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Rufus T Firefly

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Everything posted by Rufus T Firefly

  1. His "career year" still sucked and was only slightly better than he had done earlier. But what I said was a dumb point is claiming that Sanchez taking a team to the playoffs was some great achievement when Sanchez had done better than that twice before. Now is where you post some irrelevant stat form Sanchez that has nothing to do with that non-point. Go ahead.
  2. I mean, how could anyone question Quinn's brilliance at putting together a staff when the measure of it is how much it helped the people he hired? Again, he should give me the OC job, because I could use the money and therefore it would raise Quinn to Einstein level.
  3. That's pretty much the staff that moved with Kyle to Atlanta and then on to SF. Nothing wrong with giving Quinn credit for hiring Kyle and letting him fill out a staff. It was a smart decision that worked out well. But it's also not like he was finding this guys under rocks. They were Kyle's people. And he didn't do well replacing them.
  4. You are defending Morris being named an offensive coach because "he asked for it" And now you seem to be defending it because he got hired as a head coach after many years back coaching on his side of the ball. If you get near a point, let the rest of us know.
  5. That's nice. Irrelevant to what you posted and I responded to. You're the one who brought up Sanchez leading a team to the playoffs as proof of something. If you are now admitting that that was a dumb and pointless argument, then we are in agreement.
  6. If I asked to be OC and he gave me the job, does that make it a smart hire? In case I haven't shown you enough of my brain power, the answer is definitively NO.
  7. Or the other two. Vick was mediocre under him for like 7 games then got hurt. Foles, it's true, had a stellar season under Kelly. But the next year he was lousy again and he dealt him away fro Bradford. I feel like the need to sugar coat any move the team makes has now got us just inventing some QB guru tag to slap onto Kelly, even if it means we're naming guys who got worse under him. Or didn't play for him at all.
  8. Man, are you okay today? You're touting Chip Kelly partly because of his record with Michael Vick, whom he got injured in his only mediocre year with him; and Wentz, who got there after Kelly left, and wasn't good until a year after that. Now you're not sure Darrell Bevell, who has been an NFL OC for most of the last two decades, including in two Super Bowls, and an interim Head Coach twice. "might not be ready" to be an NFL OC? I'm worried you forgot your vitamins. Or maybe overdosed on them, or something.
  9. Hell no. And screw you for asking. It was a terrible call that gave them the ball for this winning shot which led to a title. As a Celtics fan, I will never get over it.
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