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Inigo Montoya

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Everything posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. I went back and watched a few of the condensed games on games pass (free right now) from 2012, really was such an exciting run. Why are we so cursed/unlucky?
  2. Got my hand slapped for saying I missed twitter thread in wrong place... hope this is the right place. I miss it and dont know what to read anymore... I feel like its always been there, been reading for 12 years here, so it must have been different at some point?
  3. Maybe it was just the deal for premium tickets? Or maybe I completely misunderstood!!!
  4. I was told up to 10 installments, but they've already started for this year I think
  5. Thanks for the info, so im talking about zone B I think. Same zone right? $1,999 is what they offered for one year, adding a padded seat, they're on the aisle and you get an autographed jersey and two pre game tunnel passes. I think the skins have some great games to potentially sell, the east, Carolina, Pittsburgh and Green Bay. I'd probably go to a pre season game and the Browns and hopefully Vikings and of course the playoffs
  6. I still passed, but got the club seats to $1999 for one year... wife killed the deal.
  7. I can buy lowers for $1200 a seat, they just offered aisle clubs where I want for $1999 and added padded seats... Thoughts on that? I'm a bigger guy and the extra room is nice , but still not sure if all the club amenities are worth $800 more per seat Thanks for the info, I really liked the club seats, but definitely don't want to take a bath, won't be worth it
  8. Thinking about buying club seats, need everyone's help to confirm or walk away. I can get seats in D zone that I really like at $2,580 per seat with a 4 year agreement. I can only make 2-4 games a year and will need to sell the rest, plus figure that I'm going to eat the preseason seat cost. - maybe get a write off by donating them or something. Do you pull the trigger?
  9. It takes all kinds of kinds right? You might not love going to live games... I'm counting down the days to going to FedEx with my boys in Sept. I'm a kid that grew up without **** and never could have afforded to attend a live game, now if I lived in MD/VA I'd be at every game with my kids and it would be a Sunday event every home game... preseason too. I love watching the game on TV, but I fly home for every big game I can (ala vs dallas in 12 and 07) and I pay out the rear end for it to make sure I have tickets. Hell, I've thought about buying season tickets and selling most of them. If the skins ever turn this thing around demand will absolutely increase, I don't care how big your curved OLED TV is. back to your upgrades... just wandered in here to read about the process, sounds like x-mas for some of you.
  10. I live in St Louis and probably will for the rest of my life, but if I lived in the DC area the first thing I would do is buy season ticket... I'm with Hoover Ball, don't piss on STH because you "don't get it" . Being a skins season ticket holder used to be royalty, one day hopefully that's true again.
  11. MTH, let me know how you can get a Getty photo for personal use. I tried and they wouldnt sell me one, there are some sweet photos on there for the L Fletcher Gamer I bought. What's another $100 after the dough I dropped on the jersey and frame!!!
  12. I didnt ask about overall records... We have split or swept you guys since 05 and actually won a playoff game in that time period... your December heros havent faired so well...
  13. a few of these are currently running as my fbook status... my cowboy fan "friends" arent enjoying them!
  14. **** Dallas, what a great bunch of quotes Mark, thanks for putting those together... WE WANT DALLAS!!!
  15. where? do you mean the replay tomorrow afternoon on nfl network?
  16. why does this happen every yr? every other team is being shown???? wtf?
  17. Watching ESPN and listening to 980... never been so happy to hear stinkin Larry
  18. If only My $370 f-ing dollars a yr for Suday Ticket/Super Fan included preseason games!!!
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