nah I just pay attention to things and judge people based on an entire body of work instead of just the mistakes the make especially knowing that some of those mistakes might not even really be that persons fault.
  2. I had absolutely no problem with the santa peeing on the cowboys logo it was hilarious and part of what made this rivalry great. And it wasnt twitter it was zoom and yeah it was messed up and done by Chris Bloyer who get this is no longer with the team 😱. Again i didnt like the way the Sean Taylor thing was handled I said but what exactly did you want him to do when you say he disappeared? He apologized for it and moved on? Did you want him on his hands and knees in the media begging for forgiveness? Did you want him to go on every local radio station apologizing and explaining himself just so he could be called a liar anyways? And its been stated earlier in this thread that he's been upset because he hasnt had the power he was led to believe he would. So the other question in this entire thing is how much of the mistakes we attribute to him are little midget boy in the background that Jason is really having to fall on the sword for?
  3. hmmm odd he retires right when pressure from congress is ramping up. jerruh mightve been trying to clean house real quick.
  4. Nah I think its more of you wonder where exactly espn got those documents and how much knowledge other owners had. especially a little midget that wants to be just like ole jerruh.
  5. Alright here goes. - season ticket sales are on the rise believe it or not. You can say thats not on him but those are people he hired and put in place. - we have probably the most diverse executive group in the league. -by all reports the working culture inside the building has greatly improved which was priority #1 -we have three municipalities fighting over us to put the stadium there. No one wanted to touch us two years ago some has to do with name a lot to do with Dan. -hes engaged with fans and media even when he knows hes going to get crapped on. -he has been very engaging with fans behind the scenes. -the slashing of prices of club level and other premium seats to make them more affordable. Also including food/beverage and parking with the purchase of club level. as well as going to an 11 month pay structure to make it more affordable for every day fans to afford. - the creation of new membership levels with new incentives that come with said membership levels at no extra charge to STHs so that they feel like they are actually getting their moneys worth. -replacing those godawful seats in the club this offseason -giving season ticket holders options of free gear the day of the reveal -the park n party, the swag bags with the free gear, going out into the area with former players and giving out free gear, sending out gear to fans on twitter not in the area and couldn't make it to the park n party. -the new pick your seat event with special things for the fans throughout the day -the promise of more free fan events to be more engaging with the fan base -including native american focus groups in the process for the name change and then those focus groups coming out saying for once they felt like the organization was being honest for once. You think Dan had anything to do with any of this? Oh and hes done this while having to deal with a rebrand no one really wanted and a man baby breathing down his neck that is constantly crapping all over himself and doesnt want him there.
  6. Thats the problem though youre going to be paying for it one way or another whether with taxes or PSLs personal preference id rather pay few cents more per transaction on food or whatever the tax ends up being attached too than paying 5-10000 up front for a PSL I cant afford. Not sure on nats park
  7. The company man line is false and gone over multiple times. Dan doesn't even want Jason here. And as far as the name rollout what would you have done differently?
  8. Yes it is Federal land. I think in order for it to be there though the land would definitely have to be swapped or bought from the government instead of leased. The other thing here is if DC is gonna be willing to put up any money or not. I get why people dont want to pay for stadium but if one place is offering a billion dollars towards stadium and one is offering 0 itd be an easy decision unfortunately
  9. This is where I am. I get the mistakes. I get why people are upset with them. But the ones that loathe him also refuse to look at the good hes done as well. And as you said this was an absolutely massive under taking with the amount of things going on at once. How many franchises have ever had to deal with the amount of stuff at once that this franchise is dealing with. Its an impossible task. Like I said I get why people can be upset. But crapping all over him and calling him incompetent is ridiculous. Also calling the man a liar and his integrity into question without any proof or having ever talked to the man or knowing his thoughts is uncalled for to me. Id like to see what he can do when he's not having to deal with everything at one time and as he gains more experience.
  10. Id imagine thats what he means as theres 1200 acres worth of land there. Not sure what road/metro infrastructure is there
  11. Yeah the gambling and having the land for multiuse development is a big deal. And honestly as fans if we wanna have any shot at avoiding PSLs we probably need to welcome it because both of those things dwarf psl $. I would love it over in maryland by mgm but same thing with gambling would be hard with mgm right there. They could probably make that work if Dan wasnt the owner. Id hear of down by river but not sure what land situation is like. Sports Book is going to be a huge part of this like it or not. Those gambling $ are huge and allows you to have traffic to and from the stadium all year round. Which would honestly help any area its in because it brings in money year round.
  12. If you wanna be honest about it RFK might not even big enough for what Dan or new owner is likely going to want. The RFK site was 190 acres in 2006 and I think its been built up around since then. In comparison SoFi between the stadium and the mixed use development land is 298 acres. Also Owner whoever it is is going to want a year round sports book highly doubt that would be allowed on federal land
  13. The first part I absolutely agree with. And for the record I was just as upset as anyone about the Sean Taylor ceremony. Dude made a mistake hardly makes the man incompetent especially with everything else going on with this organization at the moment.
  14. It’s not a defense and I didn’t even say I liked it all I said was that his “bs” excuse of using the dates in the NFL annals was factually correct because that’s what they factually say. You’re more than welcome to go look yourself. I bet you won’t cause it doesn’t fit your narrative. And he absolutely is not a Snyder stooge Dan doesn’t even want him there. But sure whatever toasts your bagel there buddy.
  15. Lmao why was it a lame apology because you didn’t agree with it? No matter what the man said you wouldn’t have liked it. Dude screwed up and admitted it and whether you believe it or not was telling the truth that he really was unaware about what that meant to the fan base and legitimately felt really bad about it. And why was the unveiling pathetic? Is it because he didn’t invite you? Or say hey come on down fans free for all come boo us all on national tv cause you’re not getting your way about the name we can’t have after 80% of you didn’t want the name to change anyways and are gonna hate it no matter what! I’ll also say this the park n party was actually a really cool event that you know was two days after the name reveal specifically for us fans that they didn’t have to do. They could’ve gone the Indians route and announced it via a Tom Hanks video with no fan event, no former players driving around giving out free gear, no free swag bags nothing at all for the fans. Oh and then get sued right after the name is announced just like Cleveland did. Just what the franchise needs is another lawsuit right? But hey you couldn’t potentially had a name you liked right? Oh and whether you think his excuse about the dates was bs or not doesn’t change the fact that what he said to sheehan is factually correct the nfl record books show the dates as 83, 88, and 92. I know this because I’ve actually gone and looked so no it wasn’t a bs excuse. Season ticket sales are up. There’s legitimate hope at getting a new stadium. They are legitimately trying to do some cool things for fans. We have probably one of the most diverse executive groups in the entire league. The work culture has reportedly greatly improved inside the building which was the most important thing because in the words of coach Rivera “Thats real life ****.” None of that is happening because of ownership it’s happening in spite it. But just because you don’t like him or because he offended you in someway shape or form hardly makes the man incompetent. What he has accomplished is pretty incredible considering our owner. He’s handled it as gracefully as possible considering the fan base is constantly crapping on him, having to do a complete rebrand that most of the fans didn’t want, constantly having to take arrows for a man that probably HATES that you are there and you probably can’t stand. Not to mention every time you clean up one mess the little toddler man is running around behind you making another one. So excuse the hell out of me if I don’t think a couple of mistakes makes the man incompetent or any less respected around the league. Let’s hope you never make any mistakes on your job cause that would make you incompetent
  16. You don’t? You think the league would just decide on a whim to just make Dan hire him and tell him he wasn’t allowed to touch Jason if he wasn’t extremely respected around the league? https://theundefeated.com/features/historic-hiring-jason-wright-washington-football-team-nfl-first-black-team-president/amp/ Wright is both well-positioned and well-suited to succeed as a trailblazer, many NFL executives and longtime league observers told The Undefeated, because he’s uniquely qualified to lead in these unprecedented times. Recently, the league office aggressively pursued Wright to fill a high-ranking position that would have given him major input in charting the league’s diversity strategy, according to multiple NFL sources. According to one executive, “he was Roger’s No. 1 pick” for that job. Although Wright decided to stay put at McKinsey & Company, his stature among powerful league influencers only increased. Jason is absolutely extremely highly regarded and respected around the league. Do not let the the fact that Jason is constantly having to go back behind the toddler Dan and clean up his messes cloud your judgement on him.
  17. Nah not necessarily most owners come in give the people in charge a year to see how well they mesh and see how things are going and then decide from there. It’s also depends on what’s going on. Hypothetically let’s say Dan is forced to sell. Team makes playoffs and attendance starts rebounding between being competitive and some of the things Jason is doing for fans that those that want him fired conveniently ignore. A new owner coming in and firing two people who despite what are our fan base thinks are two of the most respected individuals in the league it would not be a good look and would feel very much like Dan all over again.
  18. Agreed. It was never going to be anything but super safe and boring. It’s why I don’t get the they didn’t even try for Redwolves! Yes they did. They tried as hard as they could. They were never going to try any harder than calling and asking about the rights a couple times once they got shot down a couple times that was the end of it. They were never going to risk any kind of law suit or litigation or anything like that after all the previous controversy. It’s a large reason the Commanders was the name. No risk what so ever in any kind of litigation or lawsuits or whatever. Same thing with yelling about them not doing a big enough reveal with fans etc. They knew people were going to be upset no matter what the name was so why risk sitting there getting booed and being even more of a joke than they already are? But I agree obviously that I highly doubt the name gets changed again
  19. Sorry to burst your bubble guys but I HIGHLY doubt their ends up being another new name. First off the name change was largely run by Jason who the league hired. 2nd the NFL had to approve the new name in the first place. Third the NFL probably helped push the Commander name forward as they like having those military connections. And 4th the NFL was never going to allow anything that wasn’t super safe and boring based off all the controversy over the Redskins name and likely wants to keep it that way. I just highly doubt NFL would have any interest what so ever in going through all that again.
  20. I agree. I think right now they are ramping up public pressure to try to get him to sell on his own without having to force him to sell. However I highly doubt he sells voluntarily. Obviously could be very wrong but I would be shocked. NFL is going to do everything in its power to avoid having to go with the nuclear option of forcing him out via vote. Unfortunately I think thats what its going to end up having to come to.
  21. Agreed. Saw a couple things that said expect stall tactics etc until November to see if congress changes hands and it gets dropped. I disagree. Its very clear NFL is over this mess. I highly doubt NFL wants this going that long especially considering the pressure is picking up not letting up. The NFL does not want the pressure to keep getting ramped up and to continue being a distraction. I would be surprised if we dont have some sort of answer one way or another long before then.
  22. Part of the reason Im okay with including Sweat in any potential trades is this FA class is very deep at pass rusher. Right now off the top of my head you have JPP, Randy Gregory, Von Miller, Calais Campbell, Fowler Jr, Derek Barnett, Clowney, Ogbah, and rumors that Lawrence could be released as well so plenty of opportunity to replace Sweats production if he is included in any trade.
  23. No he doesnt. Rick is usually very measured, level-headed, and pretty fair in what he puts out. The rest of the local media has been very pessimistic regarding the whole thing but this is second time in last week that Rick has said something like this which leads me to believe that there is a real shot of this happening.
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