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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. yeah, this is horrible. It was fine at the beginning, then I stepped away to help the wife clean up some and its sounds like its being broadcast over a ****ing cell phone. If the entire Wrestlemania is like this, I'm going to be one pissed off fan/customer.
  2. Watching the pre-show stuff thats live right now and the audio seems jacked up.
  3. Watching the Beyond the Ring: NWO on the WWE Network and man, I so forgot about the Nitro they tossed Ray Mysterio like a dart outside the studio at a trailer. Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson were saying that people that lived around the studio thought it was a gang fight, called 911, swat and fire trucks showed up thinking it was a gang war. LOL, ****ing great times.
  4. Yeah, I mean how many times has the Taker been out in the past 10 years due to injury just trying to stay in shape? Like muscle tears, etc. Im looking forward to Mania 30, but I don't see how Brock/Taker can last that long in the ring and it be legendary or anything.
  5. Sorry Vince, this would have been ****ing fantastic at Wrestlemania 20..........not 31.
  6. Yeah, I looked on one beer finder website and the closest store was something crazy like 450-500 miles away from my zipcode. It's good, but not 450 miles good lol. There is one specialty beer store called Mike's Discount Beverages, I'm sure I could get it there, or he would order it for me, but its a good 45 min drive into hell traffic. I'm lazy, so was hoping to find it nearby. Guess I'm gonna have to get off my ass and look/try harder.
  7. I do have a question, what happened to St. Pauli Girl Special Dark? It was one of my favorite beers and one day it just got removed from the shelves at my local groc. store. I noticed that it was removed from just about every grocery store around me. The only style I can find is the regular St. Pauli Girl Lager and the Non-Alcoholic version (who wants that piss water?). It's still listed on their website and it was never a seasonal beer, I used to buy it year round for years. If anyone that lives in or near the Charlotte area reads this thread can confirm sightings/stores that carry it, let me know. I haven't pushed for it at the local grocery store because, having previously worked in the grocery business for 12 years, they have to go by store sets and each vendor is allotted x amount of space and pretty much told what variety they will carry. I'd like to find it again. I also wish Heineken Special Dark would make a comeback, love my dark German beers/lagers.
  8. I actually had the Smithwicks Irish Pale Ale yesterday (pint can from a variety pack) and it was good imo, nothing to brag about, but solid. I was a firm advocate for Killian's Irish Red for years, then about two years ago, I bought a six pack and it tasted different, not as good as it normally did, but not bad at all by any means. The Coors/Miller vendor I spoke with the next time I was shopping told me that they changed the recipe and feedback was that it wasn't as tasty as the one they had used. However, they were supposed to be tweeking it more towards the original Irish recipe that George Killian used himself. http://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2012/02/17/millercoors-makes-changes-to-killians.html I haven't bought any in a long time. Maybe they went back to the original recipe?
  9. Yeah, it also helps when the Rock was involved in the past three Wrestlemanias, special guest referee, once in a lifetime match vs Cena, then grabs the title to drop it to Cena last year. Brilliant move by Vince/HHH to bring back the Rock part-time, draw back some older fans.
  10. Yeah, but Bryan getting screwed over = even more ultimate fan support. My first thoughts were HHH will beat Byran with outside help. Then in the fatal threeway, he would get taken out by Orton and Batista, they would go at it, keeping the match going, then HHH would take advantage of an opportunity and go for the win, only to have Bryan screw him out of taking the belt. HHH and Bryan start going at it, he gets him in the yes lock, HHH is flailing around pretty much tapping out even though its not a sanctioned match. Then Orton or Batista wins the match. Bryan then hits the winner with the yes lock, causing the crowd to go into a frenzy like we haven't seen before. He grabs the belt and holds it over the champ.
  11. CM Punk alone would not fix TNA. Look at some of the big WWE stars they did lure away, Kurt Angle (big snag), Christian (who was at the time mid-card in WWE), RVD (getting washed up), Foley (washed up/end of career), Jeff Hardy (big snag), NAO (pretty much washed up), Dudley Boys (good snag), Booker T (towards the end of being headliner), Kevin Nash (at end of career), etc. Just about every single one of those guys went back to WWE cause they could get paid more to do less. What current WWE talent is still on the TNA roster? Angle, Mr. Anderson, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Taz (announcer) and Bubba Ray (that's all I can think of). The main problem is Dixie Carter and why on earth she thought bringing in Bishoff and Hogan would do anything for them is beyond me. They need to get past the recycled bull**** story lines and get back to wrestling, good ole fashion feuds, screw jobs/heal turns at PPVs. They absolutely need to stay away from huge factions and too many factions. They have the right number of belts for one show (although I'd strongly consider scrapping the X Division belt). Maybe get rid of the Television title and add an Extreme title in its place for more hardcore matches (i.e. barbwire, chairs, etc.). I'd have one faction form, no more than four members, maybe five counting a manager that does what old school managers do, screw the opponents when the ref ain't looking kinda Jim Cornett/Ted Debiase did back in the day. Don't have the faction have all the belts either, that's way to played up like the NWO days, etc. Beef up the women's circuit again, it actually was some of the best women's wrestling I had seen in a long time (ala Lita, China, Trish Stratus). They have 8 chicks on the roster. No more factions in womens. Straight brawling. Avoid tag teams except on occasion, like after a screw job at a PPV, say whoever is feuding with Madison sets up a screw job agreement with another knockout that if they interfere and help her win the title, they will give them a title shot at the next PPV. Have them feud for a month, then, with management/owner interference change the match to a fatal three way for the womens title. X Division - I have not a clue if its any good at all anymore, but, maybe strip the title from the current holder, hold a battle royal with all the wrestlers in that division, winner is new champ. Or scrap the division all together - form tag teams to beef back up the tag titles. TV title - get rid of it, replace with an extreme rules title and hardcore matches. Let anyone go after it. World title - no idea here, but keep it changing up every 3-4 months if possible, they just don't have the talent for one guy to hold it forever. Tag Team Champs - they really need more wrestlers and new teams to beef this up, the overall roster is limited on quantity. This one is probably the one that suffers the most and like stated above used to be the strongest division. The only way to fix everything is with more quality talent and shear numbers, they don't have enough bodies to throw in the mix for everything as it stands. They may even consider scrapping the X Division and forming more tag teams to beef back up the tag team belts. If they did that, replaced the television belt with an extreme championship belt anyone can go after. Then stuck to old school wrestling with the heavyweight belt and were careful with the womens belt, it could get interesting again.
  12. I read that FX is working on an American Psycho TV series that will take place years after the movie and Bateman will be training an apprentice to take over his evil doings. Have y'all checked out the Pilot TV shows on Amazon Prime? I have watched The After and enjoyed it. Definitely hoping it catches on. I also watched The Rebels and thought it was funny as ****, hoping it catches on too. Bosch looks like it will be good, crime/drama, haven't got around to viewing it yet.
  13. Im with ya man. Im hoping they will eventually start adding them. At least from the attitude era at minimum.
  14. WWE Main Event Daniel Bryan over Corporate Kane Some Chick over Another Chick Tag Team Titles on the line - Usos vs NAO - starting now Edit: Bull****, the NAO aren't wrestling tonight. Now its the ****ing matadors vs. the Usos.
  15. I dont think Usos winning the tag straps had anything to do with Punk not showing up. That was a marketing strategy because they are having a Main Event on WWE Network only tonight where the New Age Outlaws activated their rematch clause. That's Vince stacking his pockets with dolla bills as more people sign up for WWE network.........and I hope they do this once a month or two, it would be great to see actual title changes again during Raws/WWE Network Main Events.
  16. I highly recommend American Horror Story, all three seasons have been really good. If you haven't checked out SuperNatural, do so. They do a season right, 20+ episodes a season, its in 9 now I think. ****ing great show.
  17. Dooooo it. Dooooooooo it! I'm having a blast watching old PPVs lol. And you get all the current ones for $10/month essentially.
  18. The great thing about it, we will get them cheaper. I love Direct TV, don't get me wrong, but ****'em. $70 for a PPV is way too much. It's only that high cause both parties have to make money off of it and split profits. Vince knows that he could probably offer every PPV for 10-20 month, would increase the # of people they didn't get to purchase before (lost revenue due to costs), hell, it may have changed the game for everything (Boxing, UFC, etc.) LOL.
  19. Absolutely. Wrestlemania in HD cost $70 if I'm not mistaken, so for a 6 month commitment at $10/month, you get every PPV in HD streamed live for $60. So basically, you're getting each PPV for around $10/month. Can't beat that imo. I usually only buy Wrestlemania, so it was a no brainer for me to purchase the subscription.
  20. Yeah, they only have a handful of Raw episodes, I think 2 or 3 maybe, the first Smackdown and I can't remember if they had a couple of ECWs and WCWs episodes. Vince knows what sells, I am almost 100% sure they will release the attitude era Raws and Monday Nitros in the future. They have to build the library, so I'm sure that requires a ton of space/servers.
  21. I have only watched the WWE Network on my PS3. On that, I have my internet connection hard lined from the router, it's cable modem with 30 mb down/5mb up, not using wireless. Live streams perfect. As posted previously, the only hiccups I have is when I fast forward through an archive PPV. The interface on the PS3 is ok as far as listing out the content (I'll get to that in a min). The best feature (when its available) is when you are watching an old PPV, it has certain spots marked on the playback progress bar and you can jump to the next match and it doesn't seem to have buffering issues. When the progress bar is just solid and you are blind fast forwarding, going too far ahead gave me rage cause it would freeze up/buffer what felt like 20 times while it caught up. Now, for the first time, last night when I went to bed I decided to put it on WWE Network through my Apple TV in my bedroom using the TV sleep timer so it would turn off. Upstairs in my bonus room, I also have a DSL connection (the cable connection is downstairs and used for work as I work from home). The DSL connection is only 12mb down/0.75mb up. The Apple TV is connected wireless. So, first, the interface for the WWE Network app on the Apple TV is 100% better than the PS3. When going through content, it groups the PPV events by brand, then by year, then lists them in order with the original air date. I know some of yall are thinking, big deal. But its just so much easier and I don't remember the exact order of all the PPVs, especially the WCW ones from the 1990's. Streaming live content was flawless (just like the PS3). Then I put on the King of the Ring 1998 to watch the Hell in a Cell match. There were no hot spots on the progress bar (like some of the content on PS3), just the regular progress bar. I fast forwarded to the end, it played almost immediately, zero freezes/buffering. I haven't tried it on my Xbox 360 yet, and have read the issues that DM72 posted. Which really doesn't surprise me that they are having issues. Out of every media device I've used to stream content (Netflix, Amazon, etc.), its always been the worst on my 360. Maybe it has to do with the fact its old school with the wireless adapter and not hard lined in. I'm not saying go out and buy an Apple TV, but if you have one and haven't used it for the WWE Network, I recommend it highly. Best quality viewing overall so far for me. I'll try and see if any of my other blu-ray players have the app and see how good those work.
  22. Im loving this channel. Well worth my $60. Cheaper than paying just for Wrestlemania, and I get............Wrestlemania for free along with 4 more PPVs. Vince has really out done himself. This is a huge gift to the fans that can afford it and have the access to reap the benefits from it.
  23. Yeah, it was crazy. My best friend is 6'8" and this one grown man (late 20s/early 30s) was drunk and started talking **** to him. Remember, we were in college so my friend was 22 and I was only 21. I don't know if you ever have been to Charlotte, NC and attended any events at the original Charlotte Coliseum (also known as Independence Arena), but the capacity was right under 10,000 seats. Well, we had the back row of seats in the lower bowl. It was set up to where standing at your seat, there was a little over a foot of a wall behind you, the walkway between the lower and upper bowl was there, so if you were standing on the walkway, you were roughly one foot taller than the back row. Well, the guy starts talking **** to my boy and he's looking him dead in the eyes (guy was only around 5'5" or 5'6". His friend completely saturated my other friend with beer, so he got security and they threw the guy out. Being angry that his friend got tossed, with the bill of his hat, he head butts my 6'8" friend (he was so drunk, he mixed up friends). My boy grabbed him by the shirt in his chest and flung him across the walkway, he smashed on the guard rail and fell down. He then, Kevin Nash style hurdles his guard rail (like Nash coming in the ring stepping over the top rope), grabs the guy by the throat with his other fist ****ed about to lay him out and security swarmed the drunk guy and kicked him out. They had seen the guy assault him first and were cool about it. Well, I went out to get a beer and ended up getting behind the cops and the drunk fan, and he was resisting, so they had him in a ****ing arm bar escorting him out, so he was looking back as they walked forward, so I started laughing at him, flipping him birds and ****, making him resist more. I couldn't make this **** up if I tried man lol.
  24. Tonight its working great. Most of the old PPVs actually show the hot spots on the progress bar to forward to the next match. Zero buffering issues when those show up. I just watched the Bash at the Beach 96, the hostile takeover. Then watched the one PPV where it was NWO Wolfpack, it didnt show the "next match spots", but when I fast forwarded to the final match, it would freeze up and buffer for a few minutes, then it was fine. Now I'm watching Wargames from 96, back when the NWO stomps the **** out of the horsemen. Great thing about this, I was in college and it took place in Winston Salem, NC. Well, Monday Nitro was in Charlotte (where I went to college and live), so we went to Nitro and when the NWO came in, Nash grabs the mic and says, "Death to the Horsemen......in their own backyard!" The ****ing **** storm of trash thrown, boo's, etc. was insane. About 5 of us went, all in NWO shirts. We got beer thrown on us, etc. Crazy night.
  25. I'm watching this on a wired connection through my PS3, the buffering is horrible. Anyone else having issues? It keeps pausing to buffer, which blows. Its playing better as it goes on, but Ive noticed that the loading/buffering thing is in the center of my screen spinning around and won't go away lol. I know its the first day of launch, so I'll cut them a break. But, I just tried watching WM11 and fast forwarding to the end to watch the Diesel/HBK match and it freezes up on buffering, sat there "loading" for 5+ minutes. They have got to fix that **** before WM30.
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