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Everything posted by GhostofSparta

  1. Alright, Ravens on the clock again, everybody ready for synchronized commercial breaks coming up?
  2. Don't read for 45 seconds! Well they finally took a safety. Butler from Louisiana
  3. ABC: Giants' pick shown, and off to commercial right on cue.
  4. Holy ****, do the Ravens really have 6 picks in this round? My God.
  5. Sorry guys, I was cutting the grass before it gets hot. Are we mad about the pick yet, or are we going to be boring and wait for the pick first, THEN be mad?
  6. Alright, day 2 is wrapped up. Everybody make sure to brush up on the potential picks tomorrow: https://www.nfl.com/draft/tracker/prospects/all-positions/alabama/undrafted/undefined?page=1
  7. Whelp, there goes Chenal. Lot of people gonna be disappointed.
  8. Well, some of you were half right, it is an Alabama guy.
  9. **** it, trade back for a couple of 4th rounders. Punish us all for paying attention this long.
  10. High and dry? There's the perfect solution to that problem. Duck. Storm. Let's do it!
  11. Browns really destroyed his value. I'm wondering if somebody offers a package of low round picks tomorrow, or maybe even just a 4th, if Cleveland jumps on that just to be rid of him?
  12. Panthers were one of the teams that I assumed would take a QB
  13. When was the last playoff win? Was it at Tampa after the '05 season? God, how depressing if so.
  14. Uh-oh. Hope Philly has some good physical therapists in the city.
  15. As long as the Giants don't take a QB anywhere in this draft, I'll be happy about that.
  16. Carson Strong. Then we have 2 Carson's, which has to be good somehow, and how can you go wrong with a name like Strong at QB?
  17. You're gonna get yelled out for spoiling pick, mister.
  18. I was us to draft Storm Duck, just because I like his name. No other reason, still feel like this could earn me a spot on the scouting team.
  19. So, uh.....you guys aren't happy with who we picked?
  20. Let's hope he's at least 10% less likely to intentionally fumble the ball inside the 1 than DeSean is.
  21. Once more for Nostalgia's sake and then we're done for the night: Oh wow, I can't believe that's who Minny took. Some of you aren't going to be happy.
  22. I really hope the Vikings do something stupid to finish up the night, just for funsies. Like take a FB or draft Malik to really cool Kirk's grill.
  23. But are they super-smart, and (more importantly) do they fight their guts out?
  24. Does this reach make you feel better about the previous reach?
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