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Posts posted by MattFancy

  1. For my patio, we dug up the sod and leveled it out with a slight slope towards the back to keep water away from the house. Then we put down a layer of sand and leveled that out. Then, we got a tip for a guy my dad knows that does patios for a living, and he suggested using mortar instead of gravel to help set the pavers. We just sprinkled a little layer of mortar down and then wet it and set the pavers down. Definitely helps keep them from moving around afterwards. Then once that was done, just dumped 5 or 6 bags of sand and brushed that into the gaps and wet that and then brushed off the excess sand.

  2. I'll post details tomorrow, but I'm going to be redoing a patio style walkway for my father, and completely redoing an entire patio for myself in the coming weekends. I have a strong general idea of how to do it conceptually, but thought I'd ask for specific advice since some on here mentioned they've done it recently. 


    I just did a patio with pavers. Really wasn't too hard to do. The hardest part is getting up the grass. Thankfully, my house is still new so the sod hasn't quite caught full root yet so it wasn't too difficult to pull back the sod. All in all, to do a 13x24 patio, it took about 8 hours. And that was with my dad and I having never done one before.

  3. I would love to try that ginger beer.  I love the real Caribbean-style ginger ales that have a sharp, hot ginger note.


    It was a pretty subtle amount of Ginger. I'm not a huge Ginger Ale fan so I wasn't expecting much. But it was really good.

  4. I keep going to back to the simple fact that Wade opted out of 41 million dollars. That doesn't happen unless he is specifically told by LBJ he is coming back. 


    I keep thinking the same as well. Unless Wade thought him opting out would make it more attractive for James to come back? I would think Wade would be super pissed if he opted out and LeBron doesn't go back to Miami.

  5. So my buddy that brews for Flying Dog came down this weekend and brought me some presents! He brought me Ginger Beer and the other was a White Ale. Was surprised with the Ginger beer. Didn't think I would like it, but it was pretty light and smooth. Could make a nice summer beer. The White Ale was pretty good. Could taste some citrus in there, another possible summer beer.


    He also brought some Dead Rise and Single Hop Citra Imperial IPA. I'm not a big IPA fan, but the Citra was pretty good. Definitely could taste the hops in it and for a 10% beer, it was pretty light. Could definitely down a few of these in a session.

  6. Plus without the big three under contract why would anyone take a pay cut to play there? It's a risk. Imagine if they sign only to have Lebron sign with the Lakers, Rockets, or wherever that isn't Miami. Then they are stuck making less money for their final years in the league on a team that isn't a title contender. People can say that its a sure thing, hell even Lebron can say it to them, but until the big three are under contract things can change.

    Why would Gasol, who has as many rings as Lebron, want to take less money and sign with a team that consist of Norris Cole and Shabazz Napier?

    Remember how silly Byron Scott looked as coach of the Cavs? He took over the team expecting to coach a contender featuring the NBAs best player, but ended up coaching a that had its heart ripped out instead. Eggs aren't chickens.


    Good points. So that does mean the big 3 opting out is actually going to hurt the Heat? I mean we all thought it would help since they would create cap space, but it seems like FAs are not sure about jumping to sign there since the Heat have no one under contract besides Cole, right? I'm sure LeBron has been sitting back and looking over all his options. At first, I thought it was a lock he was going back to Miami. Right now, I'd say it's about a 75% chance he goes back and every day that goes by without the Heat signing some help, I think those chances keep getting lower.

  7. I heard they were going got make a run at Gasol


    Sounds like there are quite a few teams after him. I think a problem the Heat are having with the top FAs is obviously the Heat can't offer them as much as other teams without really hurting themselves. So if a player like Gasol has a few contenders after him, why sign with the Heat for less money when you still have just as good of a shot with say OKC for a little more money?

  8. Don't get me wrong, I've been drinking my fair share of Dead Rise, I just don't think it's anything special. And I'm as big of a Flying Dog and Old Bay fan as you'll find.


    My buddy that works at Flying Dog is coming down tomorrow. I'm hoping he brings me some interesting stuff to try. I saw that now have a Mango Habanero brew. Not sure how I feel about that, but if he brings one, I'd be willing to give it a try.

  9. The hardest thing would be the waste line for the washing machine box.  If you have waste lines in the area, it might not be too bad.  But I'm confused, are converting a room into a laundry room?


    I want to put a wash tub in there. Our laundry room is located just off our bedroom upstairs.

  10. I like it. Overrated? Likely. I got a 6 pack in OC over the weekend for $10. Ouch. Although, all the beer there was overpriced.

    I do recognize it's an acquired taste. My Brother in law didn't like it at all. But hey, I hope more and more people buy it. Keep the $ flowing into Maryland breweries. Frankly, it's the only thing out of Flying Dog I've really enjoyed. I've found a lot of their stuff to be average.


    Like I said, I like it and have bought probably a case worth since it's been out, but it's not really a go to beer for me. I definitely like it better on tap than out of the bottles. I just don't think it's good enough to be sold out everywhere. Seems every liquor store I go to, it's always sold out.


    I've been drinking a good amount of Flying Dog brews lately. I have a buddy that works for them as a brewer, so he's been giving me a heads up on stuff. He's coming down this weekend and I'm hoping he brings me a good mix of new stuff to try.

    New Belgium has a seasonal summer helles that is really good.  Think of a typical American lager but with taste, no overpowering hops.  Perfect at the end of a hot dry day.  They are my go to brewery now, the pils will always be my main choice but I like this helles too.  


    After yesterday, I hate everything associated with Belgium lol

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  11. I finally finished our patio. Pretty much right after I did it initially, I decided I wanted to add 3 more feet to it. Hadn't had the time until recently, but had to have it done by this weekend for our party on the 4th and my daugther's bday the following day. Ended up with a nice 13x24 patio. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.


    My 2 next projects are to build a coffee table for the patio using one of those big steel coolers as the base and using plywood and 2x4s as the top. My other one is to build a bar for the patio out of pallets. Saw this and figured I could pull that off. Doesn't look too challenging.


    My big fall project will be putting a bar in my basement, just in time for football season!

  12. Thought DFH Namaste was a waste of money. Very light flavor, and carbonated to the moon. Seriously, what's with the champagne level carbonation? Felt like I was drinking a mix of vinegar and baking soda.


    Really? I didn't get hardly any carbonation in the ones I had. Maybe you got a bad batch or something?

  13. Dang MF, I was about to post this. But I started reading the thread from Real GM. LOL @ the people that were clowning that dude. He nailed it. 


    Haha gotta be quicker my man lol.


    On a side note, do you think the NBAPA will get upset if Bosh, Wade and LeBron all take lesser deals to stay together? Just thinking as a player, they usually want to try and make as much as possible. Seems like the teams would have a huge bargaining chip if say LeBron takes less to stay in Miami and keep winning. Then we top tier guys become FAs, will teams be less likely to throw money at them because LeBron will be making less than the max?

  14. Had a few good beers over the weekend.


    Had the Dogfish Head Namaste. Really good summer beer. Very light and crisp with a hint of orange and lemon to it.


    Also had Flying Dog Agave Cerveza. This one wasn't bad, not as good as the Namaste, but still a solid summer beer.


    Then I finally had the Dead Rise and crabs combo. Still wasn't feeling the Dead Rise. It really does taste different from the bottle compared to the tap. I much prefer the draft Dead Rise to the bottled Dead Rise. I still can't decide if I really like it that much or not. It's not bad, but it's not my first choice for a summer brew.

  15. Leonardtown Pub used to be one of my accounts with my old job, same thing I do now, different company. The managers there are very cool... they are hop heads so to speak lol and I've had it on draft at one of my current accounts..everything tastes better on draft lol


    p.s. its Olde Town Pub not Leonardtown Pub :P


    Hey I call it Leonardtown Pub lol. I went to HS with one of the managers and one of the bar tenders did a wedding I was the best man in, both really cool people. They recently started letting people vote on what beers to pick next on their Facebook page. It's a little pricey, but they have good food and beer!


    Do you do any of the bars in St. Mary's with your new job?

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