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petey hodge

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Everything posted by petey hodge

  1. I think for all our WR drops in the game tonight... Tampa also had their share of critical WR drops. I'm feeling it all balanced out in the end. what does everyone else think?
  2. Anyone else think this picture looked familiar tonight?!? LET'S GO MONARCHS!!! And Aim High Heinicke!!!
  3. I've never been so happy and encouraged following a post-season loss! It's weird. His name is Taylor Heinicke folks OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY
  4. TH is the hero I want... but now that he may actually get the start, that excitement will quickly reduce to straight anxiety... LET'S GO MONARCHS!!!!
  5. anyone know if TH practiced with the first team offense again today? Also, what's the status of Gib and Tony McLauren?
  6. Dont worry about that! Steven SIms consistently delivers in this category!
  7. and then there was the 0-28 comeback game against the Bucs.... (I turned it off on my iPad and made the kids lunch)
  8. "Then I guess there's one thing left to do...."
  9. Montez is our Ben DiNucci... Bran the Broken just kidding. Bran's story was terrible.
  10. Yeah, but we'll have Alex and our prolific offense to just put 40 points up on 'em.... can you say "Shoot Out" with the GOAT? 😅 Of course, I'm crying inside
  11. oh no... I did it. Damn me, straight to hell. I looked past the Bucs. We could be traveling to Seattle to face the Seahawks! REVENGE!!!
  12. Thank Gawd that Dwayne Haskins wasn't an offensive lineman... I couldnt imagine the disgrace he'd bring to Joe Jacoby's legacy if he wanted his #66!
  13. Excess drinking can also lead to: Going to bed at 2 with a 10... and Waking up at 10 with a 2 (see below)
  14. I'll admit, I am a biased homer when it comes to Taylor Heinicke. He put football on the map for us at Old Dominion and enabled our young program to move up to DIV 1A/BCS. He is seen as a Founding Father to any Monarch grad... (the same sick way that Philly fans adore their fictional movie character, Rocky Balboa). Now that being said. We also have literally hours of watching Taylor's game film and have a good sense of what he can do on the field... the intangibles, the mobility, the moxy, the winning, etc. Casual Skins fans got a little taste of that during the Carolina game and no Monarch fans were surprised by the almost 3 TDs and comeback he nearly pulled off. I agree with the others... Alex earned this start.
  15. If we're going to have any shot against KC, we need to work TH into the system now... get him some reps. Some of you guys are so shortsighted. 🙃
  16. I'll drink to that. Look, Alex is not playing for some big contract next year... He's playing for his kids. He's done enough. He's also a leader of men... and he needs to know his limitations and be willing to pass the reins to the best QB who gives the 53 guys on the team the best chance at winning (if he's feeling like he cant). I trust Alex can make the call to pull himself out if he's got excruciating pain... for the team's best chance to advance.
  17. being down 14 with 9 minutes qualifies as "garbage time" in your books... then, ok. Seems to me we were still very much in that game, but whatever.
  18. Meh. Montez is our Ben Dinucci... until proven otherwise. Yup, you fire someone on a bunch of "grey area" issues... you'll probably get dragged into court. Keep it about the performance!
  19. NATIONAL DEFENSE CAPITOL PUNISHMENT (some of my favorites from the 1991 team)
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