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Darc Requiem

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Everything posted by Darc Requiem

  1. Wow. Excellent Comeback

  2. Giant's getting obliterated and there is still 5 minutes left in the 1st Qtr. Lovin it.

    1. Qdeathstar


      misery loves company

    2. Darc Requiem

      Darc Requiem

      Nope, no matter what the Skins do. I always want the Giants, Eagles, and Cowboys to lose.

  3. The trolling by Jones on Sportscenter was hilarious. DC was getting so pissed off by it.
  4. DJ, unsurprisingly, seems way too fast for Bagautinov.
  5. This card has been pretty frickin terrible.
  6. Anderson would definitely have the chance to finish GSP when the fights standing. However it depends if he could keep the fight standing. GSP is one of the best wrestlers in MMA history, unlike Chael, GSP has excellent submission defense. The way that fight would go would depend on Anderson's ability to keep the fight standing. If Anderson could stop GSP's take downs then I think he wins. If not I think the fight would look a lot like his first fight with Chael, except GSP wouldn't get tapped.
  7. Glad to see that fraud gone. Never understood why that one dimensional roiding cheat was so popular in the first place. Somewhere GSP has to be laughing at Dana now. I guess GSP was right about that drug problem huh Dana
  8. I will never understand this rational. First thing is that Jones doesn't have 20lbs on other 205lbers. Most 205 fighters walk around at 225+. Anderson Silva was heavier than just about every other 185lber that he fought. He had the reach advantange over just about ever guy he faced as well and no one was making this argument. Silva is closer in size to Jones than he is to most of his division.
  9. I don't think I've ever disagreed with an opinion so much on ES before.
  10. I'd like to know who the idiot was that decided to make a PG-13 remake of Robocop. PG-13 remake of one the bloodiest R rated movies of it's time. Really?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Darc Requiem

      Darc Requiem

      That's actually a pretty good idea Mr. Sinister

    3. Glenn X

      Glenn X

      The '87 "RoboCop" (one of my all-time faves) was produced for $15 mil. Even "cheap" movies today cost triple that. The remake cost $100 mil, and Hollywood doesn't make R-rated movies (outside of "T2") at that expense. It isn't cost-efficient.

    4. Commander PK

      Commander PK

      They probably think rebooting Robocop into a softer version increases the bottom line and multiple sequels opportunities. You expand your viewing audience. You create a "franchise." Some things just are what they are, and a precedent was set with the original movies. Now in your quest to max out your profits you alienate fans who loved the original movie for what it was. I.E. "Clash of the Titans" Give me the original any day over the new version and it's sequel. Ma...

  11. No. Jones and Silva are in separate weight classes. The desire to see them fight is less about the fight itself and more about how they've dominated their own divisions.
  12. After the Chael fight GSP would have to like his chances. Unlike Chael, GSP is great fighter that's skilled in all facets of the game. More importantly, he has excellent wrestling. I'd still take Silva to win, but if GSP took down Silva he'd have a much better chance of putting him a way. Chael laid on Anderson for nearly the whole fight in their first match and he did no damage. At the end of the fight Chael's looked like hamburger and Silva's looked he just stepped into the Octagon. Chael is an overrated one dimensional fighter that's famous for his mouth. GSP is better than Chael in everything but cutting WWE style promos. Although he doesn't deserve it, I hope Chael does get to fight Jones. After he gets smashed, hopefully he'll go away for good.
  13. Not true, if GSP gets past Condit, they already have a 180lb catchweight bout set up between him and Anderson.
  14. @NoCalMike You are right about the BJJ black belt getting tossed around a lot lately. I know one thing. After beating Palhares at his own game. Belcher's BJJ black belt isn't in doubt.
  15. From beginning to end, this was a great show. I hope the next Fox UFC event is this good. Glad to see Belcher back. I was wondering if he'd ever be back after his eye injury.
  16. The difference between 3G and 4G is night and day.
  17. Everytime I see that pic, I damn near die of laughter. This thread never gets old. :hysterical:
  18. Don't know but thats a good question. I can't remember if throwbacks were worn last year or not.
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