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Everything posted by thebluefood

  1. Just when I'm at the depths of my crabbiness - this song finds its way into my ears and I get a soft heart again. This damn song...I'm such a sucker. "Fight for Old D.C.!"
  2. Yeah, didn't want to bring that up but I know Mayor Bowser's pretty much set there. Now, I doubt she'll still be Mayor by the time the lease is up but at that point, I'm sure we'll already have our venue locked up by then. As long as it's Metro accessible, the tickets are affordable, and the team, they can play where ever they want. I'd prefer they play at a more stripped down, bare bones venue to keep the opposing fans and rich transplants out.
  3. I'm guessing the likelihood of the team moving back into the city is still slim, yes?
  4. Still angry at myself for going to bed early. I was a freshman in high school and I should have hit the hay hours before the fourth quarter anyway but I was sure the Redskins were going to lose because they just never could beat Dallas on Monday Night. Then I watch the highlights the next morning. Couldn't believe they won that game.
  5. If the predictions are correct, it'll be one of the few good decisions management has made lately. Though they're associated with the glory years of the Gibbs-era, the Redskins looked their best with darker shades of burgundy and gold, not the "dark red and yellow" we've seen during the later half of the team's history (with the exception of the 2002 uniforms for the 70th anniversary which seem to be loved universally).
  6. Man, Alex Jones his buddies are gonna be in for a real shock when they realize not everyone Left of the bloody John Birch Society isn't a liberal and some of them actually own fire arms. What a pack of ideologically and morally bankrupt bullies.
  7. And sometimes it feels like: "Oh, hey Uncle Redskins. Yeah? You wanna tell us that story from 1982 again? Cool beans. I literally wasn't even thought of yet and I've heard this story a million times already but light me up, fam."
  8. I feel like the Redskins are like a kinda crappy uncle that lives nearby and always comes to holiday dinners, promising to be on his best behavior and avoid the mistakes he made last year and everyone gives him the benefit of a doubt because all the older relatives remember how great he used to be and how much he used to bring the family together and he's "just a few good breaks away from turning things around and getting things back on track" but his nieces and nephews kinda side eye him because they've never known him to do anything but make awful choices with his money and play off of long worn out nostalgia of a time before any of them were born or can remember. Anyone get that feeling?
  9. That's pretty much where I am. Keeping track of off-season trades and news is either exhausting, dull, infuriating, or depressing and as a Redskins fan, I have no reason to trust any "good news" that comes out of Ashburn. Even when the Nationals were putrid, they were way more fun to follow than the Redskins were during their off-season.
  10. I found my copy of "Redskins: A History of Washington's Team" (that anthology book the Washington Post released back in 1997) while unpacking! I haven't read this since I was a kid! Boy, hearing Tom Boswell describe his experience as a young Redskins fan in the 1950s is eerily similar to my experience in the 2000s - from the mediocre seasons to the pledges from the front office that the team is "improving" to watching games with your parents, knowing they saw better times than you did (Boz is a D.C. guy all the way - his father was a 'Skins fan during the Sammy Baugh era, as was my grandfrather). This book is a huge reason why I've been a big Redskins fan my whole life and why I've always loved reading about the team's history. This is positively unnerving with the similarities. Unfortunately, we may be in for a longer wait for glory now than folks were back then.
  11. Everyone gives them crap for not winning Super Bowls but four consecutive conference titles is still amazing. I don't think that'll happen again. Maybe the AFC was the "weaker conference" at the time but four straight conference titles is still four straight conference titles.
  12. Not Redskins related but stumbled upon the "Missing Rings" special on the 1990s Buffalo Bills and I have to imagine the Bills' K-Gun was a lot of fun to watch. Kelly had all those weapons with Reed out on the wing and Thurmond Thomas at halfback. The latter just blasted out of the gates every time he got the ball. Real shame they went 0-4 in the Super Bowl.
  13. Yeah, he mentioned it during the America's Game episode for the '82 Redskins. He thought he was on his way to Washington State not D.C.
  14. Throwback to that time the '98 Vikings put a whoopin' on the Cowboys so bad, Randal Cunningham flashed a smile to the sideline while he was under center.
  15. After he threw a key block in a crucial regular season game against the Giants in '82 (a game where he got laid out and chipped his tooth), he was designated an honorary piglet.
  16. (Also the answer to my previous post was that they're all "piglets" )
  17. It was right in front of his child and his partner. Had all those rounds pumped in him in front of those people who were probably the most important people in his life. And the state doesn't acknowledge it. That man is dead and the state remains silent. So who's next? Am I next? I can't speak for anyone else but myself but I like to wear my hair a little longer and you can tell by the way it grows that I'm not from Europe. I gotta think about that **** every time I get in the car and go for a drive. I'm consistently looking in the rear view mirror, especially if there's a cruiser behind me, checking to see if it's one of those unmarked vehicles, furiously looking at the speedometer, even though I know people are racing around us. Even if I am completely, 100 percent sure I'm following the law, I don't feel at ease again until that cruiser speeds away. Because I could be next. Some of us in this thread could be next. We could be talking about the Redskins on this forum having a good time one day and then tomorrow, you see us on the evening news - our lives being probed and everyone and their momma assuring you that we had it coming for one reason or another.
  18. Would be nice. I was 9 months old and (according to my father) fast asleep in my crib when the 'Skins wrapped up their third Super Bowl championship in Minneapolis. I've watched a lot of bad football over my lifetime. Here's hoping for better times ahead.
  19. Got my first paycheck from the new job today. Didn't make much (missed the first full week of the pay period) but I had enough to get this: Best $10.60 I've spent thus far. Hoping to wave it high and proud sometime this season at FedEx Field.
  20. I don't recall having as much fun as a Redskins fan. The way that team fought all season, along with the division title the Nationals won - that whole back half of 2012 was absolute magic. Hasn't been as fun since. Not gonna lie.
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