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Posts posted by MattFancy

  1. I still think he'll just go back to Miami he just wants them to know he could leave if he wanted.


    I think if we see Wade and Bosh both opt out, it's a lock all 3 will be back in Miami. If it's just LeBron, I think he could be gone. Where, I have no clue.

  2. I am not from Waldorf, I just live here lol I am FROM northern va  (arlington) moved here in 2004 with my ex wife, damn ***** lol

    We either have to drive over to nova, or down that way for any food worth eating...


    I knew Waldorf was involved somehow lol. I haven't been over to Stoney's Kingfishers in awhile. Next time you're down this way, make a trip over to Leonardtown Pub and get Dead Rise on draft. It tastes much better to me on draft. Especially with Old Bay wings!

  3. A drink before lunch today, a seafood lunch, figured why not :) Went well with the crab dip, yummm  ;) Stoneys Kingfishers Solomons Island



    Wait, you don't live down this way do you? I thought you were from Waldorf?

  4. Here's a different question: where SHOULD Melo go? Does that team(s) have the ability to sign him? Are there any teams that can become a true contender by just adding him?



    That's a great question. I think Dallas and Chicago make sense. I could see Cuban doing everything he can to get Melo to go to the Mavs. I don't think the Heat make much sense. I can't even imagine the problems they would have with James, Wade, Melo and Bosh all wanting the ball. Melo would really have to leave his ego at the door to play with Miami. The Lakers? Not really sure that makes much sense for Melo either. Though he could easily take over once Kobe leaves, so maybe that does intrigue him. Although, I'm not sure the Lakers have the cap space to sign him? Houston could work too, but their defense would be awful with Harden and Melo.


    Personally, I think he needs to stay in the East. There's too many good teams out West. If he wants a shot at the Finals every year, the East is the ticket. All he really has to go against are a disfunctional Pacers team and an aging Heat team. The Wiz, Raptors and Hornets aren't there yet and the Nets window is not open for much longer.

  5. Phil Jackson is the only reason I can think of.


    That and he would get the most money from NY. But for purely basketball reasons, I can't see why he would stay. You have a rookie coach, a rookie team Pres/GM, no draft picks this year and no salary cap space. If he stayed there, the 2014-2015 season would likely be a wasted year for Melo.

  6. Looking at Mock drafts, a lot have my Hornets taking Stauskas at #9, which I think would be a good fit, we are in need of some perimeter scoring.  The #24 pick is tricky.  Some have us going with Napier, which would complement our defense.  Others list PJ Hariston, which I'm not sure I want him.  Loved the kid when he was playing for my Tarheels, prior to getting into trouble.  


    He's got incredible range, but is streaky.  The question is, did he learn his lesson and mature enough in the D-League?  Or would $$$ get him into trouble off the court.  I think if Napier and PJ are available at 24, you take Napier.  




    As a fellow Heel fan, I have no idea what to expect of PJ at the NBA level. He has potential and is a really good shooter. You just don't know if he can keep his head on straight. It might actually be better for him to get out of the area and play somewhere other than Charlotte.

  7. I love IPAs.


    Not in that "I don't know anything about beer but IPAs are trendy so I'll order whatever IPA is on tap" kind of way.  I just genuinely love that strong, bitter taste once I get used to it.  Black coffee, grapefruit, strong pale ales...if you can't taste your food five hours later, what was the point? :P


    But not brussels sprouts.  **** brussels sprouts.


    I'm hit or miss on IPAs. I'm not a fan over the overly hoppy ones. I can deal with some hoppiness, but there are some IPAs that are a little over the top. I definitely prefer Ales over IPAs.

  8. I think Pat was using trying to guilt trip them. Riley understands how players think. He'll get through to them and they'll all be back


    Yeah I could see that too. I think he's basically telling the fans that if they opt out, it's because they gutless cowards that don't want to get going when the going gets tough. Was surprised to hear him say what he did, but I think he said it all for a reason.

  9. What about Riley convincing Lebron and Bosh to be gutless and take the first door out on their way to Miami.

    I like what he said but it's a little hypocritical.


    Seemed to me like Riley is trying to shift the blame on the players if they don't come back. Which to me, sounds like he's worried LeBron may leave.

  10. Was able to snag some Flying Dog Bloodline last night. The store I went to had literally just gotten it in and hadn't even put it into their system yet. It's a Blood Orange Ale at 7%. It's not bad, not as orangey as I was hoping, but certainly drinkable. I got a hint of orange in the after taste, but nothing over powering. It's a nice summer sipping beer.

  11. Isn't Ginobli pretty good evidence that we shouldn't start dancing on Wade's grave yet?


    Ginobli looked like a corpse through most of the playoffs last year. Wade looked great two weeks ago. Who knows why these guys suddenly look mortal at different points?


    By the way, if I am Lebron, I am coming back to Miami for the long haul. However, more than younger teammates....more than more shooters...the one thing I demand from the Heat is some relief on minutes.


    He's played 3628 minutes over the past four playoffs and 11,168 regular season minutes. That's nearly 15,000 minutes over 4 years....with an Olympics in the middle.


    (An NBA season is 3936 minutes long for comparison).


    So basically if you include the Olympics in there, he's played 5 seasons the last 4 years.

  12. Was able to find some Flying Dog Mint Chocolate Stout over the weekend. Better than I expected. You can definitely smell the mint chocolate flavor when you open the bottle. Nice chocolate taste with a hint of mint. Definitely would recommend giving it a chance if you can find it.

  13. What an absolute clinic the Spurs put on in this series. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Just amazing team basketball. Even my wife, who hates basketball, enjoyed watching the Spurs play. I hope Duncan and Pops never retire.


    On a side note, are the Duncan-era Spurs the best dynasty in basketball? 5 titles in 3 different decades. Had to be the Kobe/Shaq Lakers and the LeBron lef Heat. I can't think of another dynasty that has basically lasted for 15 years.

  14. I don't care that Wade didn't perform, I don't care that Lebron wasn't aggressive early on. 


    The Heat didn't lose that game, the Spurs won it. 


    The Spurs have beat the Heat by an average of slightly over 18 points a game. They are a good team. Screw all this, if Lebron did this, or Wade did that. What we need to say is Diaw did this, Mills did that, Parker did a little of, Ginobili threw in a bit of, etc. 


    Agreed. Think the Spurs deserve more credit here. If they just sneaking by and winning games, then sure you can play the what if game. But the Spurs have been by far the better team in this whole series. They've clearly outplayed the Heat and it isn't even close. The Spurs are a couple of missed free throws away from this series ending in a sweep. They just seem to want it more than Miami.

  15. The Spurs are such a fun team to watch. Was watching last night with my wife (who hates basketball) and she couldn't get over how great the Spurs looked. If you want to show young kids how to play the game of basketball, you would show them Games 3 and 4 of this series. All this talk about the World Cup and "the beautiful game", well the Spurs are the NBA's version of that. Just amazing to watch.

  16. Bought some KCCO Black Lager last night (for any of you Chive fans). Was pretty good. Tasted more like a stout to me and I'm not a huge stout fan, but was a pretty light stout and had good flavor. Even my wife, who is a pretty picky beer drinker, thought it was good.

  17. The Beer, Bourbon and BBQ Fest at National Harbor was a great time. 2 beers I had that I really liked were Buffalo Bills Brewery Orange Blossom and Shock Top Pretzel Wheat. The Orange Blossom was really refreshing and would make a great summer beer. Nice subtle taste of orange. The Pretzel Wheat was really good. Tasted just like a pretzel. Asked if they sold any and apparently it's just a festival beer. I'd recommend giving it a try if you ever come across it.

  18. Lol! Shock what? It's almost embarrassing that I enjoy beers from Shock Top and Lenie's. Is what it is though. That Lenie's Sunset Wheat is my stuff, man. Their Summer Shandy is def a good lemon chugger, but the Sunset Wheat is the bomb. Tastes exactly...EXACTLY...like Fruity Pebbles.


    Sunset Wheat is phenomenal! But agree with DButz, Summer Shandy is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, summer beers. Just something about sitting outside on a hot day drinking those screams summer to me.

  19. I disagree. Free agency has been around for nearly 30 years and Duncans and Kobes still happened.

    The key is to build great and title contending teams around them and they will never leave. If you just throw some mess together and hope they will stay, they will not. Its that simple.

    Shoot, Duncan almost left in 2000 and would have left a few years later if the Spurs hadnt become an annual title contender. He got scared that they were old.



    True, but you just named 2 guys. Of the recent greats, they've all moved around. LeBron, Jordan, Shaq, Nash, Garnett, Pierce, Allen, Melo, Malone, Payton and I'm sure I'm missing more. Guys like Kobe, Duncan and Dirk are rare these days. Now I know Wade and Durant could get added to that list, but I can't say I'd be shocked if either of those guys moved on eventually.

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