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Everything posted by RemoveSnyder

  1. https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-gttf-testimony-drugs-20180202-story.html#click=https://t.co/in1ER5asHM On Thursday, a Baltimore bail bondsman said a member of the city’s Gun Trace Task Force arrived at his home with two trash bags full of looted prescription drugs amid the April 2015 riots and looting. The testimony on Thursday, in which Donald C. Stepp said Sgt. Wayne Jenkins made near-nightly trips to Stepp’s county home to drop off drugs, adds an additional layer to our understanding of the looting of pharmacies and businesses in the hours after Freddie Gray’s funeral. ... Police looting and profiteering.
  2. Cops posing as protestors. Cops posing as news media. Lying about it.
  3. There's a term for this kind of infiltration unit bad actor stuff, which I'm forgetting now. The intent is to only incite more acts of violence and therefore discredit and demonize the legitimate protesters. These tactics of wanton vandalism tying back to law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been used for decades by the cia. Once it happens everything is tarnished and any semblance of a unified message or peaceful protest is lost Then everything becomes fog of war.
  4. Article cited: https://thesource.com/2020/05/18/new-canadian-study-says-marijuana-may-prevent-the-coronavirus/ Twitter tag:
  5. https://eand.co/the-american-economy-is-imploding-and-america-is-too-e998d3cfb1d9 The American Economy is Imploding — and America is, Too How Coronavirus is Finishing the Job of American Collapse - umair haque
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