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Posts posted by Fresh8686

  1. 3 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

    They are sold out in the hardest hit areas, specifically NYC area. Mentioned earlier that I bought some at my hardware store and shipped them to a family member who is an ER Nurse in NYC.

    They’re available, just not where they are needed the most. 

    Sure would be nice if we had an effective govt response to get the needed PPE and get it to the right place. 


    I feel you.


    I'm sending emails to my suppliers who have access to warehouses across the nation to see what their doing to help out with hard hit hospitals.


    If the govt. won't do ****, then we have too.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


    This is the industry I work in. With testing and being able to get those people home or to the hospital will help. But with this virus, you're spreading it for days before feeling sick. Also, we are at least a year from a vaccine. So, this is going to recycle at least one more time if not more.


    Also, people need to be aware that this virus has shown to still be contagious even 13 or so days after recovering from it.





    A small study out of China suggests that the new coronavirus can persist in the body for at least two weeks after symptoms of the disease clear up. 


    This sort of persistence isn't unheard of among viruses, experts told Live Science, and thankfully, the patients are most likely not very contagious in the post-symptom period. The findings may even be good news, said Krys Johnson, an epidemiologist at Temple University's College of Public Health. The viruses that tend to hang around in people's systems also tend to be the viruses that the body develops a strong immune response against. 


    "If the virus is staying in people's systems, then they may not be able to be reinfected," Johnson told Live Science. 



    The new study, published in the journal JAMA on Thursday (Feb. 27), followed four medical professionals ages 30 to 36 years old who developed COVID-19 (the disease caused by the new coronavirus) and were treated at Wuhan University's Zhongnan Hospital in China between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15. All of the individuals recovered, and only one was hospitalized during the illness. The patients were treated with oseltamivir, better known under the brand name of Tamiflu, an antiviral drug. 

    The patients were considered recovered after their symptoms resolved and after they tested negative for COVID-19 twice (on two consecutive days). After recovery, the patients were asked to quarantine themselves at home for five days. They continued to undergo throat swabs for the coronavirus after five days for up to 13 days post-recovery.  


    The results showed that every test between Day 5 and Day 13 was positive for the virus. 


    "These findings suggest that at least a proportion of recovered patients still may be virus carriers," the researchers wrote.


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  3. 31 minutes ago, Llevron said:

    Add my office to the list of places that will be forcing telework unless you work on certain projects. Unfortunately I work on certain projects but atleast I’ll have less possible sick people around me. 

    I saved all these Lysol wipes for a reason lol. 

    I had to have the talk with my folks about how this will kill old people and y’all qualify today. They laughed at first. But it got serious when I started bringing up all their conditions. They are a little mad at me now but Idc 


    People need to watch that youtube video with Michael Osterholm. It is not just an old people virus. It is cutting down people in their 40's as well (in Italy), especially if they smoke or are obese.

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    13 minutes ago, tshile said:

    I played Pandemic a lot a long time ago. I think it’s now called plague Inc


    This was how you killed the world easily every time. Highly infectious virus with no symptoms or a long delay between contagiousness and symptoms showing. 

    I don’t have any reason to believe the conspiracy theory that this was a BioWare fare weapon that escaped the lab. But damn if it doesn’t check all the boxes





    In that Joe Rogan video with Michael Osterholm, he shot down that conspiracy theory and said this is more attributable to the wet markets in China. 


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  5. Any credentialed people here have an opinion on Michael Osterholm? I know it's a joe rogan podcast, but still the guy he's interviewing seems legit. I've only watched a quarter of it, but he mentioned some stuff I hadn't heard yet, like how people in their 40's are getting hit from this in Italy and it's not "just an old person" problem, especially if your obese or have a history of smoking (which we'd heard before).


    This is also not stopping just because the weather will get warmer. Or at least so far, none of the models support that assumption.




    Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info.

  6. 6 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

    Am I the only one not worried about this at all? I mean, I'm 35 and in good health, so I'm low risk, but it just seems like a bad cold/flu that I've had dozens of times in my life. Seems like everybody is freaking out over 3k deaths worldwide, when 750k people die ever year from the garden variety flu.


    People are acting as if Ebola is running rampant worldwide.


    I think we all should be worried to some degree. What is especially alarming to me is the possibility of getting the more virulent mutation and that article about some corona virus patients showing irreversible lung fibrosis

  7. Has already passed the Senate and is currently making it's way through the house. Hopefully this paves the way for the next step of full legalization.




    SB 2 Marijuana; decriminalization of simple possession, civil penalty.

    Introduced by: Adam P. Ebbin | all patrons    ...    notes | add to my profiles

    SUMMARY AS PASSED SENATE: (all summaries)

    Marijuana; decriminalization of simple marijuana possession; penalty. Decriminalizes simple marijuana possession and provides a civil penalty of no more than $50, or 5 hours of community service as an alternative punishment. Current law imposes a maximum fine of $500 and a maximum 30-day jail sentence for a first offense, and subsequent offenses are a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill provides that the suspended sentence and substance abuse screening provisions and driver's license suspension provisions apply only to criminal violations. The bill also provides that simple possession of marijuana may constitute conduct that presents a serious threat to the well-being of a child for the purposes of defining a "child in need of services." The bill defines marijuana to include hashish oil. The bill raises the threshold amount of marijuana subject to the offense of distribution or possession with intent to distribute from one-half ounce to one ounce. The bill contains technical amendments.



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  8. 2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

    WOAT take.


    The end was great. Very full of feels. Was worried they wouldn't be able to land it after heading down to earth. 


    It was irresponsibly stupid. There is an Atlantic article out about how it sent out a pro suicide message that ****ed with a lot of people and caused existential harm. 


    It showed a complete failure in the understanding of meaning and the transformative nature of love and healthy growth. It discards responsibility and inter-connectedness for a finite life purpose of consumption and makes no attempt to utilize the importance of pacing and having a diversity of emotions in the afterlife. Which of course leads people to treating life or Heaven like a drug to grow an eventual tolerance too and then because their life has no more purpose or anything left to consume/experience it must therefore choose disintegration. 


    Thats a junky ass way of viewing eternity and thankfully the universe has a better design than what these morons ended up with. 



  9. 1 minute ago, Chachie said:


    To be fair to humans, we only have change and desire in our short lives. 


    Meh, only? What an overly reductionistic take.


    Change is everything, so to only have change is to only have everything, so why imply some kind of scarcity with a term that is inherently abundant?


    And desire is a combustion based sub-system, that's pretty awesome but not something to get so caught up in or depressed by. People **** themselves up thinking that particular fish bowl is the whole ocean, when there is much more out there.


    And I don't know about you, but my parts and energies have always existed in a physical sense. 

    For something to be short in the ultimate/absolute sense, it would have to end in an ultimate sense, but it doesn't end/stop it changes and it's humans who through the pressure of their own perceptional limitations try to change, change into something against it's very nature by calling it death. Which is some stupid absolute term created by stupid humans who don't understand change and can't handle it's complexity, so they create finite, absolute concepts that match the finite capacity of their understanding and then try to project that finite nonsense onto the universe at large and the very substance of life that inhabits and includes them. 


    At worst what people call "death" is a reduction in the connective complexity of a dynamic system, but even then there are so many layers and spectra to energy outside the bounds of our perception, that one cannot say with near absolute certainty that the reduction of connective complexity on this physical plane does not carry an equal opposite addition of connective complexity on a different plane. And even if it didn't we do have proof that the parts that make up our particular dynamic system (aka our body) don't just cease to exist, but are re-absorbed and re-distributed into nature to make up other connective dynamic systems, from plants to rocks, to other living beings with greater to lesser degrees of connective complexity. 


    Which just leaves the question of our consciousness and identity, which if you peak behind the curtain of your mind enough is not this seamless unique thing everyone is so often hung up on about. It can change a lot and we can change a lot and in that changing lose the need to feel so anchored to what we feel to be uniquely "us" in this point in time. The very nature of consciousness and identity can change and in those changes are thresholds, which carry different characteristics of understanding, perception/cognition, conatus, and desire.


    TLDR: People can't contain limitless change, so they project limits on change to help them perceive it while at the same time ****ing future generations because the flaws of that projected cognitive short-cut are built into the paradigms that underpin our beliefs and expectations regarding existence and we forget how to weed it out of our mental source-code.


    Corruption of principle via a reduction into threshold-breaching simplicity.


  10. https://theathletic.com/1553985/2020/01/29/redskins-receiver-terry-mclaurin-breaks-down-film-of-catches-from-his-rookie-season/



    Standig: Obviously, you know the playbook. Do you know the playbook so well that you could play call the offense? It’s one thing to know what the play is, but do you have a feel for how one play sets up another?


    McLaurin: “I do. I try to have big picture awareness, that’s what we called it in college. I know plays that marry up with other plays in our offense and I know what we can exploit. I know based on what coverages we’re getting what plays we have in our offense that would be good and double moves as well. So I try to be a coach on the field because while coach (Kevin) O’Connell and coach (Bill) Callahan are calling the plays and the other coaches are seeing it from a birds-eye perspective, I’m playing it. So I feel like I have a different angle than they do.”


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  11. Eh, but were these protestors really tested by counter-protesters? Didn't most of the pro gun-control people stay home and not counter-protest the event?

    So most of them basically just trotted around, got to look the part, and then went home right?


    I'm glad they didn't shoot anybody or do anything stupid, but this was an easy test for them and not enough for me to rely on their self-restraint in more contentious situations.

  12. 18 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    For me, it has nothing to do with color.  It's mainly political affiliation (which GOP I imagine is mostly white).  If you're a Trumper, I'm surprised you're able to tie your own shoes.


    I disagree.  I saw more than a few people of darker skin walking around armed up.


    Yea, I had a feeling your reasons were coming from that place, rather than the energy I was focused on. That's why I wanted to put that qualifier in there for you specifically.

    29 minutes ago, Springfield said:

    Its 100% skin color.


    Get 3 black guys dressed like the people in the above post and you’ve got SWAT showing up.

    I think there is more nuance to it than that. It's a brain thing and what people are doing or not doing to balance their brain thing.

    It seems to me that there are a lot of people who do not practice empathy or who do not self-examine their personal biases. And when both of those things occur in a person, you have someone who has a poorly developed empathy/understanding system that only initializes with the help or jump-start of an initial positive "setting of the emotional table".

    So, when you have light skinned people with those kinds of brains, they will have a behavior that will create understanding and sympathy for people who look like them and who they identify with, while being callous or harsh to others who don't and consequently aren't stimulating that initial positive bias.  The same thing will also occur with dark skinned people who also have these kinds of brains, or male brains of this kind that have a negative bias to women, etc.

    So it's more 100% a certain kind of brain with a certain kind of development, rather than skin color.

    Which is also why I was able to make the right decision of not lumping Buzz into this category, because I believed his brain was writing his comment for different reasons than the brain type of these other simpletons I was making my original comment about.

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  13. Why does it feel like we have this phenomena in our country where we seem to be lowering the bar for white dudes like this and Trump, but everyone else has to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps?

    Why are some people so generous with sympathy and understanding for them, but have so little for others?

    I'm not directing this at you Buzz. Your comments sparked the thought, but it happens so many times in other instances and I'm not trying to pile on you personally.


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  14. Yea, for those having issues with Chase, watch his cut-ups, not the highlights. And then focus on his win rate against the o line first and then whether he gets a sack or a pressure second. 


    Watch how active his hands are. Dude is not lazy, but he does pick his shots and doesn’t waste energy which can kind of look meh on tape. 

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