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Everything posted by COWBOY-KILLA-

  1. Amazing!! @Going Commando you got the jags! ty for participating and welcome!! @KillBill26 you got the Bucs! ty for participating and Welcome!! Thank You guys!! we get things kicked off tomorrow at 12pm .. That leaves the Saints and the Vikings available for someone to takeover...Please let us know anyone that wants to take command...ty... We are looking pretty good to go for tomorrow. We have two teams that do not have owners : the saints and the vikings, please let us know asap if you would like to command these two teams. Draft starts at 12pm and we would like to move through the first few rounds quickly where possible so please be attentive... Ty!..
  2. You got it, Ty! Only 4 teams left to assign, Draft starts tomorrow at noon. If we have anymore 1 team owners willing to do two teams please let us know asap, we could really use the help!! jags, vikes, bucs, saints
  3. I went ahead and gave you the Rams...Ty again for helping out! Ty for wanting to get involved man Welcome! I've updated the OP with the remaining teams available to manage. Please lmk which one you would want, as it stands its Jags Cowboys Bucs Saints Vikings
  4. You got it my man! Seattle it is. All the info you need is in the OP feel free to ask if we can help you. Bolo your DM’s for messages from us..We get started tomorrow hopefully. TY! You got the dolphins and Jets! Ty!
  5. We need you and your comedic stylings man...just send me some lists and you'll be good to go... I'll keep you rolling easy as much as possible...
  6. Ty! We’ve picked up two new owners for a second team. That would put us at 6 teams left. Anyone else please let us know asap.
  7. Any one team Owners that are willing to do 2 teams please let us know. Otherwise we may not have enough people to pull this off properly, which would be a bummer.
  8. Anyone in to participate in our annual ES GM Mock Draft please let me know asap. It begins on Friday and will run for about 2.5-3 weeks.. Everyone is welcome please let us know only a few spots left.
  9. I have reached out to the other owners from last year again as a final attempt to have them participate for this year. Just to update everyone on where we are at: We currently have 10 teams that need an owner. @Skinsinparadise will be managing 2 of those teams, once he chooses them he will let us know. That leaves 8 teams that need an owner. So unless we get the 5 owners I have contacted tonight to come back in we will need some of these 1 team owners to expand to a second team. Please let us know which of you 1 team owners would be open to acquiring a second team, we'd really appreciate it. You can let us know which team you'd like from the list in the OP that do not have a yellow confirmed next to them. That is step 1 before we have the two owner teams expand to 3 which we would like to avoid because its just not very cool for them to do that.
  10. Disgraceful Dan until the very end. Our day will come People.
  11. For those that have dropped for this year, If something changes on your end please let us know, you are welcome back no problem.
  12. Ok I’ll put you down for the 49ers..ty!
  13. @Skinsinparadise & @Epochalypse if you wouldn’t mind guys, check the OP and pick your teams so I can assign them and so we have a clear picture on what teams we need to shoot for filling. Thank you guys! 2 for paradise & 1 for epoch
  14. So we lost the owner of Seattle and made the switch of giants and Steelers.. just an update.. still have a bunch of teams unassigned. The OP has been updated.
  15. Awesome I’ll put you down for Texans plus 1. We appreciate it.
  16. Ty man! would you mind if I put you down for Texans plus 1? Given you were awesome at it last year w/ I think like 3 teams.. lmk. Ty in advance..
  17. Ok guys a few more people have signed back on. I have updated the OP and the list of owners above. We've also locked in on a start date March 31st, 12 pm. Let's keep trying to get as many people on board as possible between now and next Friday Please....Ty!
  18. If any of y'all want to grab a team and participate in ES's annual Mock Draft the thread is around here... Get in there and let us know you are down, you are more than welcome and we'd appreciate the participation.. I can tell you from experience there is NO BETTER preparation for the draft then going through this with other people. We try and make it easy and everyone is welcome...
  19. It was a fun ride and I appreciate what he did for us. Wish him nothing but good things.
  20. List of People who are in: Would like to get some new people in here to lessen the burden for people who have multiple teams if possible. Already getting some responses so that's good.. If you don't see your name and want in just lmk... @goskins10 2 teams @Skinsinparadise 2 teams @KDawg 1 team @COWBOY-KILLA- 2 teams @Ball Security 1 team @Chump Bailey 2 teams @duffy 1 team @KillBill26 1 team @ComManDersFan57 1 team @clskinsfan 2 teams @Gallen5862 1 team @PokerPacker 1 team @Redskins Reparations 1 team @actorguy1 1 team @WelshSkinsFan 1 team @drowland 1 team @mcterry 1 team @Epochalypse 2 teams
  21. The invites have been sent to everyone, but I want to open it up to other ES members so that we can reduce the amount of teams that some of the guys on here are carrying.. Any ES'er out there that has ever wanted to do this, It's a blast and we try and make it as easy as possible. Lets go!
  22. Ty! So we’ll leave dolphins open and put you down for 2 misc teams atm. Let’s see how it shakes out w/ re-assignments. Thanks again.
  23. It’s not at the moment, but as we get peoples responses I’m sure there will be a choice for some teams. You’ll be able to see who is available as we go along.
  24. Ok so we got 4/5 teams locked in. I’ll start to direct message everyone Soon, see if we can get this going. If you have a change of heart kmp. It’s easy and fun man. Not too big of a deal. Nothing to stress about, we try and make it easy.
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