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Everything posted by GhostofSparta

  1. How dare you accuse the type of people who would vote for someone like Youngkin because they were fooled into being terrified of something that doesn't exist of being idiot? Next you'll tell me that the kind of people who would rather see the entire country's education system, infrastructure, and economic base completely crumble rather than raise taxes on Corps and billionaires because they're convinced they're just 1 lucky break away from being the next Bezos are stupid for voting for a party and policy that actively ****s them every step of the way. The nerve of someone like you. Now I have to vote against my own self interests just to own you with my suffering. I hope you're happy.
  2. As soon as that commercial started I said "That's a scam. You scan that and all your money is gone." And since it was a crypto commercial, I'm gonna count that as a win.
  3. I know they were tied for that record before that last play, so I'm pretty sure, yeah.
  4. Maybe if the Bengals O-line wasn't Swiss Cheese, things go different. If I'm Burrow I'm telling them "I'm going to sit in an ice tub for the next 3 weeks straight, I don't want one of you ****s even trying to contact me."
  5. Gotta suck when you can't trust your o-line to get you half a foot on 4th and the game.
  6. Hell of an interesting time for the refs to finally find their flags.
  7. Apparently Cupp was pulling the old Rope-a-Dope for this very drive.
  8. Not sure I would have run that play before 2 minutes. Now at 1st and goal with the Bengals having all 3 TOs gives them a much better clock if the Rams score.
  9. Well they'll kick the FG anyway, just 4 plays later. So you just didn't kill the clock as well.
  10. Just tip your delivery driver well, like 50%, and they'll forgive you.
  11. I admit it's not the easiest sell, but I can justify that belief as follows: You, as the owner, know your team is terrible overall. You need to rebuild badly, but don't really have the draft capital and cap space to make a quick turnaround. But despite that, there are a few real good players on your team. A couple of guys (players like Tunsil and Minkah, for example) can get you some real draft help to make the rebuild quicker at the cost of basically admitting to giving up on the current season to focus on the future. So you decide it's worth it to take some short term pain for some long term gain and gut your team to get several high draft picks over the next 2-3 years. But here's the problem: you need a coach. And coaches don't tend to want to be the guy who willingly tanks a season because they, like the players, may not be around in 3-4 years when things get better for the team, and their careers are ruined by being part of "the worst NFL team" that year. So you need a "wink and nod" not on paper type agreement with whoever your HC is going to be that year that you, as the owner, are making the team bad on purpose and won't fire him for tanking because that's what you want. In fact, just to make sure you're on the same team, he'll give you some secret bonus money on the side for every loss to make sure that, as coach, he's putting his team in the best position to lose without being so blatantly obvious about it that the NFL has no choice but to look into it. Now, I realize that absolutely none of the above makes an owner racist in any way/shape/form. But here's how I could see it being a racist act from the beginning: As owner, you know this won't be popular, and you'll need a fall guy. Fans can be patient, but are often fickle. And not all fan bases put up with sustained losing. So it's a simple decision: you need a coach that you can hire specifically to fail, and to make sure you provide yourself some cover you intentionally hire a minority coach for no other reason than as a human shield to criticism. You think that there are too many opportunities for white coaches that none of them would take this potentially career killing spot, but there's only a handful of minority coaches so you could convince one of them that this might be their only shot. Now you've set up one of the few high-profile minority coaches to fail intentionally, and you know that he'll only last 2-3 years because no matter how good he is, he's not the guy you really want. You want a chump to fail for 2-3 years while you build a winner out of the pieces you've acquired during his tenure to lure in a better coach (either a failed NFL retread or the hot new college coach dujour). Boom, you just destroyed the career of a young minority coach on purpose, whether intending to be racist or not. TL:DR-The Dolphins could have set up a black coach to intentionally fail in order to build a team to lure in a high profile white HC. Is it a stretch? Sure, but I'm not willing to exclude some of the thinking above knowing the habits and beliefs of some of the NFL owners.
  12. Like someone who needs more education? Like an immature person? Like somebody who makes poor choices because their brain isn't fully developed? Like, perhaps...a teenager? Teenagers can be held accountable for their actions, sure, but when someone who isn't an adult is being targeted by an actual adult (or multiple adults) and is suddenly put in the spotlight, I tend to have more sympathy for the child.
  13. Look, if I gotta pay $4k for an ambulance ride, why can't my EMTs make at least $30/hr?
  14. Too wordy. Cobra Kaimander. Short and to the point.
  15. Well after that play that's out the window with the 49ers 3 TOs. But a TD here might win it.
  16. Did McVay come from the "Andy Reid School of Time Management"? Because he is terrible with his TO usage.
  17. Pretty sure that TD wins the 49ers the game. Unless the Rams pull their heads out of their asses, it's over.
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