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Everything posted by Skin'emAlive

  1. I think relegation would be best, but obviously that won’t happen. So, IMO 3-5 year post season ban, multiple draft pick ban, and life time bans to members involved.
  2. This team will go nowhere behind Scott brooks. I dunno why people expect different things from him. Once wall is back, we will be back to hero ball and wall as the only rim protector again.
  3. I liked them better when Bonga started. Troy will never be a starter in this league
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/clutchpoints.com/wizards-news-scott-brooks-claims-john-wall-shooting-looking-really-good/amp/ im really trying not to get excited, but then articles like this show up... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/11/06/john-wall-says-dc-becoming-title-town-is-dopest-thing-ever/%3foutputType=amp lets gooo
  5. Aww... did I hurt your feelings? Coming from the guy who fills every single nats game thread with about 20 vexatious posts detailing how utter trash everyone is on the roster, before coming to a mea culpa each and every homerun. Its nauseating, and yet I find this hilarious. Dont worry, Ill continue without you. If you dont want to be lumped in with politics, then dont bring it into sports. Wealthy sports athletes like Lebron will go out of their way to tell the world how they are spending so much money and effort into helping at-risk Americans while complaining about an entire nation standing up to a genocidal communist nation, because it now it affects their wallets. If Zuki didnt want to be lumped in to that crowd, then perhaps he should have played the nondescript card. He doesnt get a pass on this, with outspoken members on the team, a fan base that clearly voiced their displeasure, and in the nations capital. You cant feign ignorance anymore.
  6. Haha.. Why? Because some wealthy moron willingly decided to throw a modern day klan hat on in front of the country, and people called him out for it?
  7. LOL. The guy showed up with a MAGA hat a week after the entire stadium booed the president on the jumbo in front of the entire country. For a grown man, dude has no situational awareness. He could have just got on his knees behind closed doors for the traitor. But no, that was too difficult. He will not have the benefit of the entire media and multi million dollar sponsors to whitewash this like Lebron does.
  8. Watching Jaxson Hayes yam it with the ferocity of malebolgia last night upsets me. We have nothing that resembles such a talent, nor does it seem its a thing we are searching for, even though this kind of player is exactly the type of 5 man we need with John.
  9. Second thing should have been canning Scott Brooks. We still dont have a center on this roster. It takes 2 years minimum for a center to put on mass for the NBA grind, and certainly this year is a wash. A rookie center would have had an entire year to get ready for Wall's return. It would have been in our own best interest to pick Bol Bol or Bruno Fernando with our trade back up into the 2nd. Heck... Tacko Fall was available. Dude is a traffic cone, but he is a huge traffic cone that knows defense. Admiral is just a guy. He might even be decent. But he is not what we need. We needed a center. A tall, physical, rebounding 5-man that could protect the rim and set a pick. Instead we traded for Mo Wagner, who will need our prayers should he decide to take a charge. Bryant is a tweener, that shouldnt start, and at best is another Serpahin who has a decent offensive game, but thats it. Heck, I would take prime Seraphin over Bryant because he had an unstoppable hook, and played angry ( even if he had no ability to stretch the floor).
  10. I disagree. They have changed literally every player and coach multiple times, except for Bradley. Who btw, has never been benched except for cards.
  11. For as long as Ive been a member of this board, Ive railed on Michael Bradley being a subpar central midfielder. This has been going on for 15 years now. The man is lost. 8 years ago his best asset was toe poking a through ball occasionally and hustling. Now he routinely gets beat. For 15 years ive never seen him subbed out unless by way of 2 yellows. He wont shoot the ball. ( watch him stand at the top of the box against curacao and write a letter home to daddy asking for his permission to kick the ball over the goal). Last night he was gassed by halftime and the goal came right after he let his man run right by him. He marks no one on the pitch! Dude plays the 2nd most important position on the field, and has no ability to do his primary job of controlling the ball. If they dont replace him soon, all this talk about Pulisic will mean nothing. Think about all the other central midfield players w'eve cycled out of who have all played better than him: Edu, Jones, Beckerman, Clark, Adu, Feilhaber, etc. Its infuriating. He's not a leader. Doesnt control the ball. Doesnt shoot. Cant pass unless its a toe poke backwards. Cant defend without putting himself out of position. And has clearly lost a step. Its OVA! Altidore looked great in the first half sans a bad shot. But he made atleast 4 GREAT chances that we couldnt put away. He shouldnt play the full 90 anymore, but Zardes most definitely should not be the guy coming in for him.
  12. He passed because the Wizards are a trash organization run by snakes, buffoons, and imbeciles. The only thing DC got right are the colors and John Wall. Thats it. Its got nothing to do with the DMV. That was just talk for selling shoes. He ever been back to DC or repped Skin's gear since then?
  13. The only issue I have with Russ has nothing really to do with him, but with the staff changing the dynamic of the team so that he gets an inflated rebound percentage. If you have Adams and Kanter, aint no way Russ should be leading the team in rebounds. It was clear what was going on. Thats not on him, thats on the coaching staff. If you dont let the big men get engaged, they stop trying.
  14. So you are telling me LA called us about Brad, we passed, and they went and gave up the moon for PG13? Man... that would have been an absolutely incredible haul, even if we were to get a little less out of it. We should have made the move. Fantastic move by OKC. Presti has set that team up for the future. Westbrook + PG was not going to win a championship. If I were the Bullets, I would immediately call up Presti and offer Brad for some of those 1sts. Going into next year with a possible lottery pick, + another 1st would be huge.
  15. Typical Wizards: finally tanking long after it was the obvious choice, and now pretty much pointless due to the draft changes. I will root for IT just as hard as I rooted for Austin Rivers to take the next bus out of here. We are going to average 140+ against every night next year.
  16. The Wizards have no shot at winning anything ever unless they get a top 5 guy on the roster, and even then, without a competent FO, coaching staff, medical staff, and a media willing to call out its bull****, I just cant see that happening. The Redskins are not a fair comparison. You most certainly can win a superbowl with a 9-7 roster, and the skins have had 3 straight terrific drafts from top to bottom. So good that they could have won the division with a very poor Alex Smith running the show. I really do believe the Skins will be great in 2021. Really wish Snyder could upgrade the facilities and medical staff, but im confident he is waiting on getting approval for the new stadium at RFK before pulling on the trigger.
  17. Scott Brooks will be gone at the end of his contract, or with 1 year left. He is only here right now because he has alot of guaranteed money left and we have no shot at winning next season. You can start a lottery 3 or 5 if they are anchored by Wall/Beal/Rui. They wont be relied upon to shoulder the full load of the team.
  18. If you mean 2020 as in next season, no way is Wall playing. If you mean 2020 as in the year after, it is unlikely that Bryant or Brown will be starting. With Mahinmi and Howard off the books, an expected lottery pick, and space, Im sure we will upgrade both of those spots. They are not starting quality players.
  19. Im not concerned with our defense sucking. It will allow Rui (and Brown?) ample opportunities to learn how to score on NBA defenses. You can always sign a defensive stopper once you have the core in place. (Beverly, Tony Allen, Al-Farouq Aminu, etc.) But you cant try and make the core around a defense first guy (MKG).
  20. I would be ecstatic if this franchise was removed from the NBA for 5 years for EG's unforgivable sins, moved, and reestablished back in Baltimore as the Bullets without Ted. I dont even care if they sucked for a while. Ted doesnt care about this franchise. The local media is at best just a propaganda arm for Monumental. And i hate the team name.
  21. If there was even a little media coverage of this franchise in DC, there would have been an uproar last year. We had two starting quality small forwards on the roster to choose from to start the season. But then we drafted another small forward ( i guess ), turned Otto into an Iso player, and traded them both off for a Trevor Ariza rental, Bobby ****ing Portis, and the possibility of a reclamation project in Jabari Parker. Its not Ernie's worst move by far. But its on the list.
  22. I didnt think Bradley could look worse and still get praise from the broadcast booth, but here we are. " I thought Michael Bradley put himself in great position in the first half.." WHAT! This bum should be on the bench with a possibility to come in as a sub. Its over. He's gotta go. He's lost a step ( if you could consider his pace a positive at some point), he is terrified of shooting, he is routinely lost on defense, and his touch is abysmal. Its over. Forget Altidore, who for whatever reason tends to do well in qualifiers, and is at the very least much better than Zardes. Bradley has always been trash. He's got no fortitude. Hes a loser.
  23. Sato for 10 mil was a fair deal. He was our best defender, and played multiple roles. I liked him. You could have built the team around Sato and Otto with their unselfish playing styles. But he was never going to resign here after he was benched for Ty Lawson for the playoffs. Jabari is worth money. You need a guy like him on your team if you are planning on trying to win some games. If we are trying to re-build, as it appears we are with the multiple 2nds, then brad should be shopped this year. We are going to be rancid. Brad aint sticking around for a rebuild.
  24. What part of the last 20 years has led you to think that this organization is going to look anything less than really stupid? Why even worry about that? Lets look at the tape: Q: Is the Front office any different? A: No. The only difference is EG is not here. his protege has taken over after a complete failure of getting a fresh pair of eyes in the building. Why? Because no one wants to be held accountable for the failures of this organization and possibly be blamed/moved. Did Shep have no say at all in allowing Oubre/Rivers/Porter get moved without any return at all? (a 2nd in 2022 and 2023 is nothing). Hard to believe this was done in a vacuum. Q: Is the coaching any different? A: Scott Brooks is still the coach. The genius who played Jeff Green at the 5 half the season, and turned Oubre and Porter into iso ball handlers when their skill sets are 3 and D Q: 4 straight years, this has been our biggest hole... Do we have a center on the roster? A: No Q: Do we have a pg on the roster that can suit up? A: No Q: Do we have a backup sg? A: No This list goes on. I dont mind the Rui pick. I will root for him. But to worry about how the Wizards are going to appear to another country is unnecessary. You already know how we will appear. Ask the first 10 people you run into today what their thoughts are of the Wizards. Theres your answer. Anyways, why should one city hold the monopoly on depressing, snake-bit, dysfunctional, and unaccountable organizations? Its time to share the load. Want to know how we will appear to Japan? Here's a fun story of my time in China. I tutored on the side for some cash and came across a client with the name, Gilbert. Chinese typically choose their own English name. So I asked him, why did he choose that name. Its extremely uncommon in Asia. He replied, " Gilbert Arenas is my favorite basketball player." Shocked, I asked him if he followed the Wizards. " No. They are terrible." In time, this will be the same for Japan.
  25. Thoughts on the draft: Rui is not a bad choice, though I really wanted Doum. He isnt as tall as Doum, but at the very least he has real size and the frame to play the 4. I see him as a bigger version of Oubre. Make that what you will. However!!! How can you go into the draft and pick a guy who you never interviewed or worked out, yet talk about how you werent interested in a guy like Bol Bol because of his attitude/interview? This is the most important day of a GM's job, and the man goes all in on a guy who they never even talked to? There is just no way an interim gm would take that kind of risk. Its stupid. its insane really. Clearly this was a marketing/business decision from the top. As for admiral: we needed a 3 for sure, but I think we could have found one in FA. There are plenty of vets that can play there. Would have much rather tried for Bruno or Bol Bol. We are building for 2021. Thats our last shot with the Wall/Beal core. We dont put up that year, its curtains. Going forward: 1. Im offering Jabari Parker a new contract and designating him the starter at the 4 for now, with the end goal of being a 6th man. 2. Bring Sato back on a 2 year deal. 3. Get Tacko Fall in the building NOW!!! You cant teach size or defense. His shooting is garbage. But we need a big man that can bang. He's the guy. Do it now and bring him along slowly. Sato/? Beal/? Simmons/Admiral Parker/Hachimmura Howard?/Bryant/Fall
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