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Posts posted by Fresh8686

  1. From this and all the other stuff I've read about and from Scott, at the very least it says he will try and build a support system around Haskins and tailor the offense to his strengths. But, if that doesn't work, then yea, no problem cutting bait.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, HTTRDynasty said:

    Idk how much faith to put in this. In Keim’s recent podcast episode on the 9th, he says something like “if that deal with Zampese ever gets done”.  Seems like it’s still pending. 


    Ah, thanks for letting me know. I saw so many reporters tweeting it out as fact, but that place can be an echo chamber at times too.

  3. 1 minute ago, redskinss said:

    I wonder why none of these guys are listed on redskins.com yet?


    I'm not sure, but near every reporter from national to local seems to be reporting it as fact. I'm guessing the staff shake-up is slowing down the usual up-keep of things on the website.

    • Thanks 1
  4. So how do most people feel when it’s put this way?


    KOC and Rattay vs Turner and Zampese


    When talking about sample size would it be fair to say that Z has the largest successful sample size of the 4? 

    • Like 3
  5. On its face, I am kind of meh on losing KOC and getting Turner. I prefer KOC over Turner in an apples to apples comparison, but having Ken Zampese as the QB Coach and offensive “details guy” as jay Gruden called him when they worked together almost  tips the scales into the positive. 



  6. From Mark Bullock in analyzing Terry vs Press Man Coverage against Stephon Gilmore (arguably the best CB in the game right now)


    Eh, I guess the vids don't work cuz their behind a pay-wall but the descriptions should be enough.



    In the third quarter, the Redskins called one of their core play-action concepts, the strike concept. McLaurin is supposed to run 10 yards before breaking inside and finding space over the middle. Gilmore plays up at the line of scrimmage in press coverage with outside leverage. He gets his hands on McLaurin to try to disrupt his route timing and force him to release inside. McLaurin takes the inside release but quickly straightens off his route. He then sells a jab step and a head fake outside to create separation as he breaks back inside towards the middle of the field. McLaurin breaks away from Gilmore and has multiple yards of separation as he makes the catch over the middle. He continues his run after the catch, breaking the tackle of safety Devin McCourty on his way to a 22-yard gain.

    The separation from Gilmore stood out, but also his ability to run after the catch and maximize the yards available on every play. It wasn’t the only time McLaurin had separation from Gilmore on a route over the middle.

    This time, McLaurin runs a basic cross on the backside of a trips formation to the left. Gilmore is aligned head up over McLaurin in press coverage, but McLaurin works inside on his release. At the top of his route, McLaurin shows a subtle lean into Gilmore that allows him to push off slightly as he breaks inside. It’s a move of a veteran receiver, not a rookie and something that McLaurin has already learned to help him beat corners that play tight man coverage. McLaurin breaks open over the middle, but McCoy had already been sacked.

    Another impressive part of McLaurin’s game against Gilmore was his release off the line of scrimmage against press coverage. Most young receivers struggle with physical corners early in their career and it takes them a year or two to learn how to release against corners that like to jam at the line of scrimmage. But that wasn’t an issue for McLaurin against Gilmore.

    With Gilmore up in press coverage, McLaurin takes his first step off the line of scrimmage to take a stutter step inside. Gilmore gets his hands up as he attempts to jam McLaurin at the line. But McLaurin counters by working back outside, clubbing with his outside arm before ripping through with his inside arm to clear the jamming attempt from Gilmore. He starts to run away from Gilmore but doesn’t get ahead of himself. Instead of just taking off, McLaurin sticks to the route. He bends back inside to get back on his path and set up for his break outside. He creates more separation from Gilmore as he makes his cut and would have been wide open had McCoy not stared him down the whole way. McCoy led the free safety over from the middle of the field with his eyes. But the safety arrived at the same time as the ball and broke up the pass.

    The hit prevented McLaurin from holding onto the ball. However, the release and the route were the important things to take from the play. If that ability to release freely off the line of scrimmage against press coverage, along with the route running we’ve seen from McLaurin already is consistent going forward, it will set up McLaurin for plenty of success. The Redskins haven’t gotten much right so far this season, but McLaurin is looking like a legitimate threat as the team’s No. 1 receiver.


    • Thanks 2
  7. 7 hours ago, justice98 said:

    I'm sure PFF keeps this stat, and maybe one of you scheme experts can elaborate, but how often do rush LBs in today's game drop into coverage in general?  Is 20% really a lot?  That doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary to me.  I just looked up, that in 2014 (just the first random year I could find and Mack's rookie year), Guys like Khalil Mack and Von Miller dropped into coverage 15-20% of the time during the season.


    In fact, just last year, Khalil Mack dropped into coverage more than he rushed the QB in a game against the Patriots last year.  Dropped back 18 times, rushed 16 or something like that.  They wound up losing but it wasnt really because of that.


    My question is, who's covering these people Sweat is covering if he isnt doing it? 

    We've been dialing up a lot more simulated pressure these past few weeks which is probably the major reason for any up-tick in Sweat dropping into coverage. We'll show we're rushing 5-7 guys all on the line, but only rush 4 and mix up whose dropping into coverage to fool the offensive line's protection schemes and get a free rusher.

    I was just reading a Mark Bullock piece that broke down a couple such plays. Moreland and Holcomb almost had a sack on Wentz because the line was expecting the edge to rush and ended up out of position and unable to re-set and block either one of them. 


  8. I'm feeling more and more now that you can't fix the republican party until your fix their base.


    I'm trying so hard not to hate those ****ing people. People who choose conformity and authoritarianism over freedom, but yell to everyone and anyone about how much they are for freedom and respecting the flag. They yell and yell about personal responsibility and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, but can't even muster the ability to educate themselves, think critically, and live based upon principles rather than tribalism.


    These sick, stupid people are destroying the progress we've worked so hard for and are corrupting the very institutions our military fought and died for to protect.


    • Like 5
  9. Yea this world is brutal. It rips my heart apart on a daily basis and laughs at me for being too broken and powerless to do much of anything about it. 


    Only way to win against that is to take it with eyes open and not give up my heart and my care. To fight locally and build what better things I can. We just need more people to do the same so the machine of all of us put together is a match for the machines built by greed, avarice, and takers. 

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  10. Eventually we are going to have to go to war with these people or else these camps and practices will spread. That's how cancer works. If you don't deal with it, it will escalate and germinate. 



    Tears stream down Sauytbay’s face when she tells the grimmest story from her time in the camp. “One day, the police told us they were going to check to see whether our reeducation was succeeding, whether we were developing properly. They took 200 inmates outside, men and women, and told one of the women to confess her sins. She stood before us and declared that she had been a bad person, but now that she had learned Chinese she had become a better person. When she was done speaking, the policemen ordered her to disrobe and simply raped her one after the other, in front of everyone. While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again. It was awful. I will never forget the feeling of helplessness, of not being able to help her. After that happened, it was hard for me to sleep at night.”

    Somewhere in China, this is happening to people right now. And no one is doing anything at all to stop it.

    • Sad 1
  11. Just now, twa said:



    Why Not???


    Because it shows you don't understand the concept of prioritization.


    Also, that willful lack of understanding is a common tactic among people who **** about stuff while sitting on the sidelines. They do little to nothing while trying to negate the person who is actually putting in effort, because they are not putting effort in some perfect way, with absolute coverage and effectiveness.


    The whole, I will hold you to an absolute standard of virtue or effectiveness, while not meeting that same standard in even the most meager of ways. See the GOP, with regards to morals or ethics or putting country over party.

  12. All this Trump stuff over these past years have shown me that most people don't have much of a moral compass at all. Instead they operate under the paradigm that "might equals right" and just being president means you make the rules and decide what is right and wrong and everyone else follows. And it's not just regarding Trump and his base, but all the government officials and bureaucrats who stand idly by.

    That is... ****ing insane to me.


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  13. Those girls showed more leadership in that video than that congressman has probably ever showed. We aren't fighting climate change because china isn't? What kind of follower ass **** is that? Take the LEAD mother****er. We need to lead in this fight for our children to have a better tomorrow. Your words and platitudes don't mean **** and these kids are smart enough to see through it.

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