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Posts posted by max21

  1. 12 minutes ago, Springfield said:

    Was Hardhome the one where Jon Snow and his band of merry idiots went looking for the White Walkers and narrowly escaped death?  Cause it would get repetitive watching Snow do sad eyes at the Night King after narrowly escaping every week.

    Jon and a few of the watch and Tormund went to Hardhome to make allies with the wildlings and get dragon glass. They were ambushed by the night King and his army and Jon killed a white walker with Long claw.  Beyond the wall is the episode where they go looking for a white walker 

  2. 12 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

    this season is killing my anticipation for the prequels


    i'm ready to be done with the world in totality

    Me too but apparently one of them is about the Children of the Forrest and the first men, so uhhh who am I kidding I’m definitely gunna watch. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:



    And maybe that could be what pushed her over the edge.  Maybe Drogon was injured in the fight at King's landing.  


    And then someone fires a scorpion bolt into the dragon's leg.



    Yeah I agree. Many people have said also that Rhaegal should have been alive during episode 5, while the bells were ringing and the Lannister army was surrendering, somebody (maybe Euron) got a hold of a scorpion and then killed Rhaegal during surrender which then pushed her over the edge. 

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  4. I’m not so sure what to make of the episode. They definitely nerfed the scorpions but it did seem like one scene after she burned the fleet in black water bay she flew drogon more vertically and maybe figured out how to fly around them? I was sorta hoping for dragon armor or something like that.  I just wish Dany had more of a reason to go full on mad queen and lay waste to KL, like someone said Rhaegal dying in last nights episode instead of episode 4 would have given her more reason to do what she did. Visually it was a great episode and I enjoyed it more than most probably because I cared way less about Cerseis plot than the Night Kings. It was sorta fitting seeing Jaime and Cersei die together, just wish it was more satisfying. Can’t believe their is only 1 episode left, I’ve never invested so much time in a show ever and it’s kinda sad we only have one left. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, Springfield said:


    He’s only gotten better over time.  Probably the best rapper out right now.  Kendrick needs to hurry up and put out a new album already.

    Definitely, he’s really picked up his delivery. I like the Wiz track a lot and I don’t even like wiz. I was just telling my buddy a Kendrick album for the summer would be dope 

  6. 17 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    The whole thing about people crying about Jon's "goodbye" to his dire wolf is a perfect example of people ****ing just to ****.  It's a ****ing wolf that as someone mentioned has had like 4 spots on the entire series.  Who ****ing cares.  


    Those are the same exact people that wouldn't have been satisfied if GoT played EXACTLY how they wanted to, because then they would have wanted it to play out differently.  They won't be satisfied no matter how it ends.

    This is GOT you, people are over the top obsessed with this ****. EVERYTHING that happens it’s going to get heavily scrutinized, this is arguably the biggest show of all time. Accept that and move on. 

  7. The whole Bran thing is the weirdest to me, wtf is he doing? So much hype over him and it’s like the writers just didn’t even care about it. Also still upsetting the WW storyline is most likely done, still don’t care that much about Cersei. I’m just trying to enjoy these last few episodes as much as I can. 

  8. I actually didn’t think it was a bad episode, im interested in what Jaime is going to do. I’ve accepted the sloppy writing and trying to enjoy the last few episodes of my favorite show ever. Makes me want to read the books again 

  9. I saw the Reddit thread also, I did that last season and it ruined it for me literally all the spoilers and theories were right. Not this season boys 

    It’s the ASOIAF subreddit for all of those who really want to read them 

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  10. 4 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


    My facebook feed at 10:30 on Sunday was basically 25 posts of this:


    Arya!!!!!! #GOT


    People loved that episode and ending. Book nerds who realized that they wasted their lives on 5,000 pages of rubbish with no ending are mad.

    Lmao, we’re all considered “book nerds” because we invested some time into that show. That ending was disappointing as hell, predictable and boring. Everyone I’ve talked to was disappointed in that episode, and pretty much I saw about 50/50 posts about people liking or disliking it. Reddit hated the episode. But we’re all book nerds so our opinion doesn’t matter 

  11. 41 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    I think most people really enjoyed it, aside from the darkness part.  It's just the vocal minority lashing out on the internet about it for the most part.   

    The majority of people I know who have watched GOT since the jump did not like the episode, but I’m not going to be negative anymore. I read on Twitter that episode 5 is gnarlier than episode 3 so that’s something to look forward to. 

  12. I’m still pissed about the episode, literally for 10 years they’ve been building up “ winter is coming “ and it comes and goes in 1 hour. It gets worse the more I think about it, what a real lame ending that was. I wish I could defend it like some of you. 

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  13. I watched the episode again last and I enjoyed it, everything aside it was aesthetically pleasing for sure. Just the main gripe I have is that over the years I hyped myself up on the NK so much and would think for hours on what he was going to do, I just don’t care as much about the Cersei/Euron Greyjoy plot as much as I do the NK and the white walkers so I’m just sad to see him die so easily. 

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