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Posts posted by max21

  1. 9 hours ago, Nerm said:


    My apologies Hersh, but what is dead may never die.  I will prove that by quoting my own post.



    I just read that the battle of Winterfell originally was going to contain a scene where a pack of 50 direwolves/wolves swarmed and took out the Night King's undead dragon.  But D&D decided to go another direction.  


    I can see it in my mind, and it is beautiful. 😥

    Is there a source on this? If this is true I’m ****in pissed. That would have been so dope 

  2. 19 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    I need to watch Chernobyl.  How many episodes is it?


    And Weeds is one of those shows that started out really awesome, but holy **** does that show jump the shark and just completely go off the rails in the later seasons.  It get's nearly unwatchable in the later seasons.  But the episodes are so short that I just powered through it all.

    5, It’s awesome

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    I get that Drake is an employee of the team and all that but man how is he just allowed to approach opposing players like that on the court?

    It’s Drake, the most popular rapper and pretty much a mogul for this generation. He’s mentioned Curry in many of his songs so I’m sure they’re somewhat friends. 

  4. 2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    Just my $.02


    This discussion is dumb.  Americans don't "love" this.  One, polls show most people support some level of increased gun control.  Now what level varies greatly.  But I think most everyone would agree that we'd rather not have these things happen.  Two, there are plenty of things that Americans obviously don't "love" yet lack the motivation to really drive change.  This falls squarely in that category.  And like most other things, it's not that Americans don't want change.  The issue is corporate interests take precedence over the people's desires in this country.  Anyone who agrees Americans "love" this, I'd argue they must also love the current state of politics.  Or corporations having more say over what happens in our country than the electorate.  After all, don't see a whole lot being done about it either.  So you can argue (correctly I'd say) that Americans lack the motivation to do anything substantive about this.  But to say we love this, that's just ****ing stupid.  So if you think that Americans love it, go hug your NRA card.  Since almost everyone here is an American, you must also love it.


    Back to the topic of this shooting, I'm tired of hearing the talking heads point out that Virginia is an open-carry state like that makes a difference.  I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone open carry around here.  And when it does happen, there is usually a cop or security guard in close proximity.  Now there can (and should) be a debate about what led to this and ways it could have been avoided.  But VA being an open carry state played zero role in this.


    Lastly, I'm really surprised we don't see more of this happening on military bases.  You want to talk about an over-stressed, disgruntled group, it's people in uniform.  And it isn't exactly difficult to get a gun on base.  There was a shooting on base here at NAS Oceana a few weeks ago but that turned out to just be a domestic dispute.  I thought we might see something after that like more random vehicle inspections or something to at least make it look like it might be difficult to get a gun on base but nope, nothing.

    I’m a contractor for the Navy and can tell you that the vehicle searching can be very lax at times, NOB will inspect your work vehicle before it comes on one of the piers but that’s about it. A girl I went to high school with lost her Aunt to this, pretty wild 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Epochalypse said:

    I think the disconnect we have is that you are looking for the "happy Jon" ending.  Nothing about Jon's character suggests he gets a happy ending.  He is every bit Ned's "son" even if not by birth.

    Yeah to each their own I guess but I feel like Jon did get a happy ending, at first I didn’t. He never wanted to be king, and never liked the politics he always just wanted to help people survive. When Tormund left winterfell he told Jon it’s where he belongs and Ghost and him would be Happier if he was there and Jon said he wishes he could. He sort of smiled as he was riding his horse beyond the wall with his dog next to him like “oh this isn’t so bad”. I’m not sure what you mean by he’s “Ned’s son” because that’s exactly what he is, he could have chose to be the Targaryen king of Westeros but decided to essentially stick to his roots as a Stark. Just my opinion 

  6. 22 minutes ago, Epochalypse said:

    I think you're misinterpreting Jon's future.


    He was sentenced to the Night's Watch, not sentenced be a wildling.  I doubt Jon's honor would allow him to buck that.


    As I saw it, him going north of the wall was just as an escort to return the wildlings to their home.  The Night's Watch routinely patrolled north of the wall.  I don't think Jon had any intention of remaining there; he was going to serve the Night's Watch as he was expected to.  That's why he told Arya she could visit him at Castle Black, because that was where he intended to be.


    Just my opinion.

    I don’t think that at all, when the gate closed and he looked back at it it seemed to me like he was never returning back to castle black or beyond their at all. It was a fitting end to his story of him going to live with his best friend and dog and the people he saved in the true north. It was just crazy to think about how much he has been through just to go back there, but I think that’s where he is happiest. 

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  7. So I feel a bit better after thinking about what happened to Jon. I think when he was in the true north he was the happiest, Tormond even said he belongs in the true north and Jon said he wishes he was going with him. I was just sorta confused why their even was a Nights watch anymore and he just seemed to abandon it ( I guess his siblings sort of knew he was gonna go north of the wall and not stay at castle black? ) I just wish their was more dialogue on what he is doing but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s going to live with the wildlings who he saved from the WWs so I’m sure now he will be King beyond the wall and start his new life there since he never really cared about the politics. 

    Overall I’m just sad it’s all over, I loved that show. 

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  8. I’m somewhat bitter about Jon’s ending, he was pretty much the man for this entire show and then is a prisoner and then just sent back to the Nights watch? I know he didn’t want to be King and all but damn I’m pretty sad about how they treated him at the end 

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  9. 1 hour ago, purbeast said:

    If Dany tries to kill Jon with a dragon and he doesn't burn because he's part Targarion, I'm going to LOL and facepalm so ****ing hard. 


    I'm kind of hoping it goes that route now because I kind of don't care how it ends.  

    God if that happens, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Honestly might break my TV

  10. 5 hours ago, visionary said:

    That’s probably a scene from season 6.  The creation of the Night’s King, I think?


    I believe Naomi Watts is starring in the pilot though, unless that’s changed.

    Yeah apparently the whole spinoff is about the children of the Forrest and the first men/creation of the white walkers. 

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