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Posts posted by GhostofSparta

  1. http://www.washingtonian.com/blogs/afterhours/theater/mel-brooks-the-producers-protest-maryland.php



    Meet the Guy Who’s Protesting a Maryland Theater’s Production of The Producers


    Olney Theatre’s production of Mel Brooks’s 2001 musical The Producers only has three more performances, but it’s not going to close without a bit of manufactured controversy. Audience members at Montgomery County playhouse are going to have to walk past a small coterie protesting the show’s play-within-the-play, because, the demonstrators say, it makes light of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany.


    I understand the intent is satire,” says Jeffrey Imm, who is organizing the demonstration through his anti-discrimination group, Responsible for Equality And Liberty. “This is the point of morality: some things we have to recognize as absolute evil. When 6 million people are murdered, we don’t view it with knee-slapping, we view it with reverence.”

    In The Producers, which is adapted from Brooks’s Oscar-winning 1968 film of the same name, two crooked Broadway producers endeavor to profit off a critical and commercial flop, which they believe they find in Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden, which portrays Hitler as a flamboyant dandy.

    Even though the jokes in The Producers come at the expense of show-business types and Nazis, Imm is not impressed by its humor, or the original Broadway run’s record 12 Tony Awards. Contemporary audiences, he argues, are no longer frightened by genocide.


    Although Imm’s demonstration against The Producers has only elicited about a dozen emails to Olney Theatre and will only attract one or two other demonstrators, he believes his cause will grow.

    Call the Southern Poverty Law Center and ask them if they think it’s okay to do a play about Hitler,” he says.

    Says SPLC spokesman Mark Potok: “We don’t have an opinion on this.”


  2. I also feel bad that you washed the spider down the drain,


    Fire is much more appropriate.

    I give it about 3 months before scientists discover a spider that is fire-proof. Lives in active volcanoes or something.


    Probably in Yellowstone.


    I'll just leave this here.


    5 Insane Things Science Just Found Out About the Human Body


    #5. There Are Tiny Spiders Living in Your Face Right Now

    385922_v1.jpgGromovataya/iStock/Getty Images

    Sometime in 2014, scientists pointed a high-powered electron microscope at the surface of the human face, and they still haven't stopped screaming. What they saw in the high-resolution moonscape of the average human mug looked something like this:

    385912_v2.jpgVia huidziekten.nlVia gazeta24horas.com.br

    Sleep well, everyone!

    Those blue things are tiny arachnids known as "Demodex brevis," and they live in your pores right now. Yes, in your pores. Researchers discovered that precisely 100 percent of people examined were home to massive colonies of microscopic face spiders.

    Whoa, hey -- stop clawing at your skin; you need that to live.

    385910_v2.jpgPiotr Marcinski/iStock/Getty Images

    You'll just make the spiders angry.




    Read the rest here:




    You're welcome.

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  4. http://www.cracked.com/article_22136_spiders-that-look-like-wood-5-animals-hiding-in-plain-sight_p2.html


    That is not a vaguely spider-shaped stick. That is a vaguely stick-shaped spider. That is Poltys laciniosus. That is proof that love is a lie made up by madmen who faced the cold void that lurks behind the universe and turned away.


    By night it's an ordinary mundane horror of a spider -- it makes webs, it captures insects, it devours their insides and ****s out hope -- but come daybreak, it draws up its legs and morphs into a piece of bark, just waiting for you to accidentally touch it so it can permanently ruin your ability to trust.



    Daintree Rainforest

    Here is a stump-shaped spider. Prepare for stump-shaped fingers.


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