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Posts posted by GhostofSparta

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hersh said:


    I'm joining the riots if they try to limit alcohol sales.

    Be glad you're not in PA. Most of the alcohol (and all the hard stuff) is sold in state run liquor stores, which have shut down. They only within the last month started selling online, and have had to set up a lotto type system for who can order to not overwhelm the system.


    Beer you can still get in certain gas stations and grocery store, but even that only happened in the last 10-12 months, so that's more luck than anything else.

  2. 1 minute ago, Destino said:

    Grocery stores in the metro dc area aren’t exactly empty either.  I think a lot of people would rather risk a weekly or biweekly trip to the store than depend on delivered food that brings a steady stream of humans to their door and comes in potentially infectious packaging.  Plus it’s cheaper, a great deal cheaper, to make your own meals and there’s a lot of economic anxiety right now.  

    Working in a grocery retailer I get why we're still open and that people need to shop. The people that blow my mind are the ones (usually older, but not always) that are in there at least every other day if not more often. Or the ones that will spend literal hours in the same spot talking to people (this was the norm before, it just stands out more now), or the ones where both parents are in the store shopping with the kids instead of 1 parent doing it while the other stays at home with the kids.


    Not everyone that's currently out in public needs to be shamed, I get that. I can tell who the nurses are coming in after their shift for groceries and other supplies, and I totally get that. I can understand the single parents bringing in their small kids because they don't have a choice. I understand people need their meds from the pharmacy. I know some people have limited budgets or even SNAP/WIC/SSI/etc. and have to do 1-2 large shopping trips a month because of limited travel options and that it's a time consuming process.


    Sure, part of it is that I'm jealous because I'm considered "essential" and don't get to enjoy a few paid weeks off to stay in my house. As an introvert, that's the dream, but I know my job can't be done from home, so I get to go in to work day after day while this thing keeps spreading. I'm partially worried about getting sick, but mostly it's the part of my brain screaming at me every day that despite needing to do my job, I'm probably going to end up being the reason somebody dies from this (because they either got it from me when I didn't know I had it, or got it from me before I could officially be tested for it). I don't know anybody life story (except the ones that tell me every detail of their life after they ask for help finding 1 item), but some people take actions that make it difficult for me not to judge them subconsciously.


    It's super easy to trash stupid college kids who won't stay away from the beach on Spring Break. They're young and dumb, and it's 1 big easy to point out situation so they make an easy target. People get a lot more defensive when they're being called out for doing the everyday things that they could be avoiding by aren't because of vague justifications they can easily make up.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


    It never looks good to paint with so broad a brush.

    Fair enough. I'll stick to my personal experience and simply say "People in rural Western PA seem to be mostly ignoring Shelter in Place warnings and spending lots of time in grocery stores because there's nowhere else to gather and get the social interaction they're missing."

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Destino said:

    Less populated areas have built in social distancing.  Unless they get together in restaurants/bars or church they don’t spend too much time in crowded groups.

    Churches, or Walmart/The Dollar Store, or Farmer's Markets in states where they haven't been cancelled, or the occasional "The Corona Virus is a hoax so let's show the government we know better by having everybody in the neighborhood over to my house" Party.


    Normally you'd be right about rural areas having an advantage, but this time especially they seem to be going out of their way to negate it in every possible way.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, twa said:


    Texas eliminated straight party voting.....guess who are objecting?

    You. And other Texas Republicans who lost the "I didn't vote for Trump, I voted straight ticket" deniability because of this? (Even if you admitted that your ticket didn't automatically check Trump, so you had to check it yourself, so you voted for Trump, even if you didn't)

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Larry said:


    I really enjoy the ones who announce that anybody who disagrees with them needs to learn their history.  


    While standing next to a flag that was never the Confederate flag.  

    Listen, just because somebody's great great grandpappy from Mississippi never fought for Lee's Army of Northern Virginia doesn't mean that it isn't the flag he fought under/for, dammit!

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Anybody that paid atrocious amounts of money to watch the Nats choke in the DC the last three games in person.

    I'm an O's fan, not a Nats fan (don't hate them, though).


    But I gotta say, them going up 2-0 and losing all 3 games in DC is the most DC outcome possible so far.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    Has anyone bothered to explain how a gun is a god given right? 

    Matthew 26:52-


    "Take your gun out of its holster," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the gun are righteous in my eyes."


    Matthew 5:38-39


    "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, stand your ground and blast him away with your God-given firearm."


    Romans 12:19


    "Beloved, avenge yourselves, do not leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is yours, you will repay, says the Lord.”


    There. Couldn't possibly be more clear. Any other stupid questions?

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  9. 2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    Scary thing ink is knowing which side has more guns and are more proficient with them.

    Depends on when you ask. Republican leadership tries to convince us all the time that most African Americans are either a Blood or a Crip, most Hispanics are MS-13, most Middle Easterners are Arab Jihadists, and most Antifa member are Mossad-level assassins who can kill with a simple milkshake. And some, I assume, are good people, since you can occasionally spot a few at a Trump rally.


    Sure, you occasionally get a few Good Ol' Boys who take over a Ranger station in the middle of nowhere and then have to beg for snack after a couple of days, but just ignore that.

  10. 6 hours ago, Larry said:


    Maybe they're going to . . . do things other than abortions?  


    Just a thought.  


    Well sure, they have to do something with that 10% of their business that isn't abortions. (Not intended to be a factual statement)

  11. https://deadspin.com/dave-gettleman-now-has-everything-riding-on-daniel-jone-1834379881


    Direct Gettlemen quote:



    “The bottom line is, I have confidence in what I do and who I am,” he said. “I’ve been a part of organizations that had pretty good quarterbacks—Jim Kelly, John Elway, Kerry Collins, Eli Manning, Cam Newton. I’ve led a charmed life with the quarterbacks on the teams I’ve worked for. I know what good ones look like. The other thing is, résumés matter. Every once in a while, I wish the people taking the shots would take a minute to look at my résumé. I’ve been a part of teams that went to seven Super Bowls. I had a hand in some of them. But today, there’s no patience. And there’s no room for civil discourse in our society, which I find sad.”


    The top comment from the article is also gold:





    skim172Tom Ley


    “I’ve been a part of organizations that had pretty good quarterbacks—Jim Kelly, John Elway, Kerry Collins, Eli Manning, Cam Newton. I’ve led a charmed life with the quarterbacks on the teams I’ve worked for. I know what good ones look like.

    Just gonna unpack this a bit. Jim Kelly was drafted in 1983, three years before Gettleman was hired by the Bills, as an intern. John Elway was also drafted in 1983, 11 years before Gettleman was hired by the Broncos, as a scout.


    Kerry Collins was drafted in 1995, four years before both Collins and Gettleman would end up on the Giants. If Gettleman wants to claim credit for bringing in Kerry Collins as a free agent, after he drank his way out of Carolina, then fair enough - but Collins is a “Super Bowl quarterback” in the same manner that a Yugo on fire is technically “a road-legal vehicle”.


    Eli Manning was drafted in 2004, when Gettleman was the Giants pro personnel director; however, everyone is well aware that it was Ernie Accorsi, the GM, who engineered the move with the Chargers after Eli threw his tantrum.

    Lastly, Cam Newton was drafted in 2011, two years before Gettleman arrived there as GM.


    So you can’t really say Gettleman really had a hand in drafting any of these quarterbacks. Gettleman’s only QB draftees as a GM came in 2017 with Davis Webb, 2018 with Kyle Lauletta, and of course, 2019 with Eli Manning’s Stunt Double.

    Based on his exact words, he seems to be either saying that he’s developed a sense of what being around a good QB “feels” like based on long-term exposure - or that he is “charmed” and that all quarterbacks who associate with him are blessed by the gypsies to succeed in the NFL/fail in the Super Bowl.


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  12. 1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    That said, I do wonder how vaccines affect the ability of people to fight off illnesses later.  What is the line between preventing a disease and weakening your bodies ability to fight things off because it hasn't had to before?

    Do you know what a vaccine is? It's literally exposing you to a safe version of a disease so you don't get it later in life. Your system is exposed to something like Chicken Pox or Measles, but in a non-fatal way so your body fights it off and you never get it for real.


    As someone who had cancer (leukemia) as a child, **** anti-vaxxers. Herd immunity means I don't die, not that your kids doesn't have to get a vaccine because everybody else will. I had to miss a month of school in 3rd grade because some kid came in with Measles and I had no immune system because of chemo. Almost had to repeat a grade because somebody didn't get their kid an MMR vaccine. Yes, I'm a bit biased.

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  13. 1 hour ago, redskinss said:

    Down by ten needing a touchdown an onside kick then a field goal to force overtime and you go for 2?

    Why on earth would you take the chance of now needing a touchdown after the onside kick instead of just a field goal?

    Oh the spread was 2 and a half?

    Nevermind I know why now.

    Not only that, they knew the outcome well enough in advance to have Janikowski pretend to pull his hamstring going into halftime to make that decision look like the only option!

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