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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. This is why I get so angry at the GOP. Only reason to repeal and replace is to say in 2018 "we're the ones that got you healthcare not those damn Democrats".
  2. At the end of the day conservatives don't want to admit that some things should be run by the government not by corporations. #Principles
  3. While I'm certainly not ok with it. The Russian ship is in international waters. Anything goes out there. It's where they held the Tyson Secretariat fight.
  4. I think the Panthers could use an upgrade at RB. Though with the return of Kelvin Benjamin this year I think you're probably right Panthers offense should have all the weapon they really need. And... maybe they could use a better left tackle. Ted Ginn was ok for them last season. But yeah outside of Olsen and Cam they really didn't have much else.
  5. I didn't really view it as a slight or like they hate the guy. Just that he's replaceable and won't really be missed. I'm still really skeptical of the Norman signing. Feels like I've seen this before and already know how it's gonna play out. I really hope I'm wrong and Norman plays like we all know he's capable of playing.
  6. Not only that but I've heard a few Panthers fans say Norman is straight up crazy so they really don't miss him. Texted my brother earlier, he's a huge Panther fan, asking why Norman won't STFU? His response was "I wonder who he got that from..." Followed quickly with a pic of:
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