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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I just spent about a minute searching for years prior to 2008 and couldn't find anything. I know it was happening though because I remember stories about it not long after I enlisted (2002). I don't have time at the moment to dig too much.
  2. This is part of it. There will be always be shootings partly because someone doesn't follow instructions and partly because there are some that are just bad cops. And you will never solve 100% of either. There will always be a few bad apples in the police dept just as there will be a few bad priests, doctors, military members, teachers, etc. Every field that we would love to believe is filed with nothing but upstanding citizens will have a few bad apples. Not admitting that is just hurting both sides of the argument.
  3. Any reference for that? Because the DoD was paying the NFL before that.
  4. Why does the fact that DoD gave money to the NFL thing keep coming up? You realize that is a drop in the bucket of their recruiting budget, right? And the NFL gives them a ridiculous discount. But like everything else, that doesn't make the story sound juicy enough so we will leave those facts out.
  5. Well I know it's only my opinion but I've said I don't have an issue with a respectful proteat. They are still standing. It's the sitting on the bench like a lazy child that bothered me. Raid fists or even taking a knee I'm fine with. I still don't like it but it showseems you still have some respect while protesting.
  6. So does Rex get another HC gig or does he goes be a DC somewhere? (I can hope)
  7. Who is cracking down on him? We are just voicing our opinions, which is our right, same as him. I didn't mean to imply you said otherwise. I was more using your post to expand with my thoughts. Sorry for the confusion. I do disagree with the effect though.
  8. And no one is disagreeing that he has the right. But we all have the right to criticize him for doing it. Many seem to miss that part. Kaep hasn't done what he set out to do though. We are talking about if it's right to sit or not for the anthem. Not the race issue. For the record, in my opinion and using my 1st amendment right, you are a d-bag if you shout O or Red during the anthem. I don't care if you are in Baltimore or whatever. If you want to sit due to a societal issue, cool. I don't agree with it but I get it. If you manipulate our nation's song to show support for a freaking baseball team, you just don't get it.
  9. Just so I'm clear....... Kap is allowed to use freedom of speech to sit. People who don't like it and speak on it are racist. The people complaining about the people that don't like it are just using free speech. The NFL should allow it's players to do these things because they are a private business but should respect their employees rights. The NFL should fine/suspend a player for saying something racist because it makes the NFL look bad. This credit union is using the same rules as the NFL but is wrong. And this all sounds okay to everyone???
  10. Will you spell it out for me? I agree with SemperFi. It sure sounds like you were saying the people that do or say X are white supremacists. And frankly, I'm getting pretty tired of accusations being thrown around like that.
  11. Yes. There is no personal time. You are always in the Navy and therefore on their time. I wish I could fill you in on the details of what happened but I can't. *EDIT: I can say that you can look up punishments for Article 92 and compare it to what is being reported.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/politics/navy-sailor-sits-national-anthem/index.html I wasn't going to bring this up when it was just on the local level but now that CNN has it, I guess there is no hiding it. Because of my job, and the fact she was in my department, I will keep my opinions to myself. But what are your thoughts on this everyone? and GO!!!
  13. I try to avoid labeling myself any more than necessary but this is pretty much how I identify. I think gun control is the one big thing that is important to me that keeps me from switching to D. If Lib's could actually become a major party, I'd be switching in a heartbeat.
  14. And that's why I asked the question. This is the opinion I see in about 90% of the posts.
  15. Is it possible that the majority of those veterans were supporting his right to say it, but not actually agreeing with what he said? That's what I have taken away from most of the ones I see. I really hope none of those people in uniform are still on active duty. Because if they are, their post was a violation of the UCMJ. And it's that way because of the impression it gives (the part that I bolded). To my knowledge, the MILITARY (ie. pentagon) has not come out and said anything about it. People in uniform have which makes it look like its the opinion of the military. Hence, why it isn't allowed.
  16. It would make his protest neater if he actually knew that about the anthem. Everyone who thinks he did, raise your hand. Now slap youself.
  17. Please quote where in both threads you have seen instances of what you said before. I even went back and quoted what you said to help. I haven't seen anyone drop racial slurs. And remember it can only be white people that you quote since that is who you said was saying it. And I'm sure you are 100% positive about the racial identity of everyone in here that posted what you are saying they said.
  18. Honestly, if I saw Kap in the street or something, I would probably assume he is some form of middle eastern. I didn't know he was half-black (or whatever we are calling him) until this all became a story.
  19. At least we cleared up which side is which. I always just thought both sides were corrupt as hell and didn't really care about the people they said they do. Who knew?
  20. Organize, or at least attend, a BLM (or similar) march/protest. Have his agent notify the media that he will be attending to get even more focus on the topic. Gone to any one of thousands of actual media organizations and done a free interview with them as long as they agreed that a significant portion would be focusing on his cause. Using his fame to support a politician on ANY level of government who believes as he does and wants to make changes that Kap agrees with. This is what I got in 30 seconds of thinking. I'm sure if he really cared to and put some thought into it, he could come up with even more.
  21. Well the constitution was written by a majority of racists so I guess you want to throw that out also? Hell, the country was founded by mostly racist so I guess we should just burn it all to the ground. Who exactly have you been talking to? Because most of what I have seen/heard/read doesn't even come close to this. Now there is something I can get behind. Though I will note there is a lot of people calling for action on this. It's just the crooked politicians getting in the way. Okay this is the probably the dumbest idea I have heard yet. I could actually see a justification for taking a large amount of money and investing it in AA communities. But you want to just give people a bunch of money? What and how would that cure a lot of problems? I would venture to guess that the majority of businesses within 3 miles of my home are "black businesses". I live in Pensacola, FL. Stop on by! Again, where are you getting this from? You keep throwing around the term "a lot" and it sounds like you mean a majority, as in over 50%. Is that what you are saying? Can you give us a % of white Americans that you think feel this way?
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