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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. Trump thinking Democrats are idiots. His base will eat it up though.
  2. Probably the only people who will bring up this error are Congressional Republicans.
  3. Carter Page is an idiot. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/carter-pages-testimony-to-house-intelligence-committee-full-text/article/2639825
  4. Rand Paul got beat up by a dude named Rene over some flowers? Paul is forbidden from ever playing the macho card.
  5. Edit: Analysis retracted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/11/06/in-gop-plan-taxes-go-down-for-most-americans-but-wealthy-get-the-biggest-cut/?utm_term=.43f1fdca918e
  6. The most advanced coffee boy ever. How many coffee boys you know sitting on panels with Congressmen?
  7. Ah you quoted who's going to play Mueller. That works for Manafort. It's telling that at all turns no one in the campaign turned down any help from a foreign power. No one tried to report it to the authorities or end the idea at all. They're all crooked.
  8. He's just a kid who no one has ever heard about who lied to the FBI. Was the guy created Garfield not available?
  9. I don't get this dude at all. He's either dumb, psychotic, or thinks keeping a public profile will keep him alive.
  10. They can get you in jail too. Manafort need to get on that witness protection. Get a perm and assume a new identity.
  11. Aside from money laundering and tax evasion, a problem with Manafort's lobbying was the fact he didn't register his actions. If they are breaking the law then they should be indicted. You still thinking this is nothing but a partisan witch hunt.
  12. Manafort feels better cause we know who he is but yeah this is far more important.
  13. Trump associates pleading guilty or being indicted? Can we please get to the real story about uranium and DNC/Russia collusion!
  14. Still can't believe Manafort subjected himself to running a national campaign! I figure if I laundered at least 17 million dollars would probably keep a low profile. Probably figured he'd get good with his Russia connect and Trump would lose. No one has the appetite to investigate political rivals.
  15. I'm going to imagine when people see it in the headlines that's not where their mind will go. Optics wise thats going to be bad for Trumpland.
  16. Reading this indictment, I have to assume they could arrest Manafort's wife if they wanted. Not a lawyer but I cant imagine being co-owner a of unregistered foreign political consulting firm is legal.
  17. https://twitter.com/TomNamako/status/924973697403891714 Would be better with handcuffs
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