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Posts posted by AsiaticSkinsFan

  1. That was big time by the US team. Russia brought the A squad that has been tearing up qualifying and the Euros(I believe it's the same). US was missing Dempsey and Donovan. Russia is a very good squad. That said Goodson needs to go. We have much better options.

    its not the ame and Russia got knocked out the group stage at Euros.

    They havent given up a goal WCQ so far, but its still just a friendly.

    Bradley's goal was sick. New Jersey tekkers, lol

  2. Well, at least we can agree on 3 or 4/5 of the last drafts. And Kyrie has Varejao and a bunch of youngsters/bums. Varejao and Scott are the only, "professionals," around him.

    they have Gibson who helped Cleveland reach the most successful times in that franchise's history along with Varejao (altho in fairness I was thinking more last year).

    Then they have Zeller who will probably end up being the best UNC out of their draft group last year. The guy works! He runs the court, he takes charges, better defender than I thought he would be too.

    Fats Waiters is really looking like a poor man's DWade beside him in the back court.

    And those "bums" try hard and dont embarrass themselves.

    Look at the Wizards since Wall came into the NBA? This is the first year dude has had a professional mindset around him.

    ---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 12:34 PM ----------

    I disagree with this post McGee was developing kind of slowley but year after year he has been working on his game. He turned into a great off ball defender, he got bigger, he developed a few post moves. He was a knuckle head that was surrounded by a team full knuckle heads not many people are going too mature in that situation.

    McGee is not a good on the ball defender. He is great on the weakside tho.

    His post moves are still nonexistant in Denver and he still does stupid things. Its just the start of the year, but he is averaging under 20mpg in Denver.

    Javale could have developed more tho if he had a veteran big man with him, and the FO really invested in making him a better player. They didnt, and I dont believe Javale will get much better than he is now, except for defending.

  3. Oh I realize. I just think all of those players have more superstar potential and are better to build teams around. And it's not a knock on Wall. I think he is a very good, above average player. I just think the others are better to build around.

    you cant build a team around Blake Griffin. He cant defend, his game is reliant on athleticism, and he is horrible in late game situations. Not a good post player either.

    If CP3, their real franchise player, is not there the Clippers would also stink.

    I think Wall could be better than Kyrie as he is a great scorer and already a smarter player, but he turns the ball over as much as Wall without being anywhere near the playmaker Wall is. But Kyrie got professionals around him and a moderately well FO.

    The problem with this team is we have nothing around Wall.

    ---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 12:18 PM ----------

    seriously, screw him. The reason for this bad basketball is because you dont know what you are doing and stay passing the buck.

  4. I just realized of the past 6 drafts, we had to pick the worst year to get the number 1 pick. 2012 (Davis) 2011 (Irving) 2010 (Wall) 2009 (Griffin) 2008 (Rose) 2007 (This one is debatable. Knowing us, we probably would have went Oden over Durant). If we did go Durant, I'd want every single one of those guys over Wall.


    you need to realize this organization is rotten, not the player(s)

  5. Wizards will match any RFA deal Wall gets. I can't see them messing that up.

    Leonsis punk ass needs to fire Ernie. There is no plan here, except that Ernie wants to look like he doing work when he is not.

    And the Beal pick isn't looking good at all right now considering how the players drafted around him are playing. Oh how I wish MKG slipped to us. That guy has the personality of a try-hard, I won't lose bama. That inspires other, along with his beast talent. He is going to be such a great player in the NBA. I just don't see that with Beal. :(

  6. Getting rid of McGee and Young through trades (instad of letting them walk in FA) and taking on a boat load of ****ty contracts surely paid off! :ols:

    The crappy win streak against JV teams to finish the season was the worst thing that could have happened to this team. It pleased the cheerleader portion of the fan base and media and allowed Ted to keep that buffoon in place to sink this team into an even deeper hole.

    this happens every year too with this organization and fanbase. We get cysed off garbage end of the season runs and think we can build off that. We never do and it comes back to bite us on the ass.

    as for the trades dont really have an issue with getting rid of those guys and getting something, but that Nene contract was never going to be good.

    That should be the bare minimum requirement for any head coach.

    Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

    bolded, quoted, and it needs to be repeated ad nausea until it sinks in.

  7. I didnt watch tonight, but in the games Ive seen Wittman is not a bright spot. Not at all.

    He isnt a good coach. Bad rotations, bad plays out of timeouts, etc.

    This team wont win until Wall comes back.

    Look at Charlotte, they drafted well, got a special player in MKG who is changing the culture. Kemba has improved.

    Then look at us. We friggin suck.

  8. Kyrie is the only player from that class who has proven he can be the guy for a team. Kyrie is the only guy from 2011 who could have been a top 5 pick in 2010. 2010 was a stronger year, you've already had Wall, Cousins, and Greg Monroe prove they can be the guy for a team. And though it seems like Derrick Favors is progressing at a snail's pace, everyone still thinks he's going to become that kind of player too. The only guys left that I see maybe becoming that kind of player are Kanter and Valanciunas.

    Kyrie is looking like a guy you can build a winning franchise around. I dont see that yet with any of those guys. They are really good players, and Wall could be a superstar but Kyrie has looked better than them all.

    Paul George wasn't supposed to be a feature played but he's still better than the second best player from 2011.

    this is my point. I dont care about pre draft stuff, I care about how the guys are playing in the NBA. Paul George is looking like a potential star after a couple of seasons.

    Kenneth Faried was a late 1st round pick, but is a much better player than Jan Vesely and is looking like a potential star.

    And though Avery Bradley and Eric Bledsoe are just role players, they're better than any of the role players from 2011. Gordon Hayward and Evan Turner probably are too. Maybe even Seraphin?

    Also, don't sleep on Larry Sanders and Al Farouq Aminu. They've also looked good this season, like they're taking that next step. Sanders today is where Bismack is hoping to get, and Aminu looks like he's becoming a Luol Deng type wing.

    You've got a much bigger depth of quality in 2010 than 2011.

    I just dont know how you can make a statement like this. Kawai Leonard was a starter on one of the best teams in the NBA last year. Shumpert was looking like one of the best defensive point guards in the NBA before the knee injury. Norris Cole as well. Marshon Brooks as well. hen you have Kemba Walker leading Charlotte to a damn good start to this season right now. Your whole statement is based on what you read and heard in the pre-draft analysis and not on how these guys are playing in the NBA. The two drafts are looking pretty close, and you could argue that 2011 has more depth.

    and my main point is that we could have gotten better players than Vesely. Guys who look ready to play in the NBA right now and would fit in very well with this team. We didnt, and we are stuck with another one of Ernie's tweener projects.

  9. 2011 was pretty awful and people knew it at the time. You're talking about role players with those guys, same as Ves. So far, Kyrie is the only player from the entire class who looks like more than just a role player, and that's not good.

    I think Ves has already shown ability. Based on what he's demonstrated in the NBA, I think he'll be a good NBA player and a defensive stalwart. That's not pie in the sky thinking based on his predraft hype. It's from the flashes I've observed since he's been a Wizard. I'm probably higher on Ves now than I was before the draft. I didn't know how high his BBall IQ was beforehand, didn't know his defensive potential was this good.

    i dont care what was said before hand, I care about what I have seen out of those players. The draft hasnt been that bad. The 2010 draft was supposed to be much better, yet no one from that class has really taken the next step like Kyrie has either and I see a lot of role players to guys not getting any time as well.

    And like I said before, there were players who are performing better that were taken after Vesely. I am not convinced at all, but we have no choice but to give him time.

  10. Wenger needs to realize we cant play that pass-pass game anymore. We never really could before, but we had Cesc to make up for it. We dont anymore.

    Just let them play a quick tempo Anglo-Saxon game, thats what this team is good at. Its too easy for teams to mark out Arteta and Cazorla now and they are friggin tired because Wenger depended on Diaby and Rosicky.

    At least Giroud is scoring now, so I am pleased about that.

    NLD next week, and Spurs had a crushing loss today which I am pleased about. I hope they come into the Emirates next week with their heads down.

    Sergio Aguero is a magical player, shame Mancini is an utter clown of a manager.

  11. the 2011 draft wasnt that weak.

    Kenneth Faried would have been great for this team.

    Shoot, Klay Thompson wouldnt have been bad for us because he is a good shooter.

    I can see Bismack Biyombo becoming a great defensive big man in this league. There was a game last year where he completely shut down Dwight Howard.

    I am not suggesting that the #6 pick means great player will come out, but Jan isnt looking too good right now.

  12. I'd rather Beal be encouraged to attack instead of simply flow with the offense. Not every time, certainly, but he needs to be encouraged to try to get to the basket and finish string and angry. This team has guys that can go with the flow they need a guy that can be handed the ball and either score or get to the line. He's got the body for it and a midrange shot defenders have to respect. Force the issue and when they adjust start hitting the pull up jumper. The three point shot will come with time and work. He's got three years to get it right, no one expects greatness before then. If they teach him that aggression I think he can be a 20ppg or more player. He's better moving forward than when he's caught moving away from the basket or sideways. Worst of all though is that he disappears when he isn't aggressive.

    He's got time but the path you want is for him to average around 15ppg this season. Big time scorers don't usually start off in single digits. He needs to get his points and let efficiency and experience turn him into an elite scoring option.

    im just concerned about his handles.

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