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Everything posted by Koolblue13

  1. That's like an Onion article. "tourist pretends to fall in canyon"
  2. Parasites often alter their host's behaviour or appearance, but Cymothoa exigua goes one further - it is the only parasite known to replace an entire organ. Its unfortunate host is typically the rose spotted snapper, which it enters through the gills and lodges itself at the back of the mouth. It hooks its claws at the base of the tongue and interrup ts the blood flow, consuming it instead. Due to the lack of blood the tongue atrophies and falls off, where the isopod parasite attaches itself to the remaining stub. It then "becomes" a functional tongue for the fish, able to be moved as the fish would have moved its original tongue. Like most cymothoid isopods, C. exigua is a hermaphrodite. In one study females were only found in the mouth, whereas males could be found in the gills and the mouth (and in the mouth they were clinging to females, suggesting copulation). A small proportion of extremely unlucky fish were found with females as the tongue and males simultaneously occupying the gills. Despite the "organ-replacement" part, it doesn't appear C. exigua has other adverse effects on the fish. In case you were wondering (and we're sure it crossed your mind at some point), C. exigua does not affect humans. That said, don't pick one up - they deliver quite a nip.
  3. http://www.sustainableamerica.org/blog/plantagon/ The future of farming might very well be up. With urban populations increasing and the reality that agriculture is stretched to its current limits of production, it is clear that we must find innovative new ways to produce food. We are also facing the issue of food miles, the distance that food currently travels from farm to plate and all the energy that’s needed for those distribution networks. A Swedish-American company, Plantagon, was recently awarded the 2012 SACC New York-Deloitte Green Award for its innovative design of a 12-story triangular urban farm. This building, which broke ground last February, will be one of the tallest farms in the world once construction is completed. Inside the Plantagon structure, plants will travel on tracks from the bottom floor up to the top and back to take advantage of optimum sunlight and make harvesting easier and more efficient. Plantagon plans to sell the produce at nearby farmers markets, minimizing food miles, and they will lease office space in the building for additional revenue. They also plan to reduce operating energy use by creating biogas from the building’s own organic garbage. Down the line they are exploring the concept of a Planta-car – a vehicle that could run on the building’s organic compost. This past July, the company expanded their reach into Asia, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tongi University in Shanghai to partner on research related to town-planning issues.
  4. [quote name=pjfootballer;9230062 Steelers are wearing yellow on yellow essentially from what the photo shows' date=' so that would be a no go, not to mention we don't even have a gold jersey.[/quote] But he did that "/thread" thingy.
  5. I have hated the smell and flavor of the "Heineken" type beers my entire life, but moving down here, I started drinking Presidente and now crave it. I usually drink Elephants though.
  6. http://www.mysmallhomestead.com/2009/06/1001-uses-for-vinegar/ have been having a problem with lint accumulating on different clothing when we line dry them. I researched the problem and learned that this often comes from a clogged filter in the washing machine. The suggested remedy is a cup of white vinegar run through a cycle every month. Now I knew that vinegar was good for coffee pots but I didn’t translate that to other appliances. - Lower your dependency on oil, chemicals and plastic and save a ton of money.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20026938 What a white whale might look like Researchers in the US have been shocked to discover a beluga whale whose vocalisations were remarkably close to human speech. While dolphins have been taught to mimic the pattern and durations of sounds in human speech, no animal has spontaneously tried such mimicry. But researchers heard a nine-year-old whale named NOC make sounds octaves below normal, in clipped bursts. The researchers outline in Current Biology just how NOC did it. The first mystery, though, was figuring out where the sound was coming from. When a diver at the National Marine Mammal Foundation in California surfaced saying, "Who told me to get out?" the researchers there knew they had another example on their hands. --If you go to the link you can listen and yes, it sounds like a person talking to you, just mumbled. This is amazing. A whale is teaching itself to speak to us. Probably to ask us WTF we are doing.
  8. I love how early this thread gets bumped every single day. You guys are no joke
  9. You want Macy, it take you JC Penny? That must be so hard for you.
  10. Rafael makes me think the gays might be responsible for hurricanes. Heeey, here is the rain and winds for youuuuu.
  11. I don't know why anybody would think that set up stong enough for that and the other guys yelling was just freaking creepy.
  12. Cheese monster- Wowsers. Somebody needs an intervention.
  13. Sammy Smiths nut brown is one of the tastiest beers I've had, although their Taddy and Oatmeal are both better
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