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Everything posted by BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93

  1. This is true. Bret Hart...Shawn Michaels...Flair....Sting...ALL super over but they weren't "draws" Their runs at the top saw declining ratings and PPV buys. But they were all super over
  2. I'm pretty sure that in the past, Sting knew he would have been buried if he went to WWE. Like DDP and others. Now, I think it's because TNA is easy for him
  3. i don't think you know what "carrying a match" means...Cena has never carried anyone...EVER. And he botched the hell out the top rope leg drop and nearly murdered Rock. It wasn't a great technical match but Rock looked good to me
  4. Cena talked all that **** and still did the job...hopefully he turns heel tomorrow night
  5. I'm hearing WWE is trying hard as **** to get Brock Lesnar in Miami for Sunday. They want to set up either Rock-Brock II next year at WM 29 or Brock-Taker again. ---------- Post added March-30th-2012 at 11:36 PM ---------- also Batista is in Miami as well
  6. Since I've been in Philly, I havent watched many games since school started (i buy the packages for the caps and yanks but refuse to spend on the wizards) but god, this team is a desert wasteland. My dream was sneaking in as 7th-8th seed and luring/bribing Dwight Howard here. I woke up after the first pre-season game.
  7. exactly...wrestling fans have the most warped view on **** I've ever seen/heard
  8. okay...so in one page I see Cena >>> Rock and BRYAN DANIELSON (literally the best wrestler in the world) being called boring...time to leave for a bit. smh ---------- Post added February-28th-2012 at 02:43 PM ---------- *slap* ---------- Post added February-28th-2012 at 02:46 PM ---------- still don't get why ppl are mad at Rock for leaving for movies...would you rather him be Ric Flair and be an old shell of himself? NO...He accomplished everything in about 7 years...what else was there for him to do? Cena made movies...difference is that he sucks at them and thus there is no demand for him. Rock is turning 40 and never had any real serious injuries so why would destroy his body for 300 nights a year when he can make the same money in a smarter way? Answer that as honestly as possible.
  9. the greatest Mania by far is 17...can't go wrong with anything on the card
  10. going to raw in Philly on March 19th....HBK and Taker are advertised
  11. young guys choked down the stretch...didn't think the refs were too bad, we just had chances to put it away but we are still too ******
  12. i hope the play wasn't designed for Wall to take a 3 because that's a dumbass effing call
  13. ALMOST ran down to Verizon and strangled John Wall for taking that pullup he made up for it
  14. Team with star players >>>>> Team with no star players it's that simple in the NBA
  15. don't remember the last 3 Lewis hit in a wizards uni All he does is brick
  16. why is chris singleton so tough on D? He doesn't play look a rookie too many times
  17. chipwich you are the definition of a troll dude...but that's neither here nor there This team has to have the lowest combined basketball IQ in recent history...John Wall plays like a failed AND 1 mixtape player nowadays. If this team didn't redo the color scheme and sucker me into believing the "new traditions" bull****, I would get this angry. For some reason, i thought they could be average...damn was a wrong. It's not just Blatche...it's about 95% of the entire organization.
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