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Everything posted by profusion

  1. At some point, you wonder long the other owners will essentially be willing to entirely write off the DC market. The franchise is dead in the water as long as Snyder owns it. It's theoretically possible that that they could start winning, and this is certainly a town that loves a winner and will excuse just about anything that attaches to a winner. Pretty unlikely, though.
  2. It'd be hilarious if Snyder's idiotic defamation suit ends up being the thing that triggers his downfall.
  3. That PFT article says that Snyder has separate proceedings underway in India, California and Virginia over this. If he spent half that much effort trying to improve the organization, maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. Okay, well he probably still would be, but still...😄
  4. I have no doubt the league would like Dan gone tomorrow. However, the entire system is set up to prevent that from happening. This is sort of uncharted territory for the NFL. Jerry Richardson had enough shame to sell before the league had to make a decision. The other slimy owner behavior in recent years hasn't impacted basic league perception the way Snyder's current predicament does. I can't imagine already being a billionaire and yet still wanting to continue being this miserable. I guess that 1/32 share of the national TV contracts must be with it to him.
  5. The 2000 Redskins were a fantasy football team, not a real one. The signings disrupted the chemistry they had going. Signing Jeff George when Brad Johnson had just put in a huge season was inexcusable. The Deion signing didn't bother me as much. CBs always live out there on an island. Plus, it was the sheer number of big name signings, even if many would have been justified individually.
  6. Yeah, Norv was never going to get any team over the hump, and that 1998 team might have been dangerous with more disciplined coaching. 1999 was a correction, though, and 2000 is where it should have been Lombardi Trophy time.
  7. 1993 has special significance to me because it's the year I moved to DC after growing up a Redskins fan in another part of the country. You can imagine how excited I was to finally get to see the Skins on TV every week. Needless to say, the excitement didn't last. 😄 The team's MO from the day George Allen was hired all the way through the Gibbs era was to trade picks for veterans and field an expensive and experienced roster. It was always going to be a tough transition away from that to accommodate free agency and the salary cap. The weak leadership of Casserly, Turner and a faltering JKC made the transition much harder. People forget, though, that the team won the division in 1999 with a reloaded, exciting roster. If John Cooke had gotten the team, it's possible they would have been set for another run of success.
  8. Okay, so name me one present figure in sports who is more hated than Dan. He's graduating into Donald Sterling territory, with the exception that the Clippers were an irrelevant joke before Sterling bought them. Snyder has taken a beloved civic institution and turned it into rubbish.
  9. Dan has made a nice return on his investment, but the cost was becoming the most hated man in this region and a national joke. The NFL has probably already peaked as a business. A more savvy person would cash out and retire to the yacht to pursue other opportunities and escape the spotlight. Not our Dan, though. He'll show us!!
  10. In thinking further about this, a new stadium might be some leverage against Dan. He needs league sign-off on a new proposal, and he probably would need need financial help from the league to build a new stadium if local jurisdictions aren't willing to pony up (which they likely won't, especially now). He's rich, but not liquid enough to casually sign nine-figure checks. If a majority wants him out, they could simply make it clear that either he sells or the team will be playing out in a field next to the town dump when the FedEx lease expires.
  11. The Jerry Richardson situation is what really opened the door, but the other owners didn't actually vote him out, as I recall. The point is that the precedent for removing an owner becomes set. The next time it gets easier, and maybe it doesn't have to something as serious.
  12. Another thing to consider is that one of the reporters on this story has said they're already looking into additional things. There's more to come.
  13. The Post isn't any better or worse than media in other cities when it comes to the local teams. Everywhere, the media is rah-rah when a team wins a lot and perpetual critics when they don't. If the Snyderskins had added new Lombardi Trophies to the lobby in Ashburn, the Posties would make goo-goo eyes at Snyder no matter what he did. As a loser, he's a target regardless of anything else. The fact that he behaves like a loathsome toad just makes for a more target-rich environment.
  14. So, my scenario above appears not to be entirely the case, since Dan is back in town. It would appear, though, that Dan is taking advice from the league office now, and who know how much force is behind those "recommendations." It's clear that the league is intervening more actively than I recall them doing. I think Dan's in hot water here. Doesn't mean he's a goner, but it does mean that the others consider him a problem now and not just "two easy wins a year."
  15. The fact that there were separate statements by Snyder and the team is intriguing. It's very unlike Snyder's MO, which is to lay low and let others take the heat. Does anyone know if he's returned from his epic yacht voyage yet? The statement and its circumstances conjure a picture of a guy pacing around the master suite alone in a bathrobe and swilling Crown Royal. Meanwhile, the league has effectively taken over the team--choosing both Jason Wright and the investigator looking into the complaints. In this scenario, Snyder has been told to shut up and stay away if he wants to remain, but he just can't help himself...
  16. Dan's statement is embarrassingly bad. It feels like something he didn't run by a cooler head before sending. Which would indicate that, gee, maybe not much has changed after all.
  17. Goodell translation: "We're just going to let this one play out. Good luck, Dan." My read is that this is the same investigation that Snyder ordered, not a new one.
  18. The agenda here is most likely the plaintiffs' attorney trying to drive a larger settlement after she took on additional clients and found new claims. She most likely fed the basics to the Post and let them do the rest. I doubt Bezos is involved. And the Post could hardly not write about such a huge story.
  19. I doubt there's criminal liability at issue here, and the statute of limitations probably expired on any potential charges some time ago. As a matter of public perception, though, this goes to another level beyond lewd comments and propositions. This is a level of ugliness that you can't just wipe away with usual corporate drill of "fire the perp, pay off the victim, and bring in the consultant to conduct trainings." And there's supposedly more to come. How many other women are going to be willing to come forward now that a few brave women found the strength to put their names out there on this? We're already up to 25, and the stories are getting uglier and closer to Dan himself. If he had half a brain, he'd already be on the phone looking to cash out.
  20. I imagine the NFL would want its own investigation now, but I think they can't afford to let this drag out, now that this has reached beyond typical sexual harassment and into areas the NFL really doesn't want to be anywhere near... particularly if there's more to come. I'm pretty sure the league has already been quietly digging into this since the Post's previous story came out. You don't run a multi-billion dollar public-facing business without a robust security and intelligence gathering operation.
  21. I'm not sure guys like that have "friends" unreservedly. Jerry is undoubtedly the biggest POS in the NFL. That said, he's twice as smart as Dan and twice as ruthless. He makes far more money off "the shield" than Dan does (stadium construction business etc.), and he's not going to let Dan endanger that.
  22. This is why someone like Jerry Jones gets Dan on the phone and says "we can do this the easy way or the hard way." If Dan sells now he makes $2+ billion, doesn't have to pay the litigation team for years on end, and keeps quiet the even-worse stuff the other owners likely have on him. If they want him out, he's gone.
  23. Times are a little different than when the original cheerleader story came out, too. Sports has become more embroiled in the culture wars, and the owners can't just wait out the news cycle as easily.
  24. I don't buy conspiracy theories, but it doesn't seem impossible that other owners are behind this second wave story against Dan. Maybe they're going to "bring the pain" until he sells. They'd certainly rather have Bezos in The Club than Captain Crown Royal. The Post says they didn't have the videos back when the first story ran. Some of those involved have worked or are working elsewhere in the NFL. Lafemina's guys knew some of the stuff in this article. I'd guess there's more and worse of this (though not the kooky "Epstein's pal" stuff) available to the league.
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