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Momma There Goes That Man

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Everything posted by Momma There Goes That Man

  1. Gotta step up your lotr game. That was the orcs that had taken merry and pip, not the orca right outside the battle of helms deep he’s not real. I really think he’s a cyborg at this point
  2. I saw La La Land there. The piano show prior to the movie was fantastic too. Awesome experience and night
  3. They need to come up with something better than an onside kick. Make it 4th and 30 from the 20. You convert you get ball at spot. You don’t, the opposing team gets it at the 50. onside kicks suck.
  4. That’s why I hate the college football PI rule. If you get beat, just tackle the guy. It’s cheap and rewards bad football
  5. It has to be said, Michigan definitely crashed like they knew that play was coming…
  6. They should have called that play where the QB fakes a draw and once he gets to LOS he hits a little pop pass over the collapsing LBs I’d never draft JJ Mcarthy. It’s a character flaw for someone to have that tik tok noodle bangs haircut
  7. Is Bama’s OC still in Tuscaloosa? What the hell is this trash
  8. I’m not used to seeing Alabama play in the sun in January. Usually they’re always in domes. This is nice. Wish there were more open roof warm weather sites for the playoffs
  9. the only precedent that has ever been set for the playoffs is that the committee chooses the teams at the end of the year they think are the best, viewing the season overall. With that in mind, I’m fine leaving Texas out. They lost to like the worst Oklahoma team in 2 decades and beating Bama is their biggest win since 2005 USC. if Bama is a lock as a 1 Loss sec champion then I think evaluating Texas vs GA, I don’t think there is any scenario this season where I’d believe Texas is a better team or more deserving. As a SEC hater, it kills me to say it but that’s what I think. Texas will have their chance next year to show they belong playing their SEC schedule. I’d have left them out this year
  10. I agree with that. I just wish they had gone for it and tried to prove the committee wrong and stake their claim, instead of just noping out
  11. If they felt they had an argument they should have played and showed the country you can scheme around your star QB being out. They all bailed. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But we know the starters minus QB aren’t making up 60 points. They are getting stomped either way. We saw the ACC champ game and that offense was ugly.
  12. I thought Johnny Tran killed Jesse in The Fast and the Furious. Turns out he just left the life of crime to be the GA QB y’all I didn’t think they were really going to do it
  13. Me going on Twitter to brag about being on the right side of the FSU debate
  14. Texas. GA should have got in over Texas. If you’re comparing one loss teams, Bama and GA would be in over Texas for me
  15. I have nothing against FSU but I’m tired of hearing how they got screwed (they didn’t) so I hope GA wins this by 75 points.
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