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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. Throwbacks today! “@ESPNRadio980: Robert Griffin ready for today with Throwback uniforms for #Redskins @ESPNRadio980 pic.twitter.com/PZaW3nCt6E
  2. This should be expected when you give the private health industry a seat at the table (and use Heritage Foundation's solution on top of that). For all the inevitable inefficiencies and waste a universal gov-run healthcare system would entail, at least there would be stability. Hell, removing the for-profit nature of health insurance could make it substantially cheaper, at least in the short term. Maybe if ACA proves to be yet another futile attempt at solving the healthcare problem, and GOP takes over in 2016 because of it and repeals the thing, and then fails at governing (again), maybe then we could arrive at a decent solution at some point in the next two decades.
  3. I was bored, read the whole thing. Great post Jumbo, appreciated.
  4. That's assuming that there isn't collusion/price fixing. Insurance companies will do fine under ACA, but they were doing GREAT before. They understand that the best way to get rid of it is to make it unpopular, and the best way to make it unpopular is to make it expensive.
  5. Wonder if there are DoS attack issues going on. Seems like a very simple and easy way to make the implementation look bad. Just speculating. Wouldn't surprise me if its just sheer incompetence on the part of CGI. They manage the Navy's HR system, which my wife reported horror stories about when she worked there.
  6. My dad picked up a Sam Adams hop-whatever variety pack when I was home for the weekend. I tried their Double Agent IPL, which I hadn't tried before and found intriguing. The beer was quite tasty. It had a very different body than an IPA, was much easier to drink. But there was still a strong hop taste, very citrusy. I was pleased. Definitely a fan.
  7. There's no way that voicemail is real, right?
  8. Holy crap. That is not something I would have thought to be on their menu.
  9. From his kinda weird 10 year old QB thread.
  10. There are several other quality breweries in the San Diego area. It's one of the best beer cities in the country. Scratch that, in the world. Edit- I stand by this point, though at least two I thought to be in the San Diego area are actually in the San Francisco area. Same thing right?
  11. You kinda took the crap Skip Bayless was making up and decided to expand on it, make more stuff up, and double down on the stupidity. Well done.
  12. Saw Elysium this morning, thought it was pretty good though not exactly what I expected. Was very fast paced and had a lot of action.
  13. Not sure how legit this story is and it's very speculative. But interesting regardless. http://www.buzzfeed.com/lesliejo/was-an-american-college-student-kidnapped-by-north-korea
  14. You see how they drive? I've been tempted recently to get a dash cam.
  15. For the blob launch? Nah. Not enough trees and rocks, too much water.
  16. Had my first ever DFH Palo Santo Marron last night. My gawd what a beer.
  17. Normally I’d agree with you guys about the fall beers being out this early. But this year I’m kind of digging it. We’ve had a very mild summer and the temps are in the 60s in the morning pretty frequently these days. Couple that with me wanting baseball to be over and football to start, and I’m happily enjoying fall beers in anticipation.
  18. What is "The Luxury Box" section of this forum and how do I get access to it?

    1. DC9


      it's a lot of scratch and sniff stuff. Yes, you can scratch and sniff your computer screen. It's pretty cool.

    2. TheGoodBits


      Trying but it doesn't smell like anything.. just scratching up my computer screen.

    3. Toe Jam

      Toe Jam

      One does not simply ask for access to The Luxury Box.

  19. Found a few 4 packs of Stone Ruination IPA at Wegmans in Fairfax. Had to indulge, and I'm enjoying one now while watching the Nats.
  20. old ES > new ES

    1. TheGoodBits


      But then again I'm a pretty simple guy

  21. Credit rating: B Usually good, pays bills. Occasionally goes to war with you to clear them.
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