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Everything posted by zCommander

  1. I figured the alt-tab was not getting to your monitor quick enough and maybe your monitor was a tad bit old or a poor connection. I usually don't mess with hertz but then again I haven't had to since I don't play games anymore...lol
  2. The dim light is always a hardware issue or a poor connection. How old is your monitor? Also, why aren't you using HDMI instead if you got a new card?
  3. Does the monitor work fine on an another computer? If still dim then the backlit light is going bad or has gone bad... in that case time for a new monitor.
  4. You gotta stop the rough sex man... You are not built for Fifty Shades Darker... \
  5. Webroot, Avast, Kaspersky are all good. Macs are getting infected now too with annoying adware that says your computer is infected and how to clean and speed up. Mac are no longer safe unlike some think they are.
  6. I have been using Avast! on all my computers. Has stopped many hacking webpage redirects and any torrent that has malicious code inside the file. It is free and I just use a dummy email address to renew every year. Go to www.download.com to get it.
  7. We lost two games. He was not on the hot seat. That is what you thought and not what the FO was thinking or me for that matgter. Even if we go 8-7-1. He still won't be on the hot seat. Last year was an anomaly to be in the playoffs. This year will also be. We are not there yet. The FO knows this. Only a stupid team would get rid of the coach who is making improvements that quick. The FO might have been upset for RG3 benching but at least Gruden showed them that he was right in starting Kirk. I was done with the RG3 experiment after he got injured and the way he couldn't read defenses. I would like to see Gruden here for couple of more years and have liked him from the beginning and more so after he started Kirk.
  8. I was just kidding. lol. Doing a rub to the original poster who said this at beginning of the season thinking Gruden was only a 2 year wonder after taking the team to the post season.
  9. I now just use WSUS offline updater. (http://download.wsusoffline.net/). I set it to not verify the download so it downloads all of the updates quicker. Then run the client and choose my options and set it to auto recall and reboot and walk away. Edit: You can also use the free tool for Windows 8 and Windows 10 as well.
  10. Long time ago MS screwed up on the whole MCSE thing back with server NT 4.0. I was two exams away when they said there were not going to honor MCSE title and you would have to take the new certs for Windows 2000 when it comes out. I said hell no and just took the Windows XP exam to be MS Certified Pro. I am self taught. I own my own business. There are two of us also but we do a lot of VM in the labs to test the new stuff MS puts out. We are also MS Partners so we get to download the software and use the software as well. It keeps us busy but I still love doing the hardware stuff like pulling network cables and rebuilding servers and setting up all the hardware.
  11. Didn't know about this Firefox plugin. But basically WindizUpdate is a Firefox plugin which mimics the official Windows Update application for people who didn't like IE. So it was still using Microsoft servers to pull the updates. It just allowed more control over the updates. So did MS updates if you didn't click on Express Update button but pressed Customize instead. With Win 10 you have even less control over the updates. I do miss the old update website though. I also hate Apple's updates as well. You have to have an Apple account to do the updates. This makes it tough for us IT guys working on a client computer. I don't like to use my Apple ID on someone else computer. These companies are stupid and want to make it easy for the regular user but forget about the techs that might be doing the work for them!
  12. You are probably thinking of windowsupdates.microsoft.com. Don't think there was a standalone site. Offline updates is the only other thing us IT guys used. We wouldn't be caught doing updates from a non-Microsoft website(s)....Well, unless you wanted to stand in the unemployment line..lol
  13. Have you tried Spiceworks? If anyone has any issues with updates (Windows 7 now can take days after a new install). Just use WSUS. Link: http://download.wsusoffline.net/
  14. Which streaming box did you get? Use this link instead: http://ifirstrowus.eu/
  15. http://www.thefirstrow.eu/sport/american-football.html
  16. http://atdhenet.tv/index.html use this link and download the ShareTV plug in and it will work just fine.
  17. I use to but my laptop got stolen in FL earlier this year and I lost everything. Including the backup hd that was in my bag too.:mad: But I can make another one for you. I know what player I got that from. I will send it to you when I redo it.
  18. Thanks on the pic. I have always used this site when I am away and works every time and is virus free (us IT guys don't like them buggers anyway ) : http://atdhenet.tv/index.html
  19. Yes. And is safe. Just go to: http://atdhenet.tv/index.html
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