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Everything posted by Epochalypse

  1. Then you are obviously voting that Trump gets convicted, because I personally am interested to see what Trump does if someone besides him is the Republican nominee.
  2. By one sided you mean presented by only people interested in the rule of law, including Democrats and Republicans. The side that is missing is the side that wants to nuke hurricanes, flat earthers, Pizzagate demonic cabal warriors, incels, and documented liars. I believe they were offered a chance to present their side but declined. And the people did decide. He was trounced.
  3. To be clear, you want a troll in charge of the US government. It doesn't matter if he's completely unfit for the job, but ya know libs triggered is the most important characteristic for the President of the United States. Good to have that mindset clear.
  4. Let's present this another way. If the election was not fair, it is abundantly clear that Trump and his administration was and is apparently in no way capable of conducting a fair election since this happened under his watch. Unfit. Incompetent. Impotent.
  5. I believe France has won more battles than any other country in history, FWIW.
  6. Yeah for those waiting on the Rapture, I think you'll be sorely disappointed. The rational true Christians will be gone leaving behind the radical CINOs like MTG, Boebert, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Joel Osteen, and so on and so on...
  7. All told I gave the Texans +2345.4 draft points better than the real draft, I'll take it. Obviously, the real test is to see how these players pan out. From just a draft value perspective, however, I think I held my own.
  8. Zakoby McClain still there at LB. And yes I am pimpin all the guys I drafted in the ES GMs Mock.
  9. Tyler Badie going 24 slots later, costs me and the Texans 9.6 points. Down to +2351.8 I think Tariq Castro-Fields going 6 slots later, that's -2.4 points, +2349.4
  10. Suppose I can quick post the final comparison for the Minnesota Vikings. 12 - Derek Stingley, Jr went #3 - +1000 (not my pick, previous owner before they dropped out) 33 - Boye Mafe went #40 for a point differential of -80 77 - Sam Howell went #144 for a point differential of -171 Which shows that the previous owner should have stuck around.
  11. +1895 Texans thanks to Jurgens And Cam Taylor-Britt nets me another +244 so +2139 so far. Throw in a Bryan Cook for another +94. +2233 total. Marcus Jones +85, +2318. Daniel Bellinger +43.4, +2361.4
  12. Karlaftis about to shoot his Drill Instructor before deploying to 'Nam...
  13. Cole Strange was who I would have slotted as pick #61 when I was looking to take over the 49ers at pick #93, wow 1st rounder.
  14. Which is why they had the Man of the Year up there during the announcement, Whitworth be like "Y'all gonna do me like this?"
  15. Why does Andrew Whitworth look like a wax figure?
  16. Is it just me or did they raid the costumes from the Fifth Element for the Green Room folks?
  17. My God, what is Jermaine Johnson wearing?
  18. If it makes you feel better, he just made more money tonight than most people dream of, so it's possible he did something right.
  19. Up to +1530. My first 4 Texans picks all the way through the early third round have been drafted already and we're only 24 picks in 😀
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