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Everything posted by CRobi21

  1. Too much wishful thinking to expect Manfred to clean this mess up at the most optimal time...
  2. Hmm true. If a return team calls fair catch, is the kicking team allowed to jump over him and catch the ball? Contact wouldn't necessarily be made. I'm just spitballing here
  3. Wonder if kickers could develop a flop shot style onside kick.. Hit the very bottom of the ball and pop that sucker high in the air. Feels like a new style kick needs to be discovered
  4. Chase Young throat slash cele! Add that to his stat line!
  5. I mean an onside kick is necessary at this point isn't it?
  6. CMC in same pain after falling hard on his head. Luckily he has 2 weeks to rest up
  7. "Premier defensive lineman in this league" Oh Greg... Stop
  8. He got up before touched! That's a TD!!! ** Touched on the thigh on his way down. Another crazy play!
  9. That pressure by Bosa on the 4th down may have kept the 9ers season alive.
  10. Chase Young will be lucky to see the field in the 2nd half after that effort..
  11. I forgot all about the 3-color hat. Might make the pullover home whites look better. (I still hate the capital behind the W)
  12. Seems they are trying to faze out the Curly W...
  13. Ehhh... Nike what are you doing... Navy hat/red bill might have to be worn with both of them.
  14. "Gas-lighting" Always heard it, had to look up the meaning. I don't like that word.
  15. Every variation of "bro"...
  16. Chase Young trending tonight. I guess being on the national stage, NFL fans are finally starting to realize he's JAG..
  17. Think he's gotten more screen time getting handled by a blocking WR more than anything else tonight
  18. Please take over and be the new face of the league Mr Edwards. Love the way he plays
  19. This non call, then lasted whistle, then whistle waved off makes me not want to watch anything from this league anymore... https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/hNN2Jrh8UW
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