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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. Beers reputation has really taken a hit the past few weeks. He'll have to work hard to win me back. Especially since Mary Jane treats us all so much the better.
  2. Well done with ketchup? That's ****ing gross. Why not just eat a shoe or leather belt while you're at it. When someone ask you how you want your steak. Medium rare is the only acceptable answer.
  3. Nike will probably just sit back and watch their stock prices go up. Then follow up with another ad campaign.
  4. As far as the Zina Bash hand sign goes she prolly just playing that stupid circle game from the 80s. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-circle-game I remember that stupid game from the 90s. Saw people playing that **** recently. Thought how is that still a thing.
  5. Meh... he did a wonderful job presenting his family. Which is great since his mother and kids will be on the supreme court right? Im not a fan of this Brett dude. He was at the RFK for the NFCCG in the 70s and 80s. Plus he gets to be on the supreme court. Lucky SoB....
  6. Is that Paul Maguire? This has been the conservatives stance tho for decades. Democrats are the enemy. They want to destroy the party by any means necessary. Treason is acceptable since its all for the greater good of their conservative agenda.
  7. Boring has nothing to do with it. I imagine any Supreme Court appointee is as boring as the next. The conservative part has me slightly concerned tho.
  8. I wouldn't really be surprised to find out a lot of Republicans are in bed with Vlad and his cronies. After all this is the party that openlly embraces and looks back joyfully on the Southern Confederacy. Treasonous is definitely a fitting label for that whole lot.
  9. Thanks. That's what I suspected. I know right. All us old white guys be gettin treaded ons like no one else. Estimates are 3% of the population are here illegally. Thats pretty damn low IMO.
  10. I'm curious as to what population percentage of illegal immigrants in the US is considered acceptable to conservatives? I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I'm still interested.
  11. No you dont. The USCIS site clearly states it doesnt matter how you arrived.
  12. So do Russians have to show their IDs to vote in US elections or does that still apply only to US citizens?
  13. Sorry just never liked the axis of evil label. Yeah those countries are adversaries but they've yet to sign any kind of pact. I just dont see them as anything comparible to the Axis Powers.
  14. Quite different than the reference to the "Axis Powers" made earlier. Also Axis of Evil is still such a lame name. W shoulda dug deeper into his comic book collection when he came up with that one. There is no offical Alliance between NK, Iran n Iraq Im aware of.
  15. So would I. Unfortunately he's talking to Congressmen n women. Which lets all be honest are not our best and brightest. This hearing is exhibit A.
  16. I'll just point out that the "Axis Powers" have all been our allies since the end of WW2. Was there a new Tripartite Pact I missed?
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