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Everything posted by Riggo#44

  1. I heard this nonsense on the radio as I was out running a few errands. The Screaming Idiot proudly stated the obvious that we don't have a left tackle--and I yelled at the radio "We still wouldn't because Smith is never on the field, we're just out the money!" I don't think he heard me, but I made my point. Idiot wanted to give him a two year, near-guaranteed contract. The Screaming Idiot is a the Screaming Idiot for a reason...because he's a Screaming Idiot. And thank you, sir, for using his proper name. I want to make this a board standard.
  2. And the Mets. He talked so much **** after 2015, people gave it back to him in 2019 and he got all salty.
  3. Dan Snyder, his current book (out now!), or random golfer he knows. He name drops so much even Mike Wilbon thinks it's over the top.
  4. Speaking of new material, the Acolyte is scheduled for mid-2024. They're starting to investigate more of the High Republic era--with Jedi Survivor (awesome game, BTW) touching on it and now the Acolyte set 100 years before Phantom Menace "in the final days of the High Republic." It has an interesting cast, including Dafnee Keene, who was X-23 in Logan. I'm hoping, with Disney releasing R-Rated Deadpool and TV-MA Echo and Daredevil, they'll take this darker.
  5. All I can think about this is the citizens of Rock Ridge meeting their new sheriff for the first time..."the Sherriff is a..." Fixed that for you.
  6. I missed that part, probably because I shut it off after than nonsense. There are few people I like less than John Feinstein. A little while back, he referred to someone as Goodell’s “butt buddy” (might have been Trump too, I don’t remember exactly) A bunch of people chimed in saying that term was offensive to gay men, including many gays. Feinsteins response: no it isn’t. He’s a total hypocrite.
  7. More idiocy and grandstanding from famed bloviating jackass John Feinstein that @Voice_of_Reason will love. I made the mistake of tuning into Fridays with Fartstein on 106.7, and he said in all seriousness that Kyle and Mike Shanahan saying they had to cut the playbook in half and questioning McNabb's fitness was "racial coding." Not because McNabb was checked out--one of the reasons Andy Reid traded him--but racism. I hate our media.
  8. This is top 10 funniest thing I have ever seen.
  9. House only played in 88 games last year--but was really good. Morales was in Wilmington for 18 games. I'd probably start both there with quicker promotions, if need be. House had a 28% K rate at AA, so he has somethings to work on. But yes, Wilmington sucks. I hate playing there
  10. I’d put Wood at AAA. I want to see if his contact issues last year are resolved. Crews, House, and Hassell at AA. I’m fighting the urge to get swayed by ESSTSS, and want to bring them along slower.
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