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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. KB scored twice, sky is falling ! Eventhough he was granted a pk (from Mbappé) he did the job. Let's see if he can do that on a regular basis. Pogba was unfortunately as usually inconsistent, assisting KB and causing too many turnovers. Mbappé, Griezmann and Kanté were very active and Kimpembe solid. Last but not least the officiating was piss poor (Lloris should have been ejected, four French booked no Portuguese !!!, no pk awarded to Coman). On to the next round with a couple of big clashes Belgium vs Portugal and England vs Germany Edit: Neue Zürcher Zeitung warns that the case is not yet over for les Bleus: "In sport too, the French are used to condescending by calling their Swiss neighbors" "the little Swiss. "" But concedes that "if the Blues do not have exactly a champion's course, the French team has provided only the minimum service" demonstrating "energy-saving realism". And that we should be wary of “national coach Didier Deschamps, known for his cunning. " Little swiss is a reference to a french cheese Our group was the toughest, and the next rounds are getting even tougher (Croatia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium) while on the other side it's quite the opposite. Things are getting worse, Dembele, Lemar, Hernandez, Digne, Thuram, all injured !
  2. Dembelé sorry Dembléssé out for the rest of the tounament. Another media feud after Giroud complaining about Mbappé so called "selfishness", now Griezmann complaining about KB not scoring. At this stage I truly think Gignac would have played much better than the couple of clumsy walkers we have up front. I'm wondering about Kanté and Griezmann, they have been all over the field and might run out of gas.
  3. Norway's football clubs to vote on Qatar World Cup boycott ""sportswashing" -- the polishing of a country's public image through a major sporting event." Report: More than 6,500 migrant workers have died during Qatar's World Cup prep "According to The Guardian, 2,711 workers from India, 1,641 from Nepal, 1,018 from Bangladesh, 824 from Pakistan and 557 from Sri Lanka have died working in Qatar since 2010. The Guardian estimates that the actual death toll of migrant workers is "considerably higher" since the data it cites is limited to the listed countries." WCH (world cup hypocrits) who are all turning a blind eye on that 🤢 Granting the organization of a WC to a country that is football wise totally and absolutely irrelevant. A country accused of bribery by US department of justice. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2016/03/qatar-world-cup-of-shame/ Edit : Norway voted against boycott of WC Qatar by a landslide (75%). I guess FIFA threats came to fruition, no matter the leader this organization is rotten to the bone (Argentina 78 ---> Qatar 2022).
  4. Unfortunately I'm not surprised, he scored 19 at the wonderlic. Most aggravating is that no one on the team nor at the NFL Player association can make them change their mind.
  5. Depay on his way to Barcelona and Donnaruma to the evil empire.
  6. Pepe has always been overrated, always the weak link of their D on top of that he's 38 !!! As @TryTheBeal! said the team was falling appart mentally
  7. Gosens again this guy is unstopable !
  8. Bernardo Silva out Renato in, this good coaching in order to try to shutdown Goosens Awesome play from the Germans, Gosens is incredible
  9. Wow the Germans are on a roll ! Impressive
  10. Sure especially after loosing their team captain, but we should have won this one, this performance is unacceptable
  11. I hope Portugal beats Germany, so we will have no other choice but to beat them in order to finish first. No lazyness allowed, and I hope KB and Rabiot will be benched in favor of Dembélé and Coman.
  12. First half: Hungary lost its captain to what I believe looks like insolation. Most active players are the usual ones: Mbappé, Kanté, Griezmann. KB being himself missing the unmissable and ruining another very good opportunity with the wrong choice. Pogba is back with his lazyness setback. I'm still trying to figure out what Rabiot is doing ? Magyars are suffocating and decided to use the Mou's playbook. Edit: what should have happened just happened 1-0 Hungary. France punished, lazyyyyynessssssss.
  13. Wish I was there at least to try to make him change his mind. I'll miss his passion for the game, his humor and his posts.
  14. 1'30 Boom 1-0 Danes second fastest goal of all times according to the speaker Danes are all over the field and Belgians had zero scoring opportunity during the first half. it seems that they just don't want to play ! 2-1 Belgium final score. Does someone have news about GHH ?
  15. You nailed it, he's very good surrounded by Madrid stars, take him out of this team and let's see what he can do. When playing for France he's below average most of the time. In my book you can't be a great player when you failed every time you had the chance to play for your country, but that's just me. Wales is pushing hard vs Turkey, Ramsey already missed twice, this game is quite entertaining so far. Edit: Ramsey scores 1-0 Wales just before halftime. @Elessar78 Bale being awarded a PK and missing it ! Wales 2-0 final score. Today's training: Griezmann played goalkeeper, Coman, Dembélé and Giroud couldn't score
  16. It has been done before, very sad memories
  17. Actually history and numbers say otherwise, Griezmann scored 37 in 7 years (2014-2021) with a .4 rate, KB 27 in 13 years (2007-2021) with a .32 rate KB outscoring Griezmann during this competition remains to be seen eventhough the task was made easier by Deschamps since Griezmann played more like Kanté than a real winger. We won the Worlc Cup without him, and strangely nobody seemed to miss him. He scored vs Faroe Islands !!! in the qualifying group for Euro 2008. During this competition (most shameful probably) he is scoreless. Versus which teams had he scored ? Albania, Bosnia, Luxembourg and mostly during friendly games (England). 1222 minutes that's 13 games without a goal, an all time record !!! We had to play a friendly at home vs Austarlia (6-0) so he could score ! Then again he scores twice during friendlies vs Brazil and Jamaica. Duirng his first WC 2014 he scored twice vs Honduras ! One of his goals being the first one awarded by goal line technology. He scores another one vs Switzerland ! Then he enters his usual ghost mode vs the top teams Nigeria, and Germany in the quarter finals. I might have memory lapses but I don't remember him being named assist leader in any international competition. I'm not going into the specifics about his off fields issues, just a couple : On December 6, 2006, he said on RMC, about the fact that he could play for Algeria: "It is the country of my parents, it is in the heart. it is true that I will play for the French team. I will always be there for the France team. "Then" It's more for the sporting side, because Algeria is my country, there you are, my parents come from there. Afterwards, France… It's more sporty. On top of that he is involved in the infamous sextape (Justice decision coming up). Nevertheless Zidane called him the best striker in team France history (he is 10th !) 🤢 I believe Giroud (those two hate each others) would add at baby football
  18. I trust you about Barcelona since I didn't watch any game. That's the first time I've seen him playing with such intensity trying to get the ball back with France. The only guy who always did it was Ribery. He was all over the field to the point that I don't remember he had any opportunity to score. I praised him for that but I wasn't expecting it in the 4-3-3, especially since KB and Giroud can't score.
  19. Pogba was the man, I hope he won't have any inconsistency relapse throughout the tournament. Offense is putrid with KB, Giroud, Griezmann, thanks God we have Kylian to set the game on fire. Pogba and Kylian can build a very explosive chemistry.
  20. KB scoreless as usually vs the top teams. Griezmann being possessed by NGolo Kante. First time I see an offensive player playing fierced defense like that. Kylian being denied an obvious pk, I still can't believe his speed, he could easily make the olympics in the 100m.
  21. Rudiger biting Pogba in the back and touching his nipples
  22. I could never stand the show-off white collars AH of Roland Garros. Jokovic made the effort to learn and speak french, after his game vs Nadal he said the crowd was fantastic, he has always respected the crowd, but yet many of them just throw hatred to him or cheer anytime he misses.
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